Status: in progress!!

Taking Over

Rebel Love Song

The three girls woke up in great moods. They all took turns in the hotel room’s heavenly shower, and Rashel and Rylee got dressed in their new gear. As Samantha walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her head, Rashel turned on the television. The first channel to come up was a news station, and what the reporter said nearly made the girls faint.
“The tragic deaths of sixteen year olds Rashel Richards and Rylee Archer have left the two families devastated. We couldn’t get all of the details, but one of the classmates of the two girls let us in on some very interesting rumors.”
The screen switched to a preppy-looking blond girl, whom Rashel and Rylee immediately recognized as one of the girls that treated them the worst out of everyone. She had mascara running down her plastic cheeks and spoke in a nasally, high pitched voice.
“Well, I, like, didn’t know they were so sad, or I would so have helped! Like I always told them they could, like totally talk to me about anything! But the way those two were like always near each other, some of us wondered if they were like, secretly dating! Like total lesbians. So like maybe they didn’t think about what would happen to everyone else? Like, they are so not alone in the Gay world! Oh I miss them so much!”
With that, the snobby girl broke down into sobs and the camera returned to the grim-faced reporter.
“We have yet to hear about any located bodies, so many of the authorities wonder if this may be a kidnapping or perhaps runaway incident. More at ten, for now, some weather reports from Kyle!”
The screen switched again and Samantha muted it before speaking to the girls. “Ve have to leave. As soon as possible.” Both Rashel and Rylee nodded, already grabbing all of their things and putting them in suitcases that had been bought yesterday. The three girls packed as quickly as they could, as Samantha spoke in rapid German to someone on her phone. She snapped it closed and moved to the door.
“Ve are signed out, just leave the cards on ze table. Grab your bags und let’s go, Gehen wir!”
Each girl grabbed a suitcase and ran out the door. Every second they were on the ground, they were in danger of being spotted.
The guy who had made the card keys for them met them on the ground, and walked out the front doors. He grabbed Samantha’s bags and started loading all the suitcases into the car that was in front of them. It was a small, sleek black car, and totally inconspicuous. Perfect.
they loaded into the car, the mystery guy driving with Samantha beside him and the two R’s in the back.
As soon as we were safely in the car and on the way to the airport, I relaxed. I turned to our dark-haired driver and spoke. “Alex, you are a life zaver!”
He turned and smiled at me with a heart-breaking smile and looked in the rearview mirror to address our two passengers. He spoke in a smooth, calm, very relaxing voice.
“Hey, the name’s Alex Eichelberger. you two are going to be under my protection while little Sammie is your mentor at the base.”
The girls smiled at each other and Rashel spoke up.
“Are you German?”
Rylee and I shared a look that I understood. Eichelberger? Seriously? Ha he was so German. When I asked, he sighed and nodded.
“Yes, I was born und raised in Germany.” He took on a slight accent, making my twin giggle slightly. Oh her and her strange fetishes….
“Nice. Well, I'm Rashel Archer and this is my twin Rylee.” Samantha had agreed to Rylee and me taking the same last name and playing the part of twins. Something told me Alex knew we weren’t really twins, but it didn’t matter. We would stick to the story. We sort of looked alike, anyways, and Samantha had told us that many people in the base would have stories they didn’t wish to share, so we wouldn’t be all too out of place.
“Are you two ready for a new life?” he asked, a bright glint in his eyes. I looked at my best friend, my sister through everything, and nodded. We were ready, no matter how hard it was.
I leaned over and rested my head on Rylee’s shoulder. I was still tired; I usually didn't get up before noon unless forced. Rylee ran her fingers through my hair gently, knowing I wasn’t totally awake. She was forever my comfort zone, my everything.
We had met when we were ten. Rylee had moved with her mom, dad, and younger brother, from Indiana. She was put in our class, bright eyed and clumsy. No one wanted to talk to her, except me. I was shy, but not to the point I’d let this darling girl suffer. So we became best friends. She knew everything about me, and I of her. In a way, we really were twins- our birthdays were close together, so we celebrated together. No one ever saw one of us without the other- it was always us. I called her parents “mom and dad”, and she did the same to mine. Even though our parents didn't really want us, they were there when they were needed.
I was slowly falling asleep in the car, even though it was only a very short ride to the airport. When we got there, I was basically jarred awake by my twin.
“C’mon, honey, we gotta go!” I would technically be the older twin, but she was definitely the more mature.
I slid out of the car, taking my suitcase from Alex and putting my panda purse on my back. My kitty hat flattened my new hair, and the swelling from the new piercings had gone down. Alex smiled at me, and grabbed Samantha’s bag from her. After minimal fussing that she could “carry my own shit!” she gave in and let him carry it. It was so obvious that they were crushing on each other.
I nudged Rylee, telling her with my eyes and mind what was happening. We had a strange twin-like connection, which also led to our “Twin-theory.”
I “said” “Oh gosh, so hot for each other!”
She replied with an eye twitch and small smile, meaning “ha totally! Hook them up?”
I held her in a questioning gaze, blinking a little more than needed. This meant “is Sammie already taken? I think she mentioned a boy before!”
Rylee shrugged, and we returned to the land of the normal to see Alex and Samantha staring at us strangely. We spoke simultaneously “What?”
“Er… are you two seriously twins? I only know of one other pair of twins that talk like that.” Alex looked at us, analyzing. I smiled, knowing our gig was up.
“No, but we’ve know each other for long enough to be. Who are these other twins?”
Alex looked at Samantha in question, but neither I nor my sister knew what was asked. Samantha spoke up. “Vell…. Ve are actually in close ties vith a band that has two twins….” She trailed off, hoping we would get it. I squeaked quietly. Tokio Hotel. It had to be.
~000 Time Skip (I seem to like these…) to the plane 000~
We all sat on the small plane, Alex and Sammie in two seats up front, and Rylee and I in the two seats behind them. I didn't really want to know where they got the money for a private jet….
I was currently gripping Rylee’s hand like my life depended on it- heights scared the shit out of me. She rubbed the back of my hand soothingly, while Samantha giggled at me. I glared jokingly at her, and Alex stuck his tongue out at both of us.
A voice came over the intercom; “Alright, passenger people. Strap in, be safe, blahblahblah. Any questions, kiss my ass. Have fuuuun kiddies!” the voice was similar to what I had heard yesterday (wow... only yesterday), from the dogtags. Anthony, right? Rylee smiled and nodded beside me. I glared at her “out of my head hooker!”
She scoffed lightly and stuck her tongue out at me. I smiled in return and resumed my silent thinking. I was, yet again, interrupted as we hit turbulence and I squealed in fear. I had a little pessimistic voice in my head repeating the mantra we’re gonna crash we’re gonna crash we’re gonna crash! Rylee squeezed my hand gently and laid her head on my shoulder. I shivered, and the two in front of us giggled. I looked at them, then asked Rylee mentally “was that out loud?!”
She laughed loudly and nodded. I shook my head in annoyance and left it there.
I looked at Alex and Samantha, and asked quietly “How long is this flight?”
“We’re stuck here for a pretty long time. I'm not sure how long; I sleep half of it!” laughed Alex. I groaned in annoyance- plane rides suck. Long plane rides? Bloody hell.
My darling twin was clinging to my hand as though she was in pain. I knew she wasn’t though; she was just scared shitless. I rubbed her hand and shoulder soothingly until she drifted off to sleep.
While Rashel slept, I spoke to Alex and Samantha about my life. They deserved to know what my sister and I were coming from.
“We met when we were ten. My mom and dad fought continuously, so they split up, and mom got remarried to my step dad who is a lot better for her. My mother would never admit it, but having my brother and I by my father was one of the worst mistakes she ever made. She has to look at us every day and see him. I tried to stay out of the way of everything, because I knew how much it hurt her to see us, so Rashel’s mom and stepdad sort of adopted me. Rashel’s parents went through the same thing, so my parents sort of adopted her, if that makes sense. When the two of us became friends, we were inseparable. I love this girl with everything in me, and I know she loves me.
“I remember when we both first became depressed. Our duo was once a trio- although she wasn’t as close to us as we were to each other. We were twelve, all three of us. Ranna was her name, and her birthday was in between ours. We were like triplets, although her parents hardly knew she existed. Ranna never told us how much it hurt her; she laughed it off every time we caught her crying. We went to pick her up for a weekend…. We never left with her though. We entered her bedroom to see her hanging from a rafter- her bedroom was in the attic. I don’t think I've ever cried that hard.
“After that incident, we were never the same. Rashel cried herself to sleep, and left her bedroom less. I started trying to run away, Rashel with me a few times. We never succeeded, because we knew eventually we’d be able to leave anyways. Our parents never noticed us gone.”
“Did you two ever… you know… cut?” asked Alex. Sammie smacked his arm lightly. “What?!”
“You do not ask shit like das!” she reprimanded (although “shit” sounded more like “sheet”).
I held up my hand to halt the brewing argument. “It's alright. Yes, Rashel did. She stopped recently because I asked her to, but I never did it. Her not cutting led to a buildup of sadness and pain that was killing her. I committed to a stupid “Bucket List” thing that I was working on. I'm already half done with it, and Rashel was going to make one. I knew she wanted to kill herself, so I was going to join her once I finished. We were going to go out together…. When she didn't call me yesterday morning like she always does, I was a little scared. Then I got the call from her and Samantha, and knew everything was going to be ok. Rashel is my sister, and I am incredibly happy that we’re both okay.”
The plane was silent as the two thought over what I had said. They each took one of my hands and squeezed lightly, a small sign of understanding and friendship.
~Time skip (ok yeah I is lazy!) of a few hours~
I slowly woke up to the sound of quiet sobbing. I would know that sound anywhere, even if I hadn’t heard it in a while. I sat up, looking into the back corner where my twin was crying her eyes out alone. Samantha and Alex had fallen asleep in their seats, so I stood up and walked to Rylee.
“Ry, hun, talk to me.” She looked up at me.
“Shelly, I'm so scared! What if I'm not strong enough and they don’t want me in the Army? What if you get hurt? What if I-“
I cut her off quickly. “No. Rylee M. Archer, sister of Rashel M. Archer, you will be perfect. I'm here, Samantha is here, hell I'm pretty sure Alex will be a pretty good friend too. So relax, ok?”
She nodded, resting her head on my shoulder. I knew for a fact that I was one of the only people she would ever cry in front of. I ran my fingers through her hair gently, feeling her relax against me. She looked up at me, and I saw the pain that was a mirror of mine. I nodded. “I miss her to, Shelly. I really do. We’ll see her again someday though.”
She smiled lightly at me, a miniscule smile that no one else would have seen if they didn't know her face as well as I did. “Sing to me?” she asked quietly. As crazy as we both were, we had our moments of serenity. She loved my voice, so on nights we couldn’t sleep, I would sing and she would sleep, and then I could sleep to the sound of her peaceful breathing. I took a deep breath, and sang what I saw as the perfect song for the moment.
“I cannot hide what's on my mind. I feel it burning deep inside.
A passion crime, to take what's mine. Let us start living for today.
Never gonna change my mind, we can leave it all behind.
Nothing gonna stop us, no not this time.
So take your hand in mine it’s ours tonight.
This is a rebel love song.
Hearts will sacrifice- it’s do or die.
This is a rebel love song.”
Alex sat up and looked back. He seemed to understand what was going on, and so his bass voice joined my alto in the second verse.
“My outlaw eyes have seen their lies. I choke on all they had to say. When worlds collide, what's left inside, I hold on tight and hear you pray.
Never gonna change my mind, we can leave it all behind.
Nothing gonna stop us, no not this time.
So take your hand in mine it’s ours tonight.
This is a rebel love song.
Hearts will sacrifice- it’s do or die.
This is a rebel love song.”
Samantha sat up, woken by our voices, and her soprano joined us for the rest, a perfect harmony.
“wild and running, for one reason. They can’t stop us from our freedom!
(just Sammie and I sang the repeat of that)
wild and running, for one reason. They can’t stop us from our freedom!”
Rylee wiped her eyes and joined us, her unique tone adding a beautifully woven melody to the harmony.
“Never gonna change my mind, we can leave it all behind.
Nothing gonna stop us, no not this time.
So take your hand in mine it’s ours tonight.
This is a rebel love song.
Hearts will sacrifice- it’s do or die.
This is a rebel love song.”
My twin smiled widely, a real and emotional smile. She laughed loudly, filled with the same sudden acceptance and happiness that seemed to overtake us all as we laughed together. Anthony’s voice came over the intercom system again.
“Please sit your asses down, and buckle in. we’re descending.”
Ending a/n: k, so this isn't as long as chappie 1… Heh oh well, love it anyways. Hope it was enjoyed. You guys got a little piece of the twin’s lives, huh? Don’t forget Ranna, she’s pretty important, dead or not ;) …..that’s all :D bye
♠ ♠ ♠
Author’s note! Ok so this is number two, and if you haven’t guessed it, every chapter in this story will have lyrics from the second full album, Set the World on Fire. They won’t be in order, but will follow the plot of the story. I have plans for We Stitch These Wounds and Wretched And Devine, as well as their new one coming out soon.
Questions of any sort will probably be answered in the story, but if you have one that’s burning a hole in your mind then you can review with it or pm me. I’ll gladly answer if it doesn’t give away some plot info. Enjoy!
(by the way, I'm sorry if Samantha's accent bugs you. It's fun for me :D)