Romance at Big Bear

Romance At Big Bear
By: VioletShadows01

Character Info:

Name: Violet Sanchez
Nickname(s): Vee, Vi
Age: 24
Hair: Short choppy blonde hair, chin length, streaked ice blue, each streak tipped black
Eyes: Ice blue
Height: 5'3''
