I'm on a sentimental journey, of no return or looking back

Part 2

Today is the day, I thought to myself as I shut off the alarm. Tré stirred a little in the bed beside me, but didn't wake. I climbed out of bed, pulled on my dressing gown, and walked out of the room. I went down to the kitchen and turned on the stove, I'm going to make Tré breakfast in bed, well, a 35-year-old man needs his food, especially when that man is an erratic, crazy, full of energy, devil, that is Tré Cool.

I placed the pancakes, juice and my tea on a tray and carried it to the bedroom, and placing it on the bedside table, opened the curtains.
"Aargh, light," Tré said waking up.
"Well, if it isn't the gorgeous sexy beast of a man that I married. Welcome to the land of the living, happy birthday, now,"
I kissed him and lifted the tray, "Eat your pancakes." I said taking a sip of my tea.

Tré practically inhaled his breakfast, and a few minutes later was bouncing up and down on the bed, screaming, "What you get me, what you get me?" I smiled; this is why I love him.

I pulled him down so he was sitting beside me, "Well, I saw this amazing new drum kit, that would look great in the basement." He smiled, "But then I thought no." he frowned.

"Then, I thought, I'll get him that new car he wants." His face lit up and he ran to the window, "But I thought against that too." I smiled as he turned and came back to the bed.

"Then, I was going to book a romantic weekend for us in Paris," he got really excited, and began to start bouncing on the bed again, "but again I thought against it. Now, what did I get you?" I said, putting on a thinking face. He rolled over and pinned me below him. "I love you, so much right now, but the suspense is killing me, tell me, or else." I looked up at him, but didn't speak. He slowly licked my face and then began tickling me.

"Okay, okay I'll tell you. I'll tell you." I said through giggles. I sat up and looked him straight in the eyes, "Tré Frank Edwin Wright the Third Cool, I didn't get you a present as such, but one will be coming in just over eight months," I paused, "I'm pregnant." And with that I stood up and left the room smiling.

I walked into Sam's nursery and stood over her crib, watching her little chest rise and fall, as she slept. I stood for five minutes worrying about how Tré took it. I was apprehensive about telling him, even though I knew he loved me, and I love him.

A few minutes later the door opened again, and Tré walked over and linked his arms around my waist. "I love the present by the way." He said kissing my neck, "I just thought you were just getting fat." He smiled. I turned around and slapped his arm, "I'm barely showing babe." I replied and kissed him again.

"Mommeee." Sam began to cry, Jebus this kid runs like clockwork. Up every morning at eight thirty, on the dot. I turned away from Tré and lifted her out of her cot. I smiled up at Tré and back to Sam, "Sámi hunny, we go get some breakfast, cause daddy ate all the pancakes." I smiled as she nodded her head, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

"Here, I'll take the munchkin down for breakfast and you go rest." Tré said lifting Sam out of my arms. I nodded, and they left the room. I went into the bedroom, had a shower, and got dressed, leaving my hair down to drip dry.

I walked down to the kitchen to find a god almighty mess. "Tré darlin' what happened here?" I called out, but no answer. I started to hear a drum beat coming from the basement, and walked slowly down the steps. I smiled seeing Tré sitting behind the drum kit, with Sam on his knee. Both covered in what looks like flour and weetabix. "Now this is a proper Kodak moment." I smiled and Tré looked up, surprised to see me standing there.

"I thought I told you to rest." He said, "And I thought you said you were getting Sam some breakfast." I smiled back. He stood up and sat Sam down on the drum stool, and walked over to me. "She wants a little brother by the way." He smiled linking his arms around me again. "Is that right?" I smiled. "How'd she take the news?" I asked, I don't want her to be one of those jealous, attention-seeking siblings. I remember Cahir used to bang his head off doors when Katie was first born. "Fine, I don't think she actually understands though." I kissed Tré again, and left them to play their drums.

"Tré could you come up here please." I shouted down to the basement. I smiled, seeing that the food had dried and hardened, "hey there handsome," he looked smug, "Why thank you." He said, I walked over and lifted Sam up, "I was talking to my gorgeous baby." I smiled. "Tré, go get a shower. We're going out for lunch." I smiled and he ran upstairs screaming 'woo, lunch'. I picked up the phone and dialled Billie's number.

"Yellow" Billie answered
"Hey Billie, you guys still on for today?" I whispered.
"Yeah, what time are you heading out?"
"As soon as he gets out of the shower." I smiled as Sam ran around butt naked with a towel wrapped around her like a cape. "And I have to get Sam ready."
"Okay, so I'll bring everything over, and you guys come home at two." I nodded, but then remembered I was on the phone,
"Yeah sure. What can I do, to keep Tré busy for three hours?" I pondered.
"Toy store." Billie yelled. I laughed into the phone.
"Okay then, I'll see you in a few hours, bye Billie." I hung up the phone.

"Sámi baby, come here to we get you cleaned up." I said walking into the living room to find her sitting, watching the TV. She looked up at me and pointed to the screen, "daddy." I smiled, "Yes, daddy is on the TV, isn't he." I sat down beside her, and watched a little. It was a birthday special celebrating Tré's life so far, currently it was up until his stint at Clown College, his teachers were talking to the presenters. I lifted Sam up, she fussed a little, but I had to get her changed.

Tré found us in the bathroom, completely soaked. "I thought you already had a shower," he joked from the door, I looked up at him, "yeah, well Sam here, thought I wasn't clean enough." I smiled and he giggled, "Yeah, you are pretty dirty." I stood up and kissed him. "Tré, I think you missed a spot." I said slowly, "what? Where?" he said turning round in circles trying to see his back, like a dog chasing his tail, I lifted Sam's bucket out of the bath, and poured it over his head, "there." I smiled and ran from the bathroom.

