I'm on a sentimental journey, of no return or looking back

Part 4

Me and Clare, my friend, are sitting in a little café, after a long day of shopping. Tré is looking after Sam; he still believes that you can teach a one and a half year old child the drums.
"So, have I missed out on anything here?" I asked her, sipping my coffee.
"No, same old same old." She smiled, "I can't believe you're pregnant again, who would have thought that a guy with," I stopped her,
"That is exactly what Adie said." I smiled, "yeah, but I'm crazily happy," I added. Just then two girls, about thirteen, walked over and stood beside us.

"Can I help you?" I smiled, the taller one, smiled awkwardly,
"Are you Bethany Cool?" she asked, I smiled,
"No, I'm Breffni Cool, why?" I replied, as Clare giggled a little, the short girl took a step forward,
"Can I ask you a question?" she asked,
"Well you just did, but go ahead." I smiled,
"Does Tré Cool wear boxers or briefs?" she asked, I was a little taken back by the question,
"Why do you want to know that?" I asked, she smiled and shrugged her shoulders,
"I don't know, just random question." I smiled,
"No." I replied,
"You're not going to tell us?" she replied, a little annoyed,
"No, he doesn't wear any, he doesn't like the material up against his... "
"Breffni, stop, they're like thirteen." Clare laughed into her tea. I smiled at her, and then back to the girls,
"Well, now you know." I smiled, the two girls giggled and walked out of the shop.

"What was that?" Clare asked, still shocked, I looked over at her,
"When you're married to someone like Tré, you soon get used to fans tracking you down and asking stupid questions, to which I try to give honest answers," I smiled, she snorted into her tea,
"Breffni, I don't need to know about how Tré doesn't like to wear underwear, okay." She smiled.


"Tré, I'm home." I shouted out as I walked into my house. There was no reply so I checked the rooms. I found Sam asleep in her crib, and I found Tré dozing slightly on our bed, although I also found one hell of a mess downstairs. I smiled as I watched my husband sleeping on the bed, looking so peaceful and angelic, and yet so god damn sexy. I slipped off my coat and dress, and climbed on top of him, without stirring him. I blew in his face gently, and his eyes began to flutter open. A smile formed across his lips and I leant in towards him. He met me half way, and I soon felt his tongue exploring my mouth, his hands moved around my body, as I removed his shirt, revealing his muscular, toned features. He gently flipped me over and began kissing down to my stomach, as he removed his pants.
I smiled as he kissed my neck, and gently thrust himself in side me.

"Mommeee." Sam began to shout, just at the right time, I moaned loudly as Tré came inside me, but tried to muffle the sound in the cushion. "My god, I love you so much right now." I smiled at him, kissing his lips,

"Mommeee." Sam cried from her room, I slowly rolled off Tré, slipped on my house coat, and left the room, returning a few minutes later. I dropped the gown, and climbed into bed beside Tré, and cuddled into him,

"You know, I don't remember you being like this when you were pregnant with Sam, you are incredibly horney." He smiled, as he played with my hair, I shrugged,
"I guess my body was under a lot of extra stress and shit." I smiled, "but when I walked in and saw you lying there, I knew that I needed to have you right there and then, these hormones are fun." I giggled, looking up at him. He smiled again as I leaned up and kissed him softly, on the lips.

Ding dong

"We just aren't gonna get peace are we?" I smiled and pulled on Tré's shirt and a pair of shorts. "Tré, babe, I'll be back." I said, smiling as I ran down to the door, I turned the corner and stopped dead in my tracks.

I slowly opened the door, a little, "Wh-what are you doing here?" I asked, covering myself up a little better.
"Have we caught you at a bad time?" she asked,
"With you guys it's always a bad fucking time." I said to her, "how did you find my address?" I asked,
"It's posted on the net, your little brother is such a wiz-kid at computers." She laughed, dad just stood behind her, looking a little awkward, like he didn't want to be here.
"You have no right to come here you know, what do you want?" I asked, they liked at me,
"We just want to show you that we're sorry, and to get to know our grand-daughter." Dad smiled, I looked up at him,
"Dad, the only thing you've done wrong, is married her, but I'm sorry, I can't have you guys in Sam's life right now, it would be too complicated." I said, they looked upset, "now could you please go, I was sort of in the middle of something," I said, and closed the door. They tried to argue, but I turned around and walked away.

"Who was that?" Tré asked as I came back into the room, and began to get dressed again,
"My parents," I said, taking off his shirt,
"And what the fuck did they want?" he asked standing out of bed and wrapping his arms around me,
"Same, to see Sam." I said, as I cuddled into his chest, he was silent, but just cuddled me, all the support I needed right now.

"Let's go out for dinner." He said a few minutes later, out of the blue, I smiled at him,
"Yeah, I couldn't be bothered to cook anything." I smiled,
"Why don't you call Avril and Mark, and tell them to come too," he smiled, "I know it's ironic, but I reckon you need family around you." I nodded, and kissed him. He left to get a shower, and I lifted the phone.

