I'm on a sentimental journey, of no return or looking back

Part 9

“You ready to go home babe?” Tré asked as he helped me out of the chair. I had been in hospital for the past two weeks. I’m fine, but the twins had to be kept in cause of Edi’s ‘difficult birth’ as they call it, and they didn’t want to separate the two. I nodded to Tré and he helped me into my jacket, the wound from the c-section was healing slowly, but it still hurt like hell.
“Yeah, I’m ready, how’s Sam?” I asked, Sam had been staying at Billie and Adie’s for the past few days, so we could have a bit of rest before the twins get home.
“Oh, snoopy’s fine. She’s looking forward to the twins getting home. As am I baby, as am I.” he winked and we left the ward, and made our way down to the children’s ward.

We walked into the house together as a family, Tré carrying Edi, and I was carrying Oli, with Sam running ahead to open the door. She pushed open the heavy oak door and ran in ahead of us. I walked into the house after her, to find Sam nowhere to be seen.
“Sam?” I yelled, but no answer, Tré put his hand around my waist and looked at me,
“What is it babe?” he asked,
“When has Sam ever been this quiet? Where is she?” I asked, a bad feeling came over me as I looked around, he smiled slightly,
“You, darling, are way too paranoid. Here, I’ll put the twins in their beds and you go find snoopy, then I’ll make you some supper, okay?” I nodded and handed Oli to him. I watched Tré walk away, allowing the picture of my husband, Tré Cool, with one of our twins in each arm, embed itself in my memory, then turned and walked into the living room.
“Sam this isn’t funny, come out of your hiding place please.” I yelled softly as I walked from the living room into the kitchen, into the toy room.

“Are you looking for this?” a blood curdling voice said behind me as the door to the toy room swung slowly shut. I turned around slowly to see a man holding Sam. I could see that she was terrified, and was crying terribly behind the man’s grubby hand. Tears fell down my cheeks as he slid a knife blade against her cheek.
“What do you want? I’ll give you anything, just please, don’t hurt my baby.” I cried out to him. He looked thoughtful for a few moments, then put his knife on the table,
“Call your husband.” The man ordered, I shook my head,
“He’s not here, he-he-he’s at work and won’t be back for hours.” I said, praying the man would buy the feeble excuse, he looked at me and smirked,
“If you care for your daughter’s life, you will do as I ask and call your husband, I know that he’s here because I heard you coming in together, and your daughter called for her daddy. Now call him, and no funny business.” He ordered. I nodded, and walked towards the intercom, and took a deep breath,
“Tré hunny, could you come down here please.” I said, trying to be calm.
“But, I’m putting the twins to bed.” He whined, I wiped the tears away from my cheeks as the man lifted the blade again.
“Tré, I need you in the toy room now. Please, just don’t argue with me.” I said and let go of the intercom button.

A few minutes later Tré walked into the toy room, but before he had a chance to see the fear on my face the intruder hit him with such a force that he knocked him out. I let out a whelp as Tré’s head hit the wall, and his limp body fell to the ground, and Sam started to cry again.
“Please, what is it you want?” I cried, while trying to sooth Sam. Before the man had time to answer, there was a knock at the door and another, younger, man who looked about sixteen, stuck his head around the door and nodded.
“What I want is something I already have.” He replied as he forcefully pulled Sam from my arms and sat her in a chair. She sat there terrified as the man tied her up. Next, he moved close to me and tied my arms to the chair, at that moment, I was more terrified than I have ever been in my life. He looked into my eyes, and smirked,
“I just want you to know, that you will never see your twins again. By the time you even call the cops, they will be out of the state and out of you life forever.” He said in that blood curdling voice, he shoved a gag into my mouth and turned around and left the room, kicking Tré on his way. I grimaced again, but what could I do? Who were these people? Why were they doing this? Why did they hate us so much? Why did they take my babies? And most of all, how the fuck am I going to get out of these restraints and get my babies back? All these questions ran through my head as I struggled against the restraints. I spat the gag out of my mouth,
“Snoopy, baby, can you get yourself untied?” I asked. This was a mean feat as I was asking my two year old daughter to untie herself from tightly bound ropes after being traumatised by an intruder taking her captive, beating up her father in front of her, and tying both myself and her up. I could see her wriggling furiously in her chair, as she cried, but eventually she got herself free. As soon as she did, she ran to Tré and started shaking him, trying her best to wake her dad.
“Snoopy, go get mommy the phone baby, quick.” I said quietly.

Sam ran from the room, and returned with the cordless phone, ironically, the one phone she was never allowed to touch. I dialled in 911, and waited for an answer.
“Hello, some intruders just broke into my house and took my babies.” I cried into the phone,
“Okay ma’am, try to calm yourself,”
“How the hell am I supposed to calm myself, I’m tied to a chair, my husband is lying unconscious on the floor and my two year old daughter is scared shitless.” I yelled into the receiver.
“Okay ma’am, well send over a squad car right away. What is your address?” the lady asked, I gave her the address and she hung up the phone. I looked over at Tré, he was now lying in a small pool of blood, dripping from above his eyebrow, where his head had hit the wall. I blinked the tears out of my head and struggled to get out of the restraints.

I had just about got out of the rope around my right wrist, when two police officers came running into the house,
“In here, quick, help.” I yelled, and they followed my voice into the toy room.

One officer came over to me and untied the other rope, while the second walked over to Tré and checked for a pulse. He then lifted his radio out of his belt and radioed for an ambulance.

“Ma’am,” the first officer started, holding my elbow,
“I’m Officer Bailey, how long have you been tied up like this?” he asked calmly, I looked at him,
“we came home from the hospital about a half hour ago, and an intruder took Sam, knocked my husband out and tied us up, while another man took my babies.” I said to him.
“So this is a kidnapping?” he asked,
“Yes, that’s what I told the lady on the phone. The men took my babies, and said that I’ll never see them again, now can you do something to get my children back!” I yelled at him. Just then Billie came running into the room,
“Holy shit, what the fuck happened here? I saw the cop cars arrive and ran up.” He said hugging me tightly, I sobbed into his shoulder.
“They took Oli and Edi, Billie, and look what they did to Tré.” I cried, as I looked over, Sam hadn’t left her dad’s side, she was still trying to wake him up. The first police man was talking into his radio, and the second was checking Tré, making sure he was breathing and stuff.
“Who are ‘they’?” Billie asked,
“When we got home, there were these men, and they threatened Sam and took my babies. They said we’re never gonna see them again. Billie, we have to get them back.” I cried, he nodded,
“We will Breffni, we will.” He replied and hugged me again.

Two paramedics came into the house, along with two detectives and a few other people. The paramedics saw to Tré, put him in the back of an ambulance, and took him to hospital. I wasn’t allowed to go with him because I had to stay and help the police with their investigations, Mike went with him, and promised to keep us informed from the hospital. The two people who arrived with the detectives, who happened to be C.S.I’s, were shown up to the twins’ nursery, so they could look for evidence. I told the detectives everything I knew, what the intruders looked like and what they had said, and they left to carry out investigations back at the station and get other officers involved.