I'm on a sentimental journey, of no return or looking back

Part 3

"Tré, get your hot sexy ass down here now. If we don't leave now, we can't get a later flight." I yelled up the stairs. Why did he always wait until the last minute to decide he wants to take pickles? He has a guitar over in the house in Ireland, bacon, but no, he wants to bring pickles.
"Tré, your wife and daughter are getting very bored sitting in the car, hurry up!" I yelled again. He reluctantly walked down the stairs, with no guitar, and we got into the car.

I kissed his cheek as he started the engine. "Where's pickles?" I asked cautiously.
"I remembered that bacon is in Ireland and I don't need him." He said happily, "I like bacon." He added, I looked over at him with a raised eyebrow, "What? It has a nice sound." He said innocently.
"God, I didn't marry you for your brains, did I?" I smiled.
"Nope, you married me for my shmexy body, and outrageously handsome face." he smiled goofily.
"No, I didn't" I smiled, "I married you, cause you're the man I love... and for your sexy bod." I laughed.
"Daddeee, mommeee." Sam giggled,
"Yes darlin'" Tré said turning round to look at her, "Tré! Road!" I yelled and he turned around quickly, looking a little embarrassed and grabbed the wheel again. "Forget something, did you?" I smiled.
"Shuddup." He huffed.
I turned around, "Yes darlin' what is it?" I asked Sam. She held up one of her shoes, "Sam hunny, where's your other shoe." I asked she smiled and threw her shoe out the window.
"Gone gone." She smiled and clapped her hands.
I shook my head and turned around again, "Samiam's gonna need a new pair of shoe's for Christmas." I laughed.


"Tré, can you grab that other bag please." I said as our final bag came round the carousel thing. The flight was terrible, a lot of turbulence, and Sam was really fussy, I just hope she isn't coming down with anything, especially now I'm pregnant again.

"Okay babe, that's all the bags, come on the car should be waiting." He smiled, we walked out of the terminal and saw Mark standing, looking rather awkward, but when doesn't he.
I walked over and hugged him, "hey Mark, Merry Christmas, we all set to go?" I asked him, he nodded his head, gave Tré a hug and we all left the airport, for the long drive home.

"So, how's life treating you guys over here." Tré asked as we joined the motorway, Mark smiled,
"Tired, I didn't know babies cried so much, and the nappies..." He smiled.

"So how are Avril and little Josh then?" I asked, I couldn't wait to see them. "Oh, they're fine. Josh is getting big now, and Avril's shrunk back down to her usual size 6." He said, laughing a little. I shook my head, "No matter what she eats, she's still petite, it's really annoying." I smiled and handed Sam he bottle. "Oh, Mark, we have news," I smiled, he nodded his head, as if to say 'What?' I smiled at Tré, "I'm pregnant again." I said, he just smiled and congratulated us.


"Hey Avril, Merry Christmas," I said as I walked into her house, we always start and end our holiday's there cause we keep the jeep there.
"Hi, Merry Christmas to you too." she smiled, as she led us into the living room, "by the way, how far along are you?" she asked smiling.
I blushed, "How do you always know?" I said, "month and a half." I smiled, "and yes Tré does know, I told him on his birthday. Now, where is that little cousin that I haven't met yet." I smiled, as I lay Sam down on the sofa, sleeping like an angel.

"He's upstairs, come see him." She smiled as the men walked in.
"Breffni, babe, can I go out for a while with Mark, he wants to show me his empire," Tré asked smiling a little.
"Why don't you guy's go to the pub for a while, I wouldn't mind coming with you to see the 'empire'." I smiled, using air quotes around empire.
"Well that is a better idea, if it's okay with you." He smiled, I nodded and kissed him.
"Just don't get drunk or arrested please." I said as Tré and Mark left the room.

"Ooh, he's adorable Avril," I smiled as we looked into the crib, "Lovin' blond hair, who did he get that from?" I smiled, as both his parents are naturally brown hair.
"No, he gets that from Mark, he was blond when he was a baby" she smiled.
"Like your dad." She added. I frowned a little, I know that I'll have to see them sometime when I'm here, it's just I don't want the same thing to happen this time, and Avril could sense this.
"Come see this," she said leading me out of the room, and into the office downstairs. She handed me an old newspaper.
"I thought I should keep this, let you see it, cause I know you don't get that paper State side." She smiled weakly.

I took the tabloid paper off her, and looked at the page it was open to, and smiled a little,
"Bridie felt bad about what happened and did another interview, explaining that it was just the shock, that you'd changed so much, and now you were pregnant and married to a guy she'd never met, she seemed sincere." Avril smiled as I read the article,
"And Martin said that he's never met a nicer guy than Tré, and that the only thing that upset him, was not the fact that you were eighteen and pregnant, or married, or living in America, he said the only thing was that he didn't get to give you away at your wedding." She smiled as I handed her the newspaper,
"look Avril, I know they mean well, and they're trying their best, but what Bridie did, it will take a lot more than an article in a paper, that probably paid big money for, to make me forgive her." I said and walked into the living room, to find my parents standing by the fireplace. I stopped walking and lifted Sam up, and she cuddled into me in her sleep. I turned and left the room without saying a word, to put Sam in a bed upstairs.


