I'm on a sentimental journey, of no return or looking back

Part 5

*Tuesday morning*
"Mona, could you get yourself ready please." I smiled as she nodded, I walked into Frankito's room,
"Hey Kito, you okay?" I asked,
"Yeah," he smiled, "when are we gonna see dad again?" he asked,
"Two more days kiddo, okay." I said ruffling his hair,
"Now put on some pants." I smiled and left the room.

"Sam, baby, you have to put on your pretty dress, cause grandma's coming over, now go find your new shoes." I said as she ran out of the room.
"Hey Bob, will this do?" Mona asked walking into my bedroom, I looked over to her and smiled.
"You are definitely your father's daughter." I smiled, "Yes, it's great, and Mona," I said, she turned to face me, "thank you." I smiled and hugged her. She was really difficult the first few times she stayed with me alone, but it turns out, that was her mom's fault.
"Now, can you make sure Kito's ready." I smiled, "and Samiam too, I have a phone call to make, okay sweetie." I smiled,
"Yeah, okay Bob." She laughed and left the room.

*Ding Dong*

"Bob, Clare's at the door." Kito shouted up the stairs. I ran down the stairs, to see Clare standing in the doorway,
"Look Clare, I gave you that key for a reason, you don't need to ring the bell." I smiled and invited her in.
"Can you look after the kids for a bit, while I go collect people?" I asked, she nodded and went into the living room, "oh, and don't let them eat any junk, I have lunch sorted." I smiled as she rolled her eyes,
"Bref, I have looked after kids before." She smiled, I looked at her,
"Yeah, kids, but not Tré Cool's kids. Let's just say, he's taught them a prank or two." I smiled and walked out to the hall.
"Kids, I'm going now, be good for Clare, don't mess the house, or yourselves up please." I called up the stairs to receive an 'okay Bob' in reply.


I walked up the same little path, with the same nerves and knocked on the door. Ruth answered and smiled,
"Cashel, Toby, let's go." She called into the house and a girl walked out with the teenage boy. I smiled,
"You didn't say it was identical twins." She smiled and introduced me to Cashel and Toby, and I led them to the car, and took them back to the house. Cashel is my mirror image, well except for a few things, like hair colour, mine is dyed, I'm tan from living in America, and of course, the spawn of Tré Cool growing in my tummy.

I led the way into the house and smiled to myself, mainly cause it was still tidy, and there was no shouting. Clare walked out of the kitchen,
"Bref, some guys called in with food when you were out, they just set it in the... wow." She stopped and looked at me, then Cashel, then back to me. I smiled,
"Yup, I have an identical twin, bet you didn't see that one coming, eh?" I smiled at her.
"Clare, this is Ruth, my biological mother, Cashel, and my half brother Toby. Everyone, my best friend Clare." I smiled as they all said hello.
"Oh, Tré couldn't be here, he had some stuff to do at home, with the guys." I smiled again, and went upstairs to get the kids, as Clare took everyone into the living room.

"Kids, you here." I called and walked into Mona's room to find all three in there,
"Come meet some people, and be nice." I smiled at them, they looked at me with innocent faces, "and guys, no pranks, please. I know that look, your dad has the same look." I smiled at the three of them, as we walked down the stairs, with Sam in my arms.

"Okay, let's not make this any more awkward," I smiled, "this is Ramona, Frankito, and Samiam. They all share the same dad, but all different moms, kids, this is Ruth, Cashel, and Toby. Okay, let's eat." I smiled and led everyone into the kitchen,
"Okay, so is chicken okay for everyone? Any vegetarians?" I asked, they all shook their heads, I smiled, "good, help yourself." I smiled and everyone tucked in.


"So, did you grow up well?" I asked Cashel smiling, she nodded,
"Yeah, I grew up in Cork, as an only child, and am now a doctor, nothing much else to tell really." She said,
"So, did Ruth give you the name, or did your parents?" I asked curiously,
"No, I gave both of you your names. I wanted to give original names so I'd know you if and when you tried to contact me." Ruth smiled, I nodded and smiled back.

"So, what do you do, besides marry a millionaire?" Toby asked, he'd been odd all day,
"Well, I'm gonna guess your mom told you guys my life story." I smiled, "kids, why don't you take your ice cream out to the playroom." I smiled again, as they lifted their bowls and ran. I don't like people talking bad about their dad, for them to hear,
"Firstly, I married for love, not money. I know it's difficult for a teenage boy to understand, but true love is true love, and I have to say, I love Tré with all my heart, and then some." I smiled and Clare giggled a little,
"Anyway, if you must know, I own and manage the bar that I used to work at, the one I met Tré in, and I finished school after dropping out before my final year. I've had kid, I'm pregnant again, and I have two step kids, all three of which I love and are wonderful. Now I am only twenty Toby, and I personally think that it's all quite an achievement, and with Tré away on tours a lot, I know I'm doing something with my life." I smiled, yes he is pissing me off, but he's been an only child all his life, and Cashel turned up two years ago, and now me, and he has to share his mom with both of us.
Ruth gave him 'the look' and he didn't say another word, Cashel just giggled.

Cashel had found Ruth on her, our 18th as I had always planned to do. She grew up in a rich family, as an only child, and became a doctor. She has a boyfriend, but no kids, and is very happy. Ruth met her current husband two years after we were born, and had Toby, who is 16, and he only just found out about us too, but there was no mention of our father yet.

*Thursday morning*
"Mona, up please. We have to leave in an hour." I said groggily and left the room.
"Kito, up please. We have to leave in an hour." I smiled to myself as he sat up smiling.
"Daddy?" he asked. I nodded and he began to jump up and down.

*Hour later*
"Everyone, car please." I shouted and went out with the last bag, and strapped Sam into her car seat.
"Bob, can I have the front seat?" Mona yawned as she and Kito walked slowly out of the house. I nodded and went back to lock up.

I got into the jeep, behind the wheel, adjusted the mirrors, moved the seat, belted up, and started the engine. The cockpit routine Gabriel taught me on my first driving lesson.
"I've never been to Prague before, is it nice?" I asked Mona quietly, as Kito and Sam had fallen asleep in the back. She nodded,
"Yeah, it's lovely. It's gonna be snowing cause it always snows this time of year." She smiled.
"You lookin' forward to seeing your dad again?" I asked, she nodded,
"Yeah, it's gonna be great." She smiled.
"He was really sad that he only got to see you guys for a couple of days, but he had to go do promotional stuff, but you enjoyed it here with me, didn't you?" I smiled, she laughed a little,
"Yeah, you're a far better teacher than mom, she doesn't understand half the stuff," she smiled. The kids are home schooled so that they can spend as much time with their dad as they can, they really enjoy it, and so do I. Roisin's been a great help, she gave me tips on teaching when I first found out I'd be home schooling the kids when they're staying with us.

*Flight 3985-148 to Prague is now boarding*
"I'm sorry ma'am, but I jut can't allow it." This bitch is really beginning to piss me off,
"Look, what is the problem?" I asked calmly, she looked at me,
"I'm sorry ma'am, but we can't allow one adult to take responsibility for three children on a flight, it's against our policy." She said, and waited for a response. I looked down at Mona and Kito,
"Yes, but every other airline doesn't seem to object. These children are born fliers, they probably have more air miles than a pilot, and they're only children." I paused,
"These kids barely get to see their father as it is, what with being divorced to their mothers." I half mumbled,
"I'm sorry ma'am, but its policy." She repeated again, I looked at her,
"Could I possibly talk to a supervisor please?" I smiled. I am trying my hardest to keep my stress down. The only thing that looks worse than a pregnant twenty year old with three kids, on her own, is a pregnant twenty year old, with three kids, on her own losing it with a check in girl.

"How can I help you?" came a man's voice from behind me, I turned around slowly,
"I take it you're a supervisor." I said, he nodded,
"Jason," he said, extending his arm,
"Well, we need to get to Prague, so the children can see their father, and your airline seems to have a problem with me taking responsibility for them on the flight." I replied, looking at him,
"Are these children your children?" he asked,
"Yes I'm twenty and I have an eight year old daughter." I said sarcastically to him, he didn't say anything to me, I rolled my eyes,
"The youngest is mine, I'm married to their father." I said motioning to Mona and Kito.
"I see, well it is policy that children under 12 need to be supervised on flights, and that it is one adult per child. Is there any way that you could get a friend or relative of the children to fly with them." He replied, I sighed,
"When's the next flight to Prague?" I asked, he checked,
"Tomorrow, 14:30" he replied. I nodded,
"Okay put us on that flight, plus one additional adult, I'll find someone." I replied.

He started inputting or data into the computer,
"We are sorry for the inconvenience, and as a way of apology, we would like to upgrade you to our first class section." I smiled over at him,
"We are already flying first class." I smiled, he nodded,

"The band, Green Day, fly a lot with this airline don't they, and their crew and everything," I asked, he looked up at me,
"I'm sorry but we can't give out information like that." He replied, I smiled at him,
"Mona, come over here a minute." I smiled as she walked over,
"Is this the airline that Green Day flies with?" I asked her, she thought for a minute and nodded, I looked over at the supervisor,
"I thought so, they must add a lot of money to the airline's profits, which is going to stop." I smiled,
"They won't be using this airline after I tell my husband about this." I added. Jason looked at me,
"What, is your husband their manager or something?" he asked, I shook my head, and smiled at him,
"No, my husband is Tré Cool." I said,
"Could I use a phone to call him and let him know that we'll be a day late?" I added. He was a little shocked, and pushed the phone towards me.

"We really are sorry for the inconvenience Mrs. Cool, and we would like to refund the value of the tickets and put you up in a hotel for the night." He said,
"Okay, but as for the hotel, we'll be heading home. I have to find another adult to travel with us." I said to him.

When everything was sorted with the new tickets I walked over to the seats, to where Kito and Sam were sleeping and Mona was reading a book. I woke Kito up and smiled sadly at him,
"Kito hunny, we aren't gonna get to see daddy today, but we'll see him tomorrow okay." I said to him, he started to cry a little. I gave him a hug, and lifted him up.
"Mona baby, could you carry Sam again, and I'll carry Kito." I said to her, she nodded, put her book away and lifted Sam up.

Everyone fell asleep on the journey home, which was good because it gave me time to think. I looked at the clock, almost 9 thirty, I picked up my phone and dialled Cashel's number,

"Hello, Cashel speaking." I smiled as she answered her phone,
"Hello Cashel, its Breffni here. I was wondering if you'd like to come out for some lunch at mine today." I asked,
"Oh, hi Breffni, yeah sure, what time?" she asked,
"Well I'm almost home now, so anytime really, do you want me to lift you, or do you remember the way?" I asked,
"Okay I'll be out for twelve. I remember the way." She said happily,
"Okay, see you then, bye." I said
"Yeah, bye." She said and hung up the phone.
How am I going to ask the sister, that I have just met, if she could come to Prague with us?

We got home and I lifted the three kids into the house, one at a time, and tucked them in bed. I feel bad that they had to be woken at two in the morning, for nothing. I tidied the house up a little and prepared a bit of lunch, then sat down and switched on the TV. It was at a music channel, I left it there and just watched the music videos.

*twelve thirty*
"Hi Cashel, I'm glad you could make it." I smiled as I invited Cashel in.
"Yeah, no problem. Weren't you meant to fly to Prague today?" she asked, I smiled at her and nodded,
"Yeah, that actually has something to do with why I invited you over." She looked really confused. I led her into the kitchen and we began to talk.

"How are you with kids?" I asked her, she smiled,
"Well, being a pediatrician, I'd say pretty good." She said,
"How are you fixed with work the next few days?" I asked,
"Well, I'm due holidays. Why?" she asked, I thought for a few minutes,
"This is going to seem really strange, since I just met you two days ago, but..." I paused,
"Would you be able to take a few days off and come to Prague with us?" I asked, she looked a little shocked,
"We were at the airport today, and they wouldn't let us fly, because they want more than one adult to take responsibility for the kids." I added, she was still speechless. I smiled,
"I'm not just asking you, you could invite your boyfriend too, and after the flight, you two could have a few days in Prague, a romantic weekend." I smiled, she nodded,
"Yeah, sure, of course. I'd love to. When are you flying out." I looked at her,
"That's the thing, we fly out tomorrow afternoon." I said,
"Yeah sure, just let me phone Frank, are you sure?" she asked, I nodded,
"100% use the house phone if you want. I'm gonna go check on the kids." I smiled as she went to phone her boyfriend, and I walked up the stairs.

Mona was reading her book, her mom gave her a reading list to have done by the time she gets back, and Kito was playing with Sam in his room. I told them to come down in five minutes for lunch, and I went back downstairs as Cashel hung up the phone.

"Frank said thanks by the way," she smiled at me. I nodded,
"No problem." I smiled, "I'll just phone up and book another ticket." I smiled, lunch is ready if you want to help your self." I smiled and walked into the office.

"Okay that's sorted, and I booked you guys a suite in the hotel too." I smiled as I walked back into the kitchen, the kids came running down the stairs into the kitchen after me and we all sat at the table, and we all began to eat.

"Mona, Kito, Sam, you guys remember Cashel, don't you?" I asked they all nodded, I smiled,
"Cashel and her boyfriend Frank are gonna come to Prague with us." I smiled. The kids started giggling, I looked curiously at them,
"Cashel looks like you Bob." Mona smiled, I nodded,
"Well, we're twins, so we have exactly the same genes." I smiled, she giggled again,
"And her boyfriend is called Frank." She smiled, I laughed a little too, Cashel just looked at us confused, I smiled at her,
"My husband, Tré, his real name is Frank." She started to laugh as well,
"We really are like the same person." She smiled.

"So, can you and Frank be here for say nine tomorrow morning, with your bags and stuff, and we'll leave at half." I asked Cashel as she got ready to leave, she nodded and hugged me,
"Yeah sure." She smiled,
"Great and Mona assures me that we'll all love Prague." I smiled.
"I can't believe that finding Ruth would bring me so much family, I'm an aunt already." She smiled at me,
"Yup, I'm sort of an aunt too, even though none of you guys have kids." I smiled,
"When you marry into Green Day, you become part of the three families, not just one." I smiled, and she got into her car and drove off. Tré is going to be surprised when he sees Cashel, he knows I have a twin, but not an identical twin.