Avril answered after four rings,

"Hi Avril, its Breffni here."
"Oh, hi Breffni, what's up?"
"Oh, nothing much, me and Tré are going out to dinner, and we were wondering if... "
"Oh, we'd love to have Sam over."
"No, no, we were wondering if you and Mark wanted to come with?"
"Oh, yeah sure, only... "
"Don't worry about Josh, we'll get a babysitter, just bring him over for say 6 o'clock."
"Yeah okay, we'd love to."
"See you then, bye."

I hung up the phone and smiled, but now all I need is a babysitter, I dialled Clare's number,

"43500," I smiled,
"Hello Gerry, is Clare in?"
"Yeah, hang on, CLARE," I waited a few seconds as she ran to the phone,

"Hey Clare, I can't believe your dad still answers the phone the same way,"
"Yeah, I know, what's up?"
"Did you say today something about Tee, or Mia, looking for babysitting jobs?"
"Yeah, Mia, why?"
"Is she doing anything tonight? Me and Tré are going out and we need someone to watch Sam, and my cousin's kid, Josh."
"Oh, hang on I'll go ask her." She said and walked away from the phone.

She returned a few minutes later,
"Yeah, she said okay but she has school tomorrow, so dad said she can't be home too late."
"Tell her to bring her stuff out with her, and I'll leave her to school in the morning, she can stay here."
"Yeah, okay, what time do you need her out?"
"I'll collect her about 5.30, she can get her dinner and everything out here, if she wants."
"Okay, I'll tell her to be ready, enjoy your night doll, bye."
"Yeah, bye hunny."

I walked back up the stairs and woke Sam, if someone's watching her, she can't be sleeping now. I heard Tré coming out of the shower, and the bedroom door open,
"Tré, you need some clothes on, Sam's up." I shouted and he didn't come out of the room for a few minutes,
"How did you know?" he smiled, I shrugged my shoulders,
"Don't know, sixth sense." I smiled. He kissed my neck,
"Okay, you go get ready, and I'll look after snoopy," he smiled as he lifted Sam out of her bed; I nodded and went to get a shower.

"Tré, I'm gonna go get Mia now, so I'll be back in about fifteen minutes, okay." I smiled as Tré and Sam watched TV. Tré was wearing a pair of dressy pants, and a nice shirt, he only had to do his hair, and put on his shoes. I lifted my keys and left to get Maria.


I knocked on the familiar door, that is Clare's parent's house. Mattie came to the door, opened it and turned, and led me into the living room. I smiled as I saw everyone sitting watching TV, the way a family should be,
"hi, I'm here to collect Maria," I smiled, as they all turned to me, Maria stood up and left to get her stuff, Gerry and Deirdre turned to me,
"So, how's life in America?" Gerry asked, I nodded,
"Yeah, fabulous, it's so different from living here, the sun is always out." I smiled, Maria walked back into the room, a little nervous.
"You ready?" I smiled, she nodded, "okay, let's go. You have your school stuff?" I asked, and she nodded again. I said goodbye to everyone, and we left.


We pulled into the yard, and she gasped, "You live here?" she asked. I nodded,
"Yeah, me and my husband, and Samiam, live here, but were mostly in America, where he works." I laughed a little; Clare hadn't told her that I was married to Tré. I stopped the car and she turned to get her stuff,
"No, you go on in, I'll get this stuff." I smiled, and she nodded, and I lifted her two bags.

I walked into the house to see Mia standing awkwardly in the hallway, I smiled at her,
"Mia, you can go on in, I want you to treat this like your house, come meet Sam and Tré." I smiled and led her into the living room, where Sam was playing.
"Well, this is Sam, she's one and a half, and Tré is around here somewhere, make yourself at home and I'll go get him." I smiled as she sat down on the floor and began to play with Sam.

I walked up to the bedroom to find Tré doing his hair, I smiled, "hey babe, Mia's downstairs, you nearly ready?" I asked and smiled, he nodded, and put his comb down, and I led him downstairs.

"Mia, this is Tré." I smiled; she stood up and shook his hand,
"Wow, you're Tré Cool, from Green Day." She smiled, Tré nodded.
"Yup, and you are Mia, form Ireland." He smiled, she giggled a little and her cheeks turned a little red.

"Hello, anyone home?" Avril shouted from the hallway, and found us in the living room. She put Josh's chair down on the sofa and sat beside him. Mark fell through the door, and laughed as he sat down beside Josh.
"Everyone, this is Mia, she's Clare's little sister, and she's gonna watch the kids tonight." I said, and smiled, as she blushed a little.

"Now, there's food and drinks and stuff in the kitchen, and I'm sure you'll find everything, I put your stuff in the spare room, Sam falls asleep about nine, she'll show her where her room is, and there's a crib in there too, for Josh." I smiled,
"I left a nappy bag in the hall for Josh and he should get his next bottle about 7.30," Avril smiled,
"My mobile number is beside the phone if you need to reach us, and Sam knows where everything is." I smiled and kissed Sam, and the four of us left in my car.


"You sure you wanna do this now babe?" Tré asked, gripping my hand a little. I nodded.
"Are you sure, it might be too much stress, and I don't want you to get sick again. You're three months pregnant." I smiled.
"No, I'm fine, come on. I've only been waiting my whole life, please." I said and opened the car door. He ran around and closed the door for me. He has been so overprotective since he found out I was pregnant. We walked up the little path, and I knocked on the door. After a few minutes a teenage boy answered the door.

