A Day to Remember

A Day To Remember

It started as a normal day in Frank Iero’s life.
He woke up, showered, shaved, dressed up and drank his coffee. Frank couldn’t eat anything at mornings, it would come straight up if it even got all the way down.

He walked to his bedroom, fished his cell phone and keys, grabbed a jacket off the chair and then he was out.

On the way to work, he smoked a cigarette or two, and saved Mrs. Nelson’s cat, who every morning tried to get driven over by a car. Maybe she was just stupid, or seriously suicidal.

Frank worked in a grocery store just a few blocks away from his apartment. He hadn’t found a better job, or actually even an occupation he liked, so he did what he could, as long as he’d find something more interesting.

When he got there, he greeted his co-workers and went to put on the required uniform, which consists of green pants and a white t-shirt with the store chain’s logo on the chest. Frank took his name sing and tacked it on the pocket of his shirt, and he was ready to go.

Frank was filling the shelves, which he liked way more than doing the register, when his day finally decided to make a difference.

He had a tin of pineapple in his hand when he heard a faint voice asking for help from one of Frank’s co-workers.
The voice wasn’t very masculine or low, but it definitely wasn’t a woman’s voice. There was nothing in the voice that would explain why Frank had to turn around and see the source of it himself.

When Frank turned, his eyes were met with the most beautiful boy he had ever seen.

Oh, the boy, he was something else.

He had longish black hair that framed his face beautifully, hazel eyes that had a shine in them even though he looked kinda stressed, pointy, little nose and pretty little mouth. His eyebrows were thick but in no way over-grown.

His skin was milky white, and Frank eyes widened at the sight of the boy’s hips as he eyed the beauty in front of him. Even if he didn’t mean to, the boy knew how to show off his looks. He had Frank nearly coming in his pants by just standing there, biting his lips, hip cocked to the side and long legs planted strongly in place.

The boy looked like he didn’t know where to keep his hands, or what to do with them, as he leaned the other on the cart and moved the other from pocket to the side, to his hair, to the pocket again, and so on.

When Frank finally got his eyes off the boy, he looked at the awkwardly apologizing employee beside the boy. When he really concentrated, he could hear what they were talking about.

“I’m really sorry, sir. I just started working here yesterday, I don’t know where it is, I’m sorry, sir. You should probably ask someone else, sir. I’m sorry.” After saying that, the new guy stalked off and left Frank’s dream boy standing there frustrated.

Frank stood up, brushed his hands on the back of his pants and made his way towards the boy.

“Hello, I’m Frank and I just fell in love with you. I can show you where the fucking pink toilet paper is, if that’s what you want, or then I could show you the staff room if you’d just rather fuck.”

The boy looked at Frank shocked, which is pretty understandable, and blinked twice before asking;


“I know you heard me.” Frank said, smiling like the fucking sun.

The boy looked Frank from head to toe and back, then let go of the cart, and stretched his hand for Frank to grab it.

“Let’s go then.” He said with a smile, the look in his eyes changing.

Frank was slammed against a door and he whimpered slightly, but the hurt in his shoulder blades quickly got forgotten as he felt hips grind against his, and a hot breath in his neck, just under his ear.

He turned his head to captivate the lips in his neck between his own.
The first kiss was to test the waters. Their lust blinded eyes met in a reassuring gaze, to make sure they were both ready.
Their noses brushed, lips parted and finally, the gap between them was no more.

From there on, it was lips and tongue and teeth and desperate need to get more, more, more.

Frank felt a hand in his pants and his head flew back in a low moan, making their lips make a smacking sound while parting.

“Wait!” He panted and gripped the other boy’s shoulders for backup.

“My name’s Gerard. I want you to scream that when I make you come.” The boy, Gerard, whispered in his ear and nibbled the lobe.

Frank sighed happily and surrendered himself to Gerard’s hands.
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I was feeling very random, and Panic's fever wasn't helping at all, so I decided to write a little.