Status: Complete

Everything We Had

William's Past Pt. 2

When a nurse came into the tent, one who'd always try and get with me. Luckily she could only see our heads. I shouldn't have let her bring me in here, in the first place.

"Do I need to report you two?" she looked at me with green in her eyes.

"Kate, I was just dealing with something that's ALL." Gracie forcefully responded pulling up her undergarments and straightening out her stockings.

"Oh-well, I'll let you finish." The nurse awkwardly replied, and left.

"I suppose we should go now, before she does open her mouth!" My breathing was still heavy.

"Yeah I guess." Gracie looked down.

We got dressed again. As Gracie walked out the door, she straightened her uniform and shot me a look of no other. But that wasn't the first thing on my mind, and neither how far we had--almost gotten.

"Wi……Wil….Willia…William…??" there was tapping on my wrist.

"Yes?" I was still entranced in her torn look.

"Will, I want you to tell me were you just went."

"She knows something." I mumbled.

"Did Gracie tell you?"


"I want you to go to find out for me. Can you do that?"


I felt like I was carrying a small child. No, I looked down I was just wearing all of my gear. I was going into a raid, well getting ready to line up for one.

"Eh, Bill heard what you pulled yesterday." A man chuckled.

"Down in a supply tent? Laddie you got it bad!" another one said.

I simply smiled.

The first man play punched my cheek, "Billy here has fallen--"

"Definitely on his face."

"Don't you mean head over heals?" I laughed.

"NO!" they said together.

"Oh speak of the devil!" the second said pointing to Gracie running up to me.

"William you can't go!" Gracie wrapped her arms around my waist.

I hugged her shoulders, "I have to! This is my duty."

"No." she looked serious.

"I'm sorry, " I pushed her off, "I have no choice."

"You are going to be killed!"

"I highly doubt that." I stroked her cheek, which must have been warm from crying.

"Don't--just don't go." Gracie placed her hand on mine.

The two men stayed silent. They must have known something about what she said. We quickly kissed and parted. I quickly slicked back my hair again, and put my helmet on, I was leaving. But I knew I'd be back.

"We are going to have a raid."

"Do you know where?" the voice said over me.

"Another small town in Poland."

"Go on, tell me what happens."

Now we were in a vehicle of some kind, blasts were going off in the background. My group was driving along when we just stopped going. Trenches. I got out and started helping others out too. When we were all out of the vehicle, there was a roaring sound above us. Not a voice, a machine. A tank. I was running but wasn't getting far.

"NO!" I shouted.

"Men! Look out--" I saw another man get crushed before I shut my eyes.

"Move move move!!"

There was running feet, shouts, the sound of bones crushing and wheels turning everywhere. I couldn't run anymore, I had fallen on a root in the ground. Now soldiers were shooting down at us.

"Please!" I reached out, "Don't shoot me!"

The man gave an evil smile, almost one of pleasure and aimed. It seemed like forever before he even put his finger on the trigger.

"God no--don’t'!!" I screamed as the man shot.

"WILLIAM?" the voice was now asking, "I need you to let this go. When I tap your forehead, the experience will be over with."

"I was shot!!" I yelled in pain, soon followed by coughing, blood felt like it was spewing out of my mouth.

"1- this is going to be over with, it is ok--"

I was seeing red-now white- I was being lifted, then all of a sudden I was floating. My limbs wouldn't move, the scariest feeling I've ever had.

"Three." And there was another tap on my head, "Can you think of any other people that you've loved as much as that?"

"N…no….." I was flashing through things I'd never done or seen in my life.

"Really?" the shrink was surprised, "Ok, when I tap your head on 3 you'll be awake, and you'll let go of any feelings you had in past lives. And live in this one.'

My face was full of tears and sweat.

"I thought we'd lost you a few times."

"What?" I was taken back.

He laughed, "In that life I mean, not this one."

"Oh-ok good." I was dazed.

But now I had no more feelings of anxiety when I thought of Gracie. I just knew I loved her more then ever, more then anyone. And the weird part is I knew what I was talking about, and who, and--well everything. See I thought this was going to be pointless and weird, well it WAS weird but it was eye opening too. Almost to something I was living now.

"We'll meet back up again after Gracie goes." The shrink put his paper down and led me to the door.

When I walked out I saw Gracie sitting there, even more nervous and worried looking then I'd seen her ever. But I couldn't say anything to her yet, I still had to have her go through it too. I wondered if she'd see me or someone else, or I might not even be in others lives with her.
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