I could here voices coming down the stairs; Sam had obviously teamed up with her dad. I peaked out of the kitchen to see them both armed with super soakers and I had one too. Hey, I'm married to Tré Cool; of course we have super soakers lying around the house.

They finally found me, and I ended up the wetter. "Okay, truce. You guys win." I yelled as I ran out of water, "and as your prize, let's go get ice cream." I smiled, and Tré lifted his keys. "Babe, what are you doin'?" I asked, he turned to me, "going to get ice cream." He said innocently, I lifted Sam and placed her in her playpen in front of the TV, so she could watch the end of the show about Tré, "not like that you aren't" I smiled and took him upstairs.

We came down twenty minutes later, with dry clothes on. What we did in those twenty minutes, I'll leave up to your imagination. I changed Sam, and we left.

'Good, they remembered to park the cars round back' I smiled as Tré pulled up at the house. We had our full of ice cream, and been to the toy store, and to the travel agents place. We got out of the car, and I lingered a little behind as Tré took Sam by the hand and led her indoors.

"SURPRISE" everyone yelled as he opened the door,
"What the fuck is this?" he yelled, a little shocked. Billie walked over to him, "well, it's not everyday, that we get to throw a party." He smiled, and then hugged Tré, "happy birthday dude, and if you want to blame someone, blame her." He said pointing at me as I walked through the door.

"What, one surprise wasn't good enough today?" he smiled and kissed me. Everyone, except Adie, looked confused. "Well, you may as well tell them Tré." I smiled, he turned to the crowd. "I'm, I mean, we're pregnant, again." He said, his face beaming. Everyone was soon wishing Tré happy birthday, and congratulating both of us. Sam ran off to play with her brother, sister, and cousins, and we all partied.

That night, Tré slept like a baby, well a drunk, stoned baby. He looked so adorable. He had a great time at the party, and all of our guest rooms are full.

"God my head hurts, so much." Tré said as he came into the bathroom behind me. "This is one part of being pregnant which I forgot about," I said as Tré pulled my hair away from my face. I looked up at him, "do you want me to move over, and you look like you're about to puke." I smiled. He shook his head, and smiled back.

"Mommeee, mommeee!" I stood up and rinsed my mouth. "Do you want me to go?" asked Tré wincing at the light, I smiled and shook my head, "no, go back to bed babe. You have a hang over, cause you drank too much last night." I kissed him and walked out of the room. "God, I hate to see you leave but love to watch you go." He smirked from the bathroom door. I turned and smiled back at him. "MOMMEEE!" Sam yelled, I walked through the door, "you're not one to be left waiting, are you?" I asked as I lifted her up. "We go peepee now?" I added. "No, no, no." she said, shaking her head vigorously. Sheesh, nobody ever told me potty training was this difficult.

I started cooking, to try clear the house. I cooked bacon, eggs, French toast, sausages, pancakes, everything fatty and bad for you. I had a craving for it, being pregnant and all. Soon, the kitchen was filled with hungry people with hangovers, looking for food, and painkillers. Sam was outside playing with Mona, Frankie, Joey and Jakob. And all the adults are in the kitchen eating, the company's great.

"Breffni darlin' aren't you eating anything?" Tré asked, finishing his third helping, "no, the thought of eating it makes me want to throw up." I smiled, "but, you made it." Mike said. I nodded, "yeah, the smell fills my craving, but the thought of eating it, makes me want to puke." He nodded to acknowledge that he understood.

"So guys, what are the plan's for Christmas?" I asked sipping my tea. They all looked at me as if I were crazy. "You know, the big holiday coming up, Santa Claus, presents, and big tree." I smiled. They all still looked confused, "what are you guy's doing for Christmas? Going away? Staying home?" I asked, "Well, me Billie and the kids are heading up to my parents, and we're meeting Ollie up there." Adie smiled, finally breaking the silence. "Cool, that'll be nice. What about you Mike?" I asked, "Staying with hero and her mom, in New York." He said with half a smile, it must be terrible for him, only getting to see Stella when her mom agrees. I always thought Ana was a lovely person, but ever since she met Jerry, she's changed. She got all possessive of Stella and won't allow Mike to see her. He can't even get joint custody. "It's okay, at least I get to spend some time with her." He smiled a little more.

"Okay then, see you guys later." I called from the door as the last people left. I had a great day, but I am absolutely fucking exhausted now, and I have work tomorrow. I walked back into the house to find Tré asleep on the couch and Sam 'prettifying' him. "Sámi baby, what are you doing with mommy's make-up?" I asked the little minx. "I put on daddy. He funny." She smiled up at me. I sat down beside Tré and let Sam have her fun.

"Sámi, darlin' time for bed." I said looking over at her. "Okies mommeee." She said putting down the lipstick and giving her daddy a kiss and yawning. I smiled at her and then lifted her up to her bed. She was out like a light as soon as her little head hit the pillow. I got changed into my pj's and went back downstairs. Tré was awake again, and was watching a movie on the TV. I smiled as I sat down and cuddled into him.

After a few minutes I turned to Tré, "Hunny, you've got a little something on your face." I smiled, and pointed to his cheek, he rubbed it off, "yeah, you've got it now babe," I smiled. "Could you get me a soda from the kitchen?" He got up and came back with my soda and a beer. "Did you look in the mirror?" I asked him, giggling a little, he shook his head. I pointed to the kitchen and he got up, coming back in wiping his face. "Your daughter thought you needed to be prettified," I smiled at him. "I think you're sexy as you are." He sat back down and kissed me.

"That movie gave me some ideas," Tré said as the credits started rolling, I looked at him. He had that horny glint is his eyes. I took him by the hands, "Tré, if you want sex, just say. I don't need an excuse to fuck my horny husband." I smiled and led him up to the bedroom.