Status: Complete

Everything We Had

The Present isn't Going so Well

They'd been having problems lately, William and Gracie. Gracie was never the type to be clingy, and Will was never the type to want to stay behind. Which together made them the perfect couple, just about ready for anything. Except not only was Gracie being unusually worried, but William was being emotionally detached lately.

"Gracie I'm just going out!" Will snapped.

"Why are you being so-so, I can't even think of the words to describe it!"

"Then please just don't….." Will looked at his feet. He had felt the same odd feeling she had too.

"DON'T-just don't go!" she half cried.

See they both knew whatever was happening was serious, but they both knew that they cared too much. They'd never break up, but the two knew they had to fix it. Soon.

Days went by like this, not yelling but snapping at each other. One day it was at a band rehearsal.

"What's up with you two?" Butcher asked still sitting at his drum set.

"Nothing!" they answered bitterly together.

"Whoa! Freak out!" They way Michael's heavy Australian accent made it sound, everyone couldn't help but laugh.

Mike stepped forward, "Just don't act that way when we're around. You're makin' me pretty depressed."

"Sorry guys. There is nothing wrong here!" Will put the mic down and exchanged looks with Gracie.

"Yes there is! We just can't figure out what it is, just face it Will!" Gracie spoke up.

"Seriously if you two are having problems the world is screwed." Michael commented.

Butcher got up and patted him on the chest, "That is encouraging! Way to keep their spirits up…."

"Really I'm feeling uplifted here." William said sarcastically.

"I know what this calls for," Sisky spoke finally joined the conversation, "Hypnosis!!" he did a deep 'mysterious' voice to go with it.

"What?" Gracie laughed out.

"Saw it on Oprah!" He replied.

Mike nodded, "Yeah, you should have seen it. It was messed up, there was car crusher, plane fighter stories and stuff."

"You watch Oprah?" Butcher scratched his head.

"Exactly what I was thinking." Will agreed almost laughing.

Michael put his guitar down, "I think you should try it." He was being dead serious.

"Why? It sounds pretty leery if you ask me." She scooted over so Sisky could sit down.

"Hell, I'll even pay for it!" Sisky threw his hands up.

"And besides we someone to use as an example of a good couple." Mike pointed at Will then Gracie.

"Awwww!" it sounded overly cute at the moment.

"Fine fine! We'll try it." Will shook his head.

"I didn't actually think you'd go for it!!" Sisky stood up excited.

William started walking out, "It is only because you're the one paying for it."

Gracie couldn't help but laugh. What had they gotten into, and were the guys even serious about all of it? Either way anything could be better then laying in bed at night with both of you awake and staring at the ceiling. When really you couldn't describe what was bothering you. It was still love but without love behind it. Caring without a care in the world, and sleeping without dreams. If that makes the problem, that wasn’t even there, clearer.
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but postive feedback is nice..... :D