Status: Complete

Everything We Had

Gracie's Past Pt. 1

Gracie's P.O.V.

I'd been sitting out there for about an hour or so! What were they doing? This couldn't actually work. William was probably just talking about his high school years. That would have kept them talking for about 3 days! Will finally walked out, he looked overly relaxed.

"Hello Gracie, you can sit over there." He pointed and flipped the page on his clipboard.

"Ok." I politely nodded.

At least the chair was comfy, and it was still warm from William. I got situated, and we began. For some reason this just seemed, well, fishy.

"Now, I'm going to count to 3. 1- clear your head, relax your arms. 2- let this go all the way down to your knees. 3- it has gone all the way through down to your toes. Take a deep breathe."

I still wasn't as comfy as I thought I'd be, but I was still pretty calm. Yeah, I was getting used to this. I liked it, better then I've felt in a while.

"How do you feel?"

"Unusually comfortable."

"Why do you say unusually?"

"I've been-- I can't explain……" now I was getting out of it, "worrisome."

"I see. Can you tell me when this all started?"

I was having a hard time thinking, "N-- when I knew what rank he was in…?"

It really was a question, Will wasn't in the army, or anything close. He was just my skinny, boy next door who happened to take notice of me. But I was at a landing pad, staring at a pile of bags, determining which one is mine.

The shrink cleared his throat, "Where are you?"

"Poland, I'm not sure of the ci--" WHAT?, "ty I just arrived."

"Alright, who is with you?"

"A man, I met him on the way over. His name is William."

"Yes Gracie?"

"Oh-um," I liked the way he said my name, "I don't know where we should go."

"I think over there." He pointed then left and picked up both mine and his bag.

"Are you happy to be there with him?" a voice was coming from behind me.

"Very….. I'm glad……this place would be lonely without him."

"Grace I don't think you should take too big of a liking to him." A women next to me said.

"I know." I lightly said.

"You're just going to get attached and never eat or sleep again, because you'll be too worried he'll be called out."

"I know!" I was walking faster now.

I sighed, and blinked, then all of a sudden I was outside of a tent there was music inside.

"Gracie, I know this is late….."

"Yes, Will?" I looked him in the eyes.

"But can we go to this party together-as a couple?" Will squinted.

"Love too Mr. Beckett." We locked arms and walked in.

Everything seemed to be going well, easy going, and honestly, everyone seemed to be having fun. But I had to go to the bathroom--badly. So I left William to grab some punch or something. I quickly went so I could get back to him, when I did I was mortified by what I saw. The corners of my mouth went to a frown.

"Gra……Grace…..Gracie? What is going on?" a person asked behind me.

"He is with other girls!"

"I can't believe you!" I muttered and walked out.

I was a last resort, that's why he asked me out just now--then just- just ditched me!

"Gracie!" he was grabbing at my back.

"Stop it! Don't touch me--I don't want your hugs!" I couldn't believe he used me like that, after I cared so much.

"Gracie? How are things going?"

"Horrible, he used me. I was a last choice…." My throat was getting choked up.

"Are you sure of this?"

"Well……maybe…." I really wasn't sure.

"Grace." He quietly peeped out.

"You like them more then me lately!" I was running out of wind.

Now I had to stop hitting him, and Will then started petting my hair, "No, I only love you."

"You need to let this go--"

"No! He knew better! Will knew I cared and he didn't --"

"You do, the Grace here does, when I tap your head this will be over."

A tap came and I was ok with everything again, I was going to start ignoring this stupid voice soon, I couldn't stand it. Right there and then I could have left William and not have a hole in my stomach. But I was in a different location, I was straightening out cots in a tent, when Will walked in and gave me a kiss as usual.

"Hello honey. Almost done?" His hand went down on my back.

I started walking away, "Will not here. Come on….."

We shouldn't have been together in the first place, so public displays of affection were totally unacceptable. The two of us needed to be alone, but my emotions were getting the best of me.

He was standing, perfectly in the light. Showing all of his features, "What are you doing Gracie?"

"I love you." I was stilling unbuttoning his shirt, and then I kissed him like I never did before.
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YAYAYAY subscriptions for a story i thought no one would like!! AYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY