Status: Complete

Everything We Had

The Future Should Get Better

They didn't go to lunch they sat there waiting for the shrink to call them back in. But neither of them dared to talk about what each other went through.

"So! This is the oddest thing I've ever seen!" he was over joyed at his discovery, "Both of you were in the same past life."

"Ok?" William sat forward.

"Is that a good thing for us?"

"Very. Good. If I may say so myself, William came back for you. I mean Grace you are the older one right?"
"Yeah but only by a month or so."

"Exactly, he wasn't far behind you."

"Sureā€¦.." Grace was just happy that as a couple they were repaired, she didn't need any 'b.s.'

"But could you please tell me why we were acting that way to each other in this life," he pointed to the ground, "Here?"

"See, that's hard to explain without knowing what is going on now. So both of you just need to 'spill the beans'" he made a hand motion.

Will and Gracie just laughed.

"Um, on gone a lot?"

"And I worry about it?"

"Well, it is a start. Let me tell you about what I got on the tapes. Amazingly both of you had most of the same scenes and both of you blacked out in the middle of it; after the fight." The shrink fumbled for a moment looking through his notes. While Gracie and Will looked at each other thinking the same thing, "First off William was the more willing of the two of you!"

Now they were silently laughing at the truest fact they've heard all day.

"Second, Will you seemed detached from Gracie. Especially when you got into a fight. You just said you loved her. You didn't try to fix it anymore. And Gracie, you always seemed worried about him leaving you in a way he could never come back."

"It is true I guess, when I first met him I was that way." She sighed, "I had an irrational fear of him getting groupies or drugs and dying from something." Gracie was now laughing a little.

"You know that irrational fear could be from this--"

"But I got over it! And then it turned into this."

"See that part could just be from your personality." The shrink pointed out.


"And William, anything you want to throw out there?" the shrink turned to him.

"No." Will casually said.

Gracie looked sadly at the floor, Will then put on a guilty face.

"Fine, Gracie, I know you notice what I do." He half rolled his eyes, "I go on tour for ten or eleven months of the year, so when I do get home--I don't know what to do. I hate it! I get attached and then don't want to leave."

"Ok, go on."

"Well," Will took his hand away from his chin, "It is hard, I know not to get too comfortable and rip it away from her. She shouldn't have to go through that because I'm being stupid."

Gracie scrunched her brow. The shrink shifted uncomfortably, almost as if he didn't really want to know. But as his job he needed too.

"Hopefully after today the two of you will be able to live happily in the now." Now he was just cutting them short.

"Oh! Do you know the time?" Gracie looked around for a clock.

"It is about 4:30."

"Sorry but we have to go." Will got up and shook the shrink's hand.

"Nice to meet you." The shrink shook both of their hands.

Gracie didn't bother to shake his hand, she saw how the shrink shooed them out after Will started talking about touring. Maybe in another life the shrink was a rocker or something? (sorry that makes ME laugh)
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ok so i'm getting impatient! and i want to delete the file from my computer!!