I'm on a sentimental journey, of no return or looking back

Part 14

*3 days later*
(see, I’ve got my babies back, I’m not counting anymore)

“Okay, lets see…” I mused to myself…

“Coats?” Check
“Hats?” Check
“Two car seats?” Check
“Two healthy babies?” Definitely check

Tré, Sam and I were standing in the ward, waiting for the doctor to come give us the all clear. To go home. Tré had extra security measures put on the house, so now I feel safe to leave here with Oli and Edi, again.

The door opened and a male nurse came in, but curiously, he had a surgeons mask on. He lifted the twins’ charts and began to read, looked up at us and smiled,

“The doctor will be with you in a few minutes, everything looks great.” He beamed. His sparkling blue eyes twinkling.

Sparkling blue eyes that look too familiar, yet Tré’s standing beside me.

It hit me like a canon.

“What is it babe?” Tré asked.

“It’s him.” Was all I could whisper. Tré’s eyes flashed, and before I knew it the guy was against the wall, Tré’s arm across his neck.

“You thought we wouldn’t notice, eh? You thought you’d try again? You’re going away for a very long time buck.”

An officer and three nurses came running into the room.

“Sir, please release the man.” The officer said in his most authorative voice, reaching for his baton.

“Sir release the man, this is your last warning.”

The boy’s face was tingeing red. Tré let go, and turned to face the officer.

“I want this asshole arrested. He took my kids, left them to die, and then came back for a second try.”

I’d never seen Tré so angry, even when he yelled at my ‘parents’ all those years ago.

The officer looked from Tré, to me, to the guy huddled on the floor, tears streaming down his cheeks.

“No! I didn’t want them dead.” He sobbed,

“What?!” I yelled, finally finding my voice, “you left them in the middle of fucking nowhere, in the freezing cold. How did you not want them dead?”

He looked up at Tré.

“I only wanted you to hurt as much as I have been hurting. Ever since I found out, I wanted to make you pay, make your heart bleed the way it should have done years ago.” He whimpered.

Shock enveloped Tré.

“Why would you want to hurt me? What have I ever done to you?” he reached for the boy again, pulling him up to eye level.

“You…you left my mother.” He whimpered. Tré dropped him.

I looked at his face,

“Tré, what’s he talking about?” he shook his head.

“No, she told me she lost the baby. She told me to leave. She assured me. I wanted to stay, I wanted to help look after her, miscarriage or baby, I didn’t care, I was going to stay. She forced me to go.” He said quietly to no-one in particular.

I took a step closer.

“Tré, what is it?” he shook his head.

“She didn’t want me there. She told me to go. I can’t be to blame.”

I looked up at him.

“No-one’s blaming you for anything. What happened?”

He shook his head again.

“No, it’s all my fault.”

“If anything, it’s her fault, but who is it you’re talking about darling.”

“No, it can’t be. I didn’t want to leave.” A solitary tear down his cheek.

Two more officers came in, cuffed the man, and dragged him away, the third put his hand on Tré’s shoulder,

“We’ll need you to come down to the station later, to make a statement.”

I nodded, and they all left.