I walked back into the room slowly, hearing voices talking. I sat down on the sofa, where Sam had been sleeping.
"Avril tells us that we're grandparents." Dad smiled.
"Dad, I don't want to seem like a bitch, but you've been grandparents for over a year, you guy's found out last time I was home that I was pregnant, I didn't lose the baby, even after I almost miscarried cause of her." I said, not looking at my mother.
"Was that her?" she asked, sadness in her voice.
"Yeah, that is my daughter. She's called Samiam, and she's a year and three months." I said, still not looking at her.
"That's a nice name," dad said, "is it oriental?" he asked.
I smiled a little, "No dad, she's named after Tré's side band, Samiam." I said, I really didn't want her here, with Sam upstairs.
"Look Breffni, I am truly sorry, what I said in that article was uncalled for, and I have done an interview correcting everything bad I said." I looked up at her, she had tears in her eyes.
"Yeah, but you meant everything you said to that first reporter, you're only here now cause you want to be a part of Sam's life, and that ain't gonna happen, I meant what I said when I was younger, I am not going to be as bad a mother as you are, and my judgement tells me to keep you away from my children." I said,
"Children? Do you have more than Samiam?" she asked, I looked up at her.
"Yeah, I'm pregnant again." I said, "Now please go," I said as I heard Sam begin to call from upstairs.
"I'll go." Avril said before I had a chance to stand up. Mum looked disappointed, but dad just looked upset, he smiled weakly,
"Okay, you can see her, but don't go telling her that you guy's are her grandparents. She has all the family she needs back home." I said as I went upstairs to get her. Avril had her in seeing Josh. I lifted her up and took her downstairs, as Avril lifted Josh and followed us.

My parent's faces lit up as I walked in with Sam at my hip. She was shy and cuddled into my shoulder, just then Tré and Mark came through the door, laughing, they walked into the living room, and as soon as Tré saw my parents he stood beside me and pulled us close to him,
"What are you guy's doing here." He said, his voice raised a little, he knows not to curse in front of his daughter,
"We just wanted to come, and apologise for how we parted last time." My dad replied,
"Oh, you mean the stress that almost cost us our kid, or selling your story to the highest bidder." Tré asked, not moving from my side, my dad didn't reply, he just stood up.
"We'd better go, Colm's watching the kids." He said, and he and Bridie left. Dad came back in after a few minutes,
"This is for Samiam, we got her a little present for her birthday," he said and handed Tré a bag, he said goodbye to Mark and Avril, and left.

I turned to Avril, "did you know they were coming up?" I asked her, she shook her head,
"No, they just popped in, I didn't even tell them that you were coming home." She said, frowning a little,
"Over, that I was coming over. I know that I grew up here and all, but my home is in America with Tré and Sam, and the guy's." I said smiling a little,
"Now how about we go see that empire Mark?" I smiled looking at my watch, it was five thirty on a Saturday, and everyone that I wanted to see would be in the yard. He nodded, smiling and we left. Everyone piled into our jeep, and we were off, arriving at the yard in less than five minutes, with me driving. I'll admit it, I'm a speed merchant.


We all got out of the jeep, Tré carrying Sam cause she had no shoes after throwing them out the window back home. We walked over to the door, and walked in.
"Mum, hello, anyone here?" Mark shouted, and Vera came walking up the hall,
"Hello there, who's this?" she asked, walking over towards us. Mark laughed a little,
"Vera, that's Breffni, she used to work here, remember." He said, Vera smiled.
"Well I know that, I meant the guy and kid." She said, motioning to Tré and Sam,
"This is my husband Tré and daughter Sam." I said smiling.
"Vera, I'm gonna show Tré the stores and trailers and stuff." Mark said, smiling a little, "are Carl and Jo here?" he asked, Vera nodded, and pointed outside. Avril sat down with Josh, and the rest of us walked outside again.

"Carl, Jo, where are you?" Mark shouted, and we heard cursing from the stores, so Carl was in there. I walked in to find Carl, Joanne, Carol, and three people I have never met, two of whom left after a few minutes.

"Hello Breffni, back for your old job?" Carl smirked, I smiled at him,
"No, Mark wanted to show Tré the place." I smiled,
"Who the fuck is Tré? And that?" he said pointing at Sam,
"This is Sam, my daughter, and Tré is my husband." I smiled, as Jo walked over to us and began to talk baby talk to Sam, who just giggled.

