Status: For Julie... lion eyes



“Alright, I’ll see you later babe,” Justine smiled as she bid her best friend goodbye, Julie smiled and nodded her head at the blonde haired woman that was behind the steering wheel. Reaching over she gave her a quick hug before jumping out of the car.

“See you later Juzzie!” she called before turning and walking to the front door of her home. Digging through her handbag Julie searched for her key. A sigh of relief left her lips when she grasped them. Slipping them into the lock she turned them before shoving the door open.

“Niall!” she called. When there was no answer she simply shrugged her shoulders placing her keys on the table near the door before walking though the hallway and entering into lounge room. The brown haired woman was surprised to find that it was empty, no beer bottles anywhere and the gaming consoles were untouched. Chucking her handbag down she slipped her high heels off gently rubbing her feet to ease the slight ache in her heels.

“Niall!” she tried calling the blonde haired Irishman but once again there was no answer.

He’s probably asleep, she thought to herself. Running her fingers through her hair she got to her feet exiting the lounge room, entering the hallway again before ascending up the staircase toward their bedroom.

As she walked through the top floor she couldn’t help but notice that it was tidier than it had been earlier this morning. Smiling she knew she would have to thank her fiancé for his handwork.
Stopping in front of her bedroom door, she gently knocked.

“Niall?” she spoke gently, no answer again, furrowing her brows together she pushed on the door. It swung open exposing a tidy bedroom. Surprised and slightly worried she walked over to the bed where placed neatly on the end was a white box with a hand written note resting on top of it.
As soon as she was close enough she realised that it was Niall’s hand writing.

I bought you these. So change into them and meet me outside.

Attached to the note was a single white rose. Arching one of her dark brows she placed the note down before lifting the lid of the box. A gasp fell from her lips. The first thing she saw was a pair of white closed toed high-heels, and a white and silver flower crown. Slipping those out of the box she pulled the beaded material of a bodice, the dress fell open showing a white strapless, silver beaded frock.

Quickly the brown haired woman stripped out of her attire and stepped into her new dress and shoes running her fingers through her hair she slipped the crown over her wavy locks. Clicking over to the mirror she stopped looking at her reflection.

The dress hugged her chest area before flowing out into a smooth, billowing skirt. Smiling she did a twirl before fixing up her make up and adding a little more perfume. Straightening her crown she made her way down the stairs deciding to exit out the back door into their garden. The white rose clasped gently in one of her hands.

As soon as the door opened she was greeted to the sound of gentle music, looking up a gasp left her lips. The back yard had been transformed into a stunning venue. Strings of lights were entwined through the branches of the few fruit trees, the grass decorated with white and pink rose petals, paper lantern swung gently from chords that were suspended in the air above her. Ahead of her was a podium set up, an arch covered with white roses and small lights, she didn’t know what was going on. When she was about to call out to Niall he appeared beside her.

“Hey Princess,” he smiled his tone was a gentle whisper.

“Niall, what’ going on?” she asked however she couldn’t help the smile that spread across her face as she took in her blonde haired fiancé. He was dressed in a nicely pressed and fitted tux, his hair styled into its usual quiff.

“Uh…” he began an awkward chuckle leaving his lips as he looked down taking a sudden interest in his shoes. “Julie, I know how you like to do things on a whim, spontaneously even… and… well we’ve been together now for three years, engaged for nearly two and I thought…”

The light suddenly light up in the brown haired womans’ head and she realised what was actually going on.

“Oh my god,” she gasped a giddy giggle leaving her lips. The awkwardness that Niall had melted away and his smile became real. “You planned this? Our wedding?”

“I had a bit of help,” he admitted. Out of the corner of Julies’ eyes she saw movement, turning her head she saw people slowly begin to file into their backyard. Her mother and siblings. Wide smiles spread across their faces as they looked at her. Turning she saw Maura and Bobby walk in and take a seat up the front, followed closely by Greg, Denise and little Theo. A few others floated in. “So what do you say? Wanna get married?”

Julie was at a loss for words instead she simply nodded her head smiling through the tears that had welled in her eyes.

“Come on now Jules, no need for tears,” came the playful voice of Justine. Turning Julie saw her best friend. She was dressed in a strapless pastel pink gown that fell to the ground. “Time to get hitched ay,” she joked causing the brunette to laugh through her tears and nod her head.

“Let’s do it.”

Niall smiled widely before pressing a gentle kiss to her fore head and racing to the front of the podium where his four bandmates had appeared dressed in the same suits wearing kind smiles. Julie was too busy watching as her friends appeared behind her giggling and gushing about what was going to take place in the next few minutes.

Once the music started the girls began to walk down the short isle, Juzzie being the last turning back to her friend she offered her a warm smile and playful wink. Julie could hear her heartbeat in her ears, her palms were clammy and the butterflies in her stomach were almost unbearable.

That was until she heard someone clear their throat behind her. Turning back she saw her father, dressed in a suit walking toward her a proud smile on his face.

“Dad,” she sighed her emotions getting the better of her.

“Hey love,” he said, “Couldn’t have my Princess walking down the isle without her King beside her, wouldn’t be right would it?” Julie shook her head and took her fathers arm. Taking a deep breath the two walked together.

Coming to a stop he pressed a kiss to her forehead before looking at the blonde haired singer nodding his head gently as he stepped back. Julie turned her attention to Niall, taking his hand and stepping to be beside him their eyes locked when the priest began to speak.


Once the exchanging of vows and rings were complete the two lost themselves in each others eyes high on a feeling of happiness, the only way Julie knew that everything was complete was when Niall pulled her to him and pressed his lips against hers. Smiling she wrapped her arms around his shoulders as the surroundings became more prominent; hearing the cheering, clapping and wolf whistles.

“Well Mrs Horan,” Niall whispered his breath fanning across her lips. “Was it everything you wanted?”

“Everything and more,” she giggled before the two were jolted from their moment by Harry slapping her hands on their shoulders.

“FINALLY!” he cheered. Earning laughter from both friends. “LET’S GET DRUNK AND DANCE!” he cried jumping off the podium and walking away.

“Has he had alcohol today?”

“I think he had the nip of alcohol the bride normally has.” Niall stated.

“I think he had more then a nip,” she stated as she watched the curly haired singer pull her mother to her feet and begin dancing with her. The two burst out laughing as they watched everyone get to their feet.

“And the best part about this is definitely the sex at the end of the night,” Julie gasped hitting the blondes shoulder. “What? It’s tradition,” he stated a cheeky smile spreading across his face as his eyes shone with laughter.

“Cheeky bastard,” Julie chucked before pulling him in for another kiss.

She couldn’t have been happier.

This was the best day of her life.

And she was sure it would always be.
♠ ♠ ♠
And here it is. Finally finished the first of my 100 Prompt Challenge.
I hope you like this Julie xx I had fun writing it for you :)

Leaving a comment would be awesome :)

Cheers Esther :)