"'Lo," he practically grunted, I looked at Tré, then he looked up at us, his face soon turned very shocked,
"You're Tré Cool." He said, pointing at Tré. He nodded and smiled at the kid.

I cleared my throat, "ahm, does Ruth Sasvelo live here?" I asked, my voice a little shaky, he nodded.
"MUM, DOOR!" he yelled, but didn't move. A tall lady appeared behind him,
"Well, who is it? I've told you before not to shout from the... " she stopped and was shocked a little,
"Toby, hunny, why don't you go out for a while, say... an hour or two. Here have 20 quid." She said handing him a twenty and pushing him out the door. He tried to argue, but thought better of it and walked down the street. Tré ran after him, but then returned after a few minutes smiling.

I smiled weakly, "hi, I'm Breffni Cool, are you Ruth Sasvelo?" I asked calmly as Tré gripped my hand again. She nodded and invited us in.
"This is going to sound absolutely bizarre, but I have to ask you a very strange question." I smiled a little, and she nodded,
"Do you remember twenty years ago?" she nodded, though didn't answer straight away.

She looked up at me with tears in the corners of her eyes,
"I know who you are, I'm sorry," she said and she looked up at me again, "I gave you that name, and I have never forgotten it." She smiled a little, tears now in my eyes.
"I gave you that name, so I would know you, if you ever tried to find me." She added. I smiled,
"Of course I would want to find you. I wanted to find you on my eighteenth, but... " I started, "I want to know about you, and family, and where I came from and stuff like that" I added looking at her, and smiled a little, as Tré smiled at me, in support, and she nodded.

Then all of a sudden, she pulled me into a hug, which surprised me a lot. I hugged her back, and smiled at her.
"So, you're glad I came to find you." I smiled, she nodded,
"Yes, of course I am, but there's something that I'm assuming you don't know," I nodded,
"Well, when I had you, ahm, I... you have a twin sister." She smiled. I let go of Tré's hand, in shock.
"Are you serious?" I asked, she nodded,
"Yeah, and you have a half brother, who you just met." She smiled, "but that's enough about that, I want to get to know you a little better, I've missed out on twenty years of your life, I want to know about you, your life, everything." I smiled at her, and took Tré's hand again.

"Okay then, I grew up in the South, then moved to Derry when my little brother was born, and we've moved between the two places. I have two brothers and two sisters, I moved out of home when I was 17, to my cousin's house, then to America, that summer. I met a guy at work, on my eighteenth," I smiled, looking at Tré, "we got married about a month or so later. Then, Samiam, our kid, was born, and that's pretty much it, she's a year now." I smiled, "this is Tré, by the way, my husband." I added. He leant across and shook her hand with a 'how do you do' which I thought was quite sweet.

"Wait, I'm a grandmother?" she asked,
"Yeah, Sam's one," I smiled,
"And you soon will be again too." Tré smiled, rubbing my stomach a little. She smiled in joy, but started to cry,
"And I missed out on all that." She sobbed a little. I nodded,
"But I've found you now, and, if you want, I'd like you to meet everyone." I smiled.

"Yeah, sure. Name a day." She smiled.
"Well, we're going to Prague next Thursday, cause he's starting a tour, so how's Tuesday?" I asked, she nodded, I smiled again,
"Great, you can meet Sam, and my step-kids and, maybe my brother and sister could come to?" I asked, she nodded and we stood up,
"Great, I'll pick you up at, ahm, one thirty. I would give you the address, but Tré here, has privacy issues, something he must've picked up from sleeping with Billie." I giggled a little,
"You let your husband sleep with other women?" she said, confused. I smiled at her, as Tré's cheeks pinked a little,
"No, Billie is his band mate, he's a guy, and he assures me that it only happened once or twice when they were younger, but it's fun to watch them when they're drunk." I smiled again,
"So, one thirty, and please, don't dress up or anything." I smiled again, hugged her and said goodbye, Tré shook her hand and we left.

"You were great babe." Tré said as we walked back to the car, with his arm around my waist. I smiled and kissed his cheek.
"Thanks," I smiled. He looked over at me, and frowned,
"What is it Tré?" I asked,
"Something you said in there." He said,
"Well?" I asked,
"I'm not gonna be here on Tuesday." He said quietly, "I have to go home for a few days before we fly to Prague, I was going to tell you tonight." He said, I nodded,
"Well, that's okay, I'll get Clare to come over or something. Don't worry about it babe." I smiled at him, and we pulled off.
"By the way, what did you say to Toby when you ran after him?" I asked,
"Oh, just told him not to tell anyone I was here, and gave him an autograph." He smiled.

"Are you taking Mona and Kito home with you or are they staying with me?" I asked as we pulled into the drive.
"Well, if it's okay with you, they want to stay here." He smiled,
"Yeah, that's fine. I love having your kids around, and they'll be able to meet Ruth." I smiled.
"Great, now, Chinese or Indian?" I asked as we walked into the house.