"So, how's America?" Jo asked after a few minutes, I stood Sam up on the big table in the middle of the store, and she just sat down and drank her bottle,
"I'm sorry, did you say Tré?" one of the girl's said, I smiled and nodded,
"Yeah, I'm Breffni Cool, nice to meet you." I smiled and shook her hand, Carl started to laugh, "What?" I asked,
"Is that seriously your name, Breffni Cool?" he asked through laughs, I nodded, "Well, it's better than Breffni Wright." I smiled, the girl nearly fainted, "are you married to Tré Cool, from Green Day?" she said, almost in a whisper, I smiled,
"I take it you're a Green Day fan." I smiled, she nodded,
"Stay here a sec. Jo watch she doesn't fall off the table." I said and left the store, returning with Tré,
"Yes, I am married to Tré cool from Green Day." I smiled, as he shook her hand,
"Lucy, we're not paying you to meet your idols, back to work." Carl said, she knew he wasn't joking, so she blushed and went back to washing the dishes.
Then he turned to me,
"So I take it moving to America and leaving us in the lurch was good then?" he asked smirking. I nodded, and watched Tré leave the stores,
"Yeah, very good." I smiled.

Jo nudged Carl, and then he turned to me,
"What you doing tomorrow?" he asked, I shrugged,
"Not much, we have to buy Sam new shoes, cause she threw hers out the window, just after we left the house, in America, but apart from that, nothing. Why?" I asked, worried cause Carl's spontaneity never ends well. He smiled a little at my comment, and shuffled on his feet,
"You don't want to give us a hand, do you?" I looked at him,
"Not really, Tré is going on tour at the start of February, and he's only just back, I'm spending as much time as I can with my family." I replied, shocked that Carl would even ask, he shrugged,
"Oh well, I tried." He smiled, lit the joint he had been rolling and left the stores, slowly followed by his shadow, I mean girlfriend, Carol.

"What do you mean threw them out the window?" Jo asked, smiling a little, I smiled at her and cuddled into Sam,
"She threw them out the window on the way to the airport." I smiled, nodding, "and the other pair are at the bottom of the suitcase, and I couldn't be bothered to try to find them, we ain't been home yet." I smiled at her. Jo put the tin back in the fridge and handed Sam a pineapple ring, laughing a little,
"What are you laughing at woman?" I asked,
"You have an American accent." She smiled,
"Well no shit Sherlock, I've been there for two years." I smiled and looked at my watch, "well, we better be going, it's almost bedtime, and not just for Sam," I said, and she raised an eyebrow, smiling, and we all left.


"So you guy's are coming to ours for Christmas dinner." I said to Avril, as we left to go home, she nodded and smiled, then Josh spewed up on her.
"Oh, by the way, you're gonna need to stop for diesel soon." Mark said, I turned to look at him,
"I left it with a full tank." I exclaimed,
"Yeah, ahm, there was a big show, and Carl borrowed it for a few days, the money for the juice is in there." He smiled, and waved as we got into the jeep and drove off.


"Sexy, dinner." I called into the study, smiling a little as Tré walked in topless. I may be married to him, but the man still makes me weak at the knees. He pulled me in and kissed me passionately, and then we sat down to a home cooked dinner. "Sam in bed?" I asked, he nodded and smiled.

"Tré, I have to tell you something, and I don't want you to get angry or anything." I said as I passed him his dessert, he looked at me, a little scared. He always thinks I'm gonna leave him or something.
"Tré, I want to find my birth parents." I said quietly, he let out a sigh, as if he'd been holding his breath,
"Why would I get angry at that, in fact, I'm gonna help you." He said, through a mouthful of food. I smiled,
"Well that's not what might upset you, I've already found her. I haven't seen her, or anything, but I got her address about a month ago." I said, he smiled,
"Well, let's go see her." He said,
"Yeah, I'm just gonna walk up to her door, knock, and say, 'hey, I'm the daughter you gave up twenty years ago' what do you say in a situation like that?" I said, he smiled,
"Can I come?" he asked, out of nowhere, I thought for a moment
"Yeah, but it's gonna be a big blow to her, wait, why do you want to come?" I asked,
"I want to thank her," he grinned,
"What for, babe?" I asked,
"I want to thank her for making you." He said smiling widely, I giggled a little and went back to eating my desert.

I looked over at him and smiled,
"What?" he asked,
"You have something," I said pointing to his cheek, and laughed as he tried to lick it off, but it was to far away for his tongue to reach. I stood up, walked over to him and kissed him,
"I love you so much, you're just so immature for your age." I smiled wiping the ice cream off his cheek, he smiled up at me,
"Well that makes me the same age as you, so it's all good." He laughed a little,
"You are such a messy eater, Sam's cleaner than you." I said smiling as he dribbled ice cream on his chest,
"Oh yeah, what you gonna do about it?" he asked, his voice all husky. I smiled, winked and walked out of the room,
"Hey!" he called after me, I popped my head back into the kitchen, and smiled,
"Well, you need a shower." I said, and headed for the stairs. Tré ran out of the kitchen, swept me off my feet and carried me upstairs.


Christmas went by great, we had a lot of family over, and the craic was great, some of my cousins hadn't seen Sam yet, so she had a lot of fun with the attention on her, and everyone was told about me being pregnant again, I swear he may as well put it in the paper, it's like 'hi I'm Tré Cool, and my wife is pregnant' it's getting a little repetitive, but hey, at least everyone knows, and I am still absolutely ecstatic about the whole thing.