I'm on a sentimental journey, of no return or looking back

Part 6

*Ding Dong*
I walked out of the kitchen, drying my hands, my hair dripping, and opened the door.
"Hi Cashel, how are you?" I asked as I hugged Cashel.
"Fine," she said hugging back,
"Are you sure, that we can go to Prague with you," she asked, I nodded,
"If you guys don't come, the kids won't get to see their dad, and plus, this means you can meet my husband." I smiled. Just then a man walked nervously through the door, the typical tall dark and handsome kind, Cashel has done well. I smiled to myself.
"Hi, I'm Breffni, I take it you're Frank," I smiled, extending my arm for him, he shook my hand and nodded, then he started to laugh, and pointed to the stairs. I looked around to see Kito walking down the stairs covered in greenish goo. I smiled and shook my head.
"Mona, come down here please," I called as I took Kito into the kitchen to wash the goo off him,
"Yes Bob," she said innocently, I looked over at her and smiled,
"Mona, you know better than to go near your dad's stuff. He's gonna be upset that you wasted his goo," I smiled at her. She nodded,
"I'm sorry Bob," she said quietly,
"I wont tell if you don't," I started, she looked up at me happy,
"But you have to help Kito get every bit off, and have him dry, and you only have," I looked at my watch. "5 minutes until we leave," I smiled as she grabbed her brothers' arm and pulled him up the stairs quickly, towards the bathroom. I turned to Cashel and Frank and smiled.
"Well, that was Mona and Kito, well, Ramona and Frankito. Me and Tré are really the only ones who call them the shortened version," I smiled.
"Mommeee." I heard Sam call from her room.
"Excuse me, I'll be right back, and make yourselves at home," I smiled and left the room.
I returned a few minutes later with Sam on my hip.
"And this is Samiam, or Sam," I smiled and put her down. She stood up and wobbled over to Cashel and Frank. Frank picked her up and started to talk baby talk,
"What's your name then?" he cooed, she looked up at him,
"Ssssn," she started, I smiled, knowing where this was going,
"Snnnoppie," she smiled, he looked over at me, I smiled and shrugged.
"Why I let Tré pick her name if he was just going to call her something else, I don't know, but he calls her snoopy," I smiled, and Cashel laughed.
"You don't seem to be strict parents." Cashel pointed out as Frank played with Sam. I nodded,
"Well, we're very strict on some things, but when Mona and Kito are moving between two families, and they have a dad like Tré, you can't be too strict." I smiled.
"You'll see what I mean when you meet Tré." I smiled again. Frank looked up at me,
"Tré who, I mean, is he really called Tré?" he asked, I looked at him.
"Has Cashel not told you, Tré's in Green Day, you know, Tré Cool." I smiled, he looked a little shocked,
"Really? Cool." He smiled and stood up.

*time to go*

"Kids, come on. We're waiting on you guys," I called up the stairs, as I pulled on my jacket, although I couldn't close it because of the bump, I smiled,
"So, how far you gone?" Cashel asked,
"Oh, ahm, 3 and a half months," I smiled.
"And this is the second last time I'll be flying before the baby's born," I smiled.
"After I fly home, that's it. According to Tré, I'm not doing anything until after it's born. I had a little, well a lot, of trouble when I was pregnant with Sam, and we don't want anything to happen this time," I said sadly, but shrugged it off.
"Are you really only 3 and a half months?" she asked, I nodded.
"Well, give or take a few days, I'm not exactly sure of the date of conception," I smiled blushing a little.
"But it's no more than that?" she asked, I shook my head, she smiled widely.
"What?" I asked, she smiled harder.
"I think you got mum's twin gene," she smiled, I rubbed my tummy.
"You think?" I asked, she nodded, I smiled really hard and herded all the kids to the car.

*just coming onto the motorway*

I looked in the mirror again, that black car was still behind us.
"Kids, I don't want to worry you guy's but the paparazzi are following us," I said, the two older kids looked up at me and nodded, I smiled. "Just so you know, okay." I smiled at them and they nodded again.
"Does this happen often?" Cashel asked, I looked over at her quickly,
"Well, not so much in America, but over here, thanks to Bridie, my adoptive mother, the papz are all over us," I said.
"But, I don't really want to talk about that, it has something to do with the trouble I had when I was pregnant with Sam," I added, before she said anything. She just nodded, and went back to talking to Frank.
"Okay, they're gone. They've probably realised where we're going and have new people at the airport waiting for us to arrive," I smiled into the mirror, as Cashel looked a little shocked. I smiled.
"It's okay Cashel, just keep your head down and don't say anything to the reporters, and you look fine," I smiled again.
"I was exactly the same the first time I had to go through it," I smiled as Mona giggled beside me. I turned to her.
"What?" I asked smiling,
"I have an awesome, wicked idea," she smiled, I nodded for her to continue.
"Well, the papz want a story, let's give them a story, since you and Cashel look the same," she smirked, I smiled seeing what her idea was.
I looked in the mirror at Cashel, "What do you say to playing the reporters?" I smiled, she looked at me confused.
"What do you mean?" she asked,
"Well, we could very easily make it look like an affair," I smiled.
"Do I have to do anything, because I'm not very good at acting?" she said.
"Nope, just walk through the airport, looking all lovey dovey with your boyfriend," I smiled, she nodded and told Frank.


We came through the arrival gate to see Tré standing, looking rather awkward, be himself, with his trademark huge sunglasses, and hat. He really didn't know that it wasn't really a good disguise. I smiled as we all walked through the gate together. I had a rather hyper Sam attached to my hip, while Kito was dozing slightly on Cashel's shoulder and Mona was walking along beside Frank.

I ran over to behind Tré and kissed the back of his neck. He turned around with a start, but kissed me back.
"I missed you," he smiled,
"And I missed you too snoopy," he said kissing Sam's head.
"Where are my other kids?" he asked looking around. Just then Cashel and Frank walked over with Kito and Mona, I smiled at his expression.
He pulled me in close to him and smiled, I looked up at him. "Yeah, I have an identical twin, so if you see tabloids about me having an affair...look closer, it's Cashel really." I smiled, kissing him. "Tré this is Cashel and her boyfriend Frank, guy's this is Tré." I smiled. Tré shook their hands and took Kito off Cashel and we all left the airport and headed for the hotel.

"Mom, dad, where are our rooms?" Kito yelled running into our suite, I pulled away from Tré and smiled,
"Sorry Bob, it slipped out," Kito said, blushing a little. I smiled at him,
"It's okay hunny," I smiled.
"Kito dude, you have to share with your sisters, okay man," Tré said bending down on his hunkers, Kito screwed up his face.
"Both of them?" he asked, Tré nodded.
"Yup, but it's only for a few nights cause your mom wants you home soon, I've had you for a month and she misses you," Kito tried to argue, but soon left to go find something to amuse him.

Tré turned to me, "Now, where were we, before my son walked in," he smiled sheepishly, I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him.
"Well, we will be where it would've been wrong for him to see, if you want," I smiled seeing the confusion on his face. I kissed him again, and frowned a little, "I hate being away from you," I said as he kissed me again.
"And I hate being away from you, but you know what it's like with the band. I have to do my job," he said, looking at me.
"Yeah, and it is a great job," I smiled,
"I mean, you're a sex symbol, and a girl can get jealous," I smiled, he kissed me again.
"Well, I think the best thing about me being away so much is..." he paused to kiss me, "...coming home to you, and making up for lost time," he said lifting me up and carrying me to the bedroom.

"Guy's, are you descent?" Billie called as he came into the suite, I smiled as Tré jumped out of the bed and made for the door,
"Tré, boxers, at least." He turned, and blushed,
"My oh my, I am forgetful." He smiled, pulling on boxers and pants, and ran out to Billie. I pulled on my dress and went out to join them.
"So, what are the plans for today?" I asked, "hi Billie Joe." I smiled, hugging him, he hugged me back but looked confused,
"Didn't I just see you in the lobby? You completely ignored me," he said looking upset, I smiled.
"No, where's Mike and I'll fill you in," I smiled as Mike walked into the suite,
"Great, guys. I can tell you now," I smiled, hugging Mike.
"So, what? You're speaking to me now? You completely blanked me in the lobby," Mike asked, I smiled,
"Guys last week, I found my birth mother, and turns out I have an identical twin sister called Cashel, who you two saw earlier, and she and her boyfriend Frank have come over for a long weekend cause the fucking airline wouldn't let the kids fly with me." I smiled.
"You're adopted?" Mike asked.
I nodded. "Yup, same as you." I smiled, Billie just nodded.
"Okay, sweet. Well, we're not doing anything today, so...I was thinking," Billie started.
"Ooh that's dangerous," I giggled as he threw a cushion at me,
"Well, I was gonna say that I'd look after the three kids so you two can have a day to yourselves, but if that's the way you're gonna be..." Billie smiled.
"No, it's okay, I'm sorry Billie. Without your mind the world would be a different place," I smiled, giving him the puppy dog eyes. He started to laugh.
"Well it's a good thing you apologized cause, I already have the kids packing some stuff, we're going to a theme park," he smiled, really excitedly, I turned to Mike.
"Make sure he comes back with the right kids," I smiled, Mike nodded,
"I'll be sure we do," he said and they left.
I turned to Tré. "How do you fancy dinner with Cashel and Frank first?" I smiled and he nodded in reply.
"Yeah sure, go call them," he smiled and went to give the kids the "be good for Uncle Billie and Uncle Mike" talk.