Sequel: Collide

Her Monologue

November 15th 1991 was a night like no other really it was the night my mother decided to take matters into her own hands and shoot my father 15 times in the back. Now I know what you’re probably thinking why am I writing this down for someone to read? Because it’s a story that needs to be told, I need to share this with you and everyone else my life has been a roller coaster of hell and death in my life there’s been, love, loss, sorrow, death and revenge. I just need to write this down as my book of my life. Well this is my life I am Jesse Noel Frasier I was a year and a half old when my mother shot my father now the true story doesn’t even start for another 15 years after this incident but the past will be mentioned. If I could do one thing differently in my life, I would stay away from Charming, California tucked away in the redwood hills this town is nothing but trouble. Run by the outlaw motorcycle club Sons of Anarchy everyone is on their payroll and nobody is safe.

Layout and Banner by: Jackson Teller;
I do not own anything related to FX Networks or the Original Series Sons of Anarchy.
Do not steal my work please!
Title Credit: Her Monologue - Issues