Status: Complete

Everything We Had

Gracie's Past Pt. 2

The kiss was the most heated one I've ever had, followed by many scattered all over each other's bodies. My head was spinning and before I knew it something gave out in my legs and I was on the ground. My lips seemed to cool William's broad shoulders, he shivered as his shirt came off. He was working on my uniform's eyes and hooks. Now Will was lifting my skirt and pulling my panties down. Our breathing was getting heavier as each second went by, we were getting closer. I thought I felt him slide inside of me but I was mistaken--William quickly pulled away.

I tilted my head back to see another nurse had come in. Quickly pulling up my stockings she spat words at us.

"Do I need to report you two?" she said with her hands on her hips

This was ticking me off, "Kate, I was just dealing with something that's ALL."

"Oh-well, I'll let you finish." Thankfully I don't think she could have told sergeant what she saw without turning beet red.

Will was about just as disappointed as me, "I suppose we should go now, before she does open her mouth!"

"Yeah I guess." I averted my eyes.

I knew the only reason why other nurses would come in, is to actually get supplies. That'd mean we'd have to use them soon, and that meant Will would be gone soon. We were in Poland the worst and deadliest place to be in. How come my emotions were always on my sleeve? The last look I shot him I think gave too much away, about his fate, the fate I'd have to accept.

"Gracie you've gotten too attached." The same friend from the plane was frowning at me.

"Sush! You have no right to tell me my emotions have gotten out of control! Have you?" I was bawling.

"Gr….GRA…..GRACIE…..GRACE??" the voice was louder then ever.

"Yes?" I quickly replied.

"Tell me what is happening now."

"He's going to go out."

"Outside? Or to something else?"

"Raiding." I choked up saying it again.

"William you can't go!" I tried to grab Will so he COULDN'T go away without dragging me along.

"I have to! This is my duty." He started hugging me back.


He looked down and then let go, "I'm sorry, I have no choice."

"You are going to be killed!" I cried.

"I highly doubt that." Will started stroking my cheek.

"Don't--" I laced my hand on his, "just don't go."

William's friends stayed quiet. Then he gave me a small kiss, I looked in his eyes one more time. He was gone….. maybe. So I sat for hours it seemed, when peopled started coming in. Some I recognized, most I didn't have a clue, due to blood and other damages done to them.

"Gracie I need some help with my station!" a women called two beds down.

She had at least four or five men to deal with I had only two. Wish I wouldn't have agreed too.

First was one who was mumbling. "Oh God." I ripped off his shirt to deal with gashes on his shoulder.

He was beat up pretty bad. Must have been run over, there was no bullet wounds on him. Relatively simple, I got him cleaned up and went on. After a while all of them looked the same bloody mess, none that I had done so far had anything too major.

"Everything is well I take it?" the voice came up again behind me startling me.

"Yes, just what I learned to deal with in school."

"The soldiers?"

"Yes and the blood,"

"Is William ok?"

"From what I can tell?"

"Keep going please…." There was silence.

Now I was taking care of one the last men to come on that day. He smelled foul partly because of gun powder and partly because of wetting himself. I hadn't heard of William yet, he had made it out safe. When I was finished with my last patient I took off my red stained apron and walked out--the sight I saw horrified me.

Rows of dead bodies. I automatically started searching them. He was almost dead center in them, blue and deathly white. My first reaction was to scream but air didn't come in to make a sound, the next was the vomit on my shoes. Then a friend came over.

"Grace he came in with the first ambulance--"

"Why? Why didn't you tell me," I sobbed and breathed, "God damn you!!"

"Our best doctors had to make a choice save one or ten." She tried to calm me with basic nurse logic.

"I don't care! He was mine! I could have tried to!"

"Gracie I need you to calm down and tell me what's going on."

"He's dead!" I think I said that out loud.

The other nurse grabbed my shoulders and squeezed them, "It was stomach wound, you know we can't do anything."

"I could have been out here--"

"So you could watch him die? It would have only made it worse." She pointed out.

"GR….GRA…..GRACIE! When I tap your wrist you'll let this go. He's here now."

"NO!" they were lifting him up onto the back of a truck.

"Grace!!" the nurse was pulling me back soon other male doctors were too.

"It is over Grace."

Three couldn't have come soon enough. My face was hot from tears and my throat hurt.

"I need you to go through all of your lives an tell me, is there anyone as close in them?"
I thought for a moment, of scenes things I was seeing, "Not at all...."
You will now wake up on the count of three." once again thank Jesus,"You are all free now."

"I-I-" weirdest feeling ever, "know…."

"William should be just outside the door. Please try not to talk to him about anything too much."

"Ok." I nodded.

"In fact you two could go to lunch or something while I look the tapes over."

And talk about what? Hey you died! Nah, I felt nothing of that anymore, I just wanted to hold him until we both were attached to each other. And I couldn't help but wonder did he care as much?

William was staring at the door as I walked out. He stood up as I did come out, there we stood staring at each other for minutes. I loved him, nothing could make me deny that now, not fan girls, not tours, not friend or even family.
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awww sniffle sniffle almost done!