I'm on a sentimental journey, of no return or looking back

Part 7

"May I take your order, or would you like another few moments?" the waitress asked, Tré looked over at me, I shrugged and then looked at Cashel and Frank, who both nodded,
"Yeah, okay, I'll have the steak, medium rare, with fries, and onion sauce." Tré said to her, she wrote everything down and turned to me,
"I'll have the same, only I'll have mine well done please." I smiled,
"And could I get some paprika too, oh and mustard and ketchup too, please," I asked, she nodded and turned to Cashel and Frank, Tré looked over at me with a cocked eyebrow,
"But, you hate spicy stuff," he said, I nodded,
"Tré, the weird and wonderful cravings are back." I smiled and kissed him.

The waitress left with our orders and I turned to Cashel, and smiled,
"Mike and Billie tell me you've met." I smiled and Tré started to laugh,
"What? I haven't met anyone," she said, shocked, I smiled,
"Yeah, they thought that you were me, and shouted hello to you this morning in the lobby." I said, she smiled,
"I thought I heard someone calling your name," she said,
"Maybe I could actually meet them properly sometime?" she asked, I smiled and nodded,
"Yeah, we're all planning to go out tonight to a bar for a few drinks, why don't you two come too." I said to her, she nodded and smiled,
"We'd love to." Frank said, this was one of the first things he had said, since meeting Tré, he's a little star struck.

"So, how long you guys staying here?" Tré asked, half way through the meal,
"I don't know, we'll probably fly home Monday morning because I have to go back to work on Tuesday." Cashel smiled a little, Tré nodded,
"Well, what are you planning to do for the next two days?" he asked, she shrugged,
"I don't know, just... I don't know, what do you do in Prague?" she asked,
"Well, you can come to our show tomorrow night if you want, and I'll ask Mona what other stuff there is for you guys to do, she's been here more than me, cause her mom loves it here." He smiled.

"Would you like to choose from the dessert menu, or just the cheque?" the waitress asked, I nodded at Tré,
"Dessert please," Tré said happily, she nodded and walked off to get the menus.

"Don't you mind Tré being married twice before?" Cashel asked me, I looked over at Tré, who was talking football, as in soccer, with Frank,
"Nope, I've met both Lisea and Claudia, and they're lovely, and we get on great, and I love Tré, and his kids, and his ex-wives. It's just who he is, and I don't really mind, I like it, it adds character. Without his past, he wouldn't be who he is." I shrugged and smiled, she nodded,
"But... " she began,
"If he's been married, and divorced, twice before, you don't worry that the same thing will happen to you?" she asked,
"No, all I know is I love him, and we have great kids. I don't know what the future holds, but we'll get through it, I mean, everyone has a past." I smiled, she nodded,
"I suppose, I'm sorry for bringing it up." She said,
"It's okay, I don't mind, I've had to answer a lot more, ahm, interesting questions," I smiled.

I looked over at Tré, he was smiling at me,
"What?" I asked him, he tilted his head to one side,
"I love you too," he smiled, and leant over to kiss me.

We finished our desserts, paid and left the restaurant, Tré and I hand in hand, I looked at my watch,
"Tré, why don't you and Frank go for a few drinks or something, and me and Cashel can go shopping." I smiled as his face lit up, and he nodded,
"But no strip bars like last time," I smiled at him, his eyes went wide,
"That was Mike's fault," he said,
"And... I didn't think you knew," he said quietly, kissing my cheek,
"Honey, I always know, and I'm only kidding, I know Mike dragged you and Billie in, and made you stay," I smiled sarcastically,
"Now go, we have shopping to do." I smiled and kissed him again,
"I'll meet you back at the suite in say, two hours." I smiled, he nodded and kissed me, and then left with Frank. I turned to Cashel,
"Now, let's go shopping." I said to her, she smiled,
"You're not worried he'll go to a strip bar?" she asked, I shook my head,
"No, and if he does, I don't mind, he has to live his life the way he wants, and I know he wont force Frank into doing anything he doesn't want to." I said, she nodded, and we walked into the shopping complex.

"Tré, I'm back." I called as I closed the door to the suite and walked into the main room, he was watching cartoons and drinking beer. I dropped the shopping bags and sat down beside him,
"What time did Billie say he'd have the kids back at?" I asked, Tré shrugged,
"I dunno, six or seven, I think." He said,
"So, did you and Frank have fun?" I asked, he nodded,
"Yeah, we just had a few drinks and then came back here. He headed up to his suite about a half hour ago to do something for Cashel." He smiled, I nodded.

"Well, I got you something." I smiled and passed him a bag, his face lit up.
"I didn't get you an actual present for your last birthday, and I saw this and thought, why not?" I smiled as he opened the package and pulled out a photo frame, with a picture of his three kids, and an engraving along the top,

To a wonderful father on the day you officially became old, happy 36th birthday.

He smiled as he read it,
"Well, it may be a bit late, but I thought you'd like it." I smiled,
"And anything older than 35 is old sweetie." I giggled, kissed him, and I went to get a drink. I walked back in and sat down beside him with my food.

"Breffni, I have something to tell you." Tré said as I cuddled into him, this is why I love him; I can just sit and watch cartoons at 4 in the afternoon with him, even though he's 36 and I'm 20. I turned my head to face him,
"Yeah babe, what is it?" I asked,
"It's about something Frank told me today, and you said you wanted to meet your birth parents." He said, stroking my hair,
"Well, are you gonna tell me?" I asked, getting a little worried,
"Frank told me today that Cashel has found your dad." He said, taking a swig of his beer, I looked at him,
"Really?" I asked, he nodded,
"Yeah, she hasn't gone to find him yet, but she has an address." He said, tears fell down my cheek,
"This is what I've been dreaming all my life for, I've found Ruth and now I'm going to get to maybe meet my dad." I smiled, biting my lip,
"When is she going?" I asked, Tré shrugged,
"That's all Frank told me, but I think she wants to go meet him soon." He said, and kissed the top of my head.
"Are you okay?" he asked me, I nodded,
"Yeah, I'm fine sweetie," I smiled, and kissed him,
"Absolutely fine, ooh." I smiled, and grabbed my tummy,
"What!?" Tré asked, a little frightened, I smiled,
"The baby kicked," I smiled again, as he felt my tummy,
"Well, if what Cashel thinks is true, then the babies are kicking." I smiled, Tré looked at me confused,
"Cashel seems to think that I'm having twins." I smiled, Tré looked at me and smiled,
"This means we're gonna have two new babies instead of one?" he asked, I nodded.

"By the way, what are you eating?" Tré asked, still rubbing my tummy,
"Oh, ahm, cereal, and jello." I smiled a little,
"You're eating what now?" he asked, I shrugged,
"Well, I was getting some milk for my cereal, and I saw the jello, and I wanted some jello with my cereal, and it tastes damn good." I smiled, he nodded,
"Cravings?" he asked, I nodded and smiled at him.

"Dad, Bob, we're home." Kito yelled running into our suite. I opened my eyes to see Kito and Mona standing beside the sofa looking at us. I smiled and poked Tré.
"Did you guy's have fun with Uncle Billie and Uncle Mike?" I asked as they walked in through the door, Sam asleep on Mike's shoulder, I stood up and lifted her off him,
"Thanks Mike. How long has she been out?" I asked, he looked at his watch,
"Bout a half hour, she wore herself out running about." He said smiling, he has missed a lot of Stella, which I think is the reason why he enjoys looking after the kids for us, I turned and left to put Sam to bed, as Billie and Mike sat down beside Tré.

"So, did you guys have fun?" I asked as I walked back into the room,
"Yup," Mike and Billie replied in unison, I smiled and shook my head, I turned to the kids,
"Guy's there's some new clothes and stuff in your room, could you go try it on and let me know if it fits, and take your time." I smiled as they both ran out the connecting door between our suite and their room.

"So, what's the news that Tré won't tell us then?" Billie asked as I sat down on the floor,
"What news is this?" I said, looking at Tré, he smiled back at me and shrugged,
"Well nothing's confirmed yet, but Cashel has a feeling I'm having twins." I smiled, Billie looked over at Mike, then both looked at Tré.
"Dude, how many mini-you's do you need?" Mike asked him smiling. Tré shrugged,
"I want an army." He smiled, I looked at him a little shocked,
"Tré, unless you're gonna start popping them out yourself, you can forget that plan." I said, nodding slightly, he smiled and nodded,
"Okay, maybe not an army," he smiled,
"How a football team'll do" he smirked, and Mike and Billie laughed.

*Tré's pov*
"Mona sweetie, c'mere a minute." I yelled as I pulled on a clean t-shirt,
"Yeah dad," she said walking into the bedroom,
"Will you be okay to look after Kito and Snoopy tonight while me and Bob go out with the guy's, or do you want me to phone a sitter?" I asked her, she looked over at me,
"Can we order room service and watch movies all night?" she asked, I smiled,
"Yes you can order room service, but don't be going crazy over it, and maybe a movie or two, but not an all nighter guys cause you're all coming to the concert tomorrow night with us." I smiled, she does try, but you can't beat the best.
"Okay dad," she smiled and turned to leave,
"Mona, no scary movies, Kito didn't sleep for a week after the last one you showed him, and his mom blamed me for it." I said, she turned and nodded, then skipped out of the room.

*Breffni's pov*
"C'mon babe, the guy's will be waiting for us." I smiled snaking my arms around Tré's waist,
"I know, I just have to do one more thing and I'll be ready" he smiled and lifted my eyeliner, I smiled and left to tuck Sam in.

"Are you sure the kids will be alright on their own?" I asked Tré as we got into the elevator, he nodded,
"Yeah, they'll be fine, I'll have a chat with the people in reception before we go." He smiled and kissed me. I nodded and smiled at him as the doors opened. We walked over to the reception desk,

"Ah, Mr and Mrs Cool, enjoying you're stay I hope." Sarah, the receptionist, smiled. We nodded,
"Yeah, Sarah, I need a favor," Tré smiled, she nodded,
"Our room, I want to put a limit on the room service please." He smiled at her expression,
"the kids are up there, and we're heading out for an hour or two, and we just don't want them going wild with the room service, Ramona still has to get me back for something." he smiled. She nodded and looked at her computer,
"What amount do you want to restrict it to?" she asked, Tré looked at me, he shrugged,
"Two hundred euros, including the film," he said, she nodded and typed it into the computer and smiled.
"Oh, I have one more favor," he smiled, she nodded,
"You couldn't check them later, could you? Make sure they're okay. Their mom's would kill me if anything happened to them." he said, she looked up at him,
"Well, I clock off at ten, so I could go up and stay with them after that if you like." Sarah replied, I smiled,
"That would be absolutely great, thank you." I smiled and Tré nodded.
"And Tré's right, all three of us would kill him if anything happens to the kids." I smiled again.

Just then the elevator doors 'pinged' open and everyone walked out.
"Well, this time you've all actually met each other." I smiled, Billie and Mike looked at me,
"What are you on about?" Mike asked me, I looked at him,
"Are you telling me that you guys didn't talk the whole way down... from the eleventh floor?" I asked, he looked confused, I sighed,
"Billie and Mike, this is Cashel, my sister, and her boyfriend Frank." I said, laughing a little,
"And fuck but these kids can kick," I added rubbing my bump, everyone started laughing and we left for the bar.


"Now, when we get in, you just put your feet up and rest, okay." Tré said as he almost carried me out of the elevator,
"Tré, I'm pregnant, not crippled. I can walk. It's just a bit of morning sickness, and don't laugh, I do know it's half ten at night." I smiled as he opened the door.

"What's going on here?" He said, as we walked into the room,
"Oh, hi Mr and Mrs Cool," Sarah said quietly from the sofa. Mona was asleep cuddled into her and Sam was dozing on her knee.
"I came up to check on the kids, like you asked, and the baby was crying and Ramona couldn't get her to calm down, so I stayed and... " she shrugged,
"Is the baby really called Snoopy?" she asked, Tré smiled and lifted Mona up, to take her into bed, and I sat down beside Sarah,
"Yes and no." I smiled,
"Her name is Sam, but Tré calls her snoopy, and she calls herself snoopy, but she's still my little Samiam." I smiled rubbing her head.
"Do you want me to take her so you can head off?" I asked, she smiled,
"I don't mind, I'm going home to an empty house anyway, it was nice to look after your three. They're good kids." She smiled, I was about to lift Sam up when Tré walked back into the room,
"No you don't Breffni, I told you to rest," he said lifting Sam and taking her into the bedroom, I sighed,
"He doesn't understand that I can still do these sorts of things," I smiled,
"Do you want a coffee or something?" I smiled, she nodded,
"That would be great thanks." She smiled, I flipped the kettle on and took off my shoes,
"Milk and sugar?" I asked, she nodded,
"Two please." I smiled,

*the next night, before the concert*
"So babe, are you coming back home for a while or are you guys heading straight on to the next place?" I asked Tré as he pulled on his black shirt. He looked over at me and frowned a little,
"We have to go straight on to the next place. I wish you and the kids could come too, but you need to rest and Claudia and Lisea want the kids back." I smiled a little, and wrapped my arms around him,
"I know, but you're gonna miss the scan, but I'll tell you all about it." I said,
"Now, go out and enjoy yourself on stage, and then come back here and have fun with the guys. I'm going to be absolutely fine, and I'll be watching." I smiled, and kissed him.
"That tickles." He giggled a little, I smiled at him,
"So, you can feel it too then." I smiled,
"I think we have a soccer player in here." He said smiling, and rubbing my belly where the baby was kicking.

"Tré dude, we're on in five." Mike said walking into the room, he looked at us funny for a few seconds then nodded his head,
"Baby kicking?" he asked, I nodded and smiled. He smiled and left the room again shaking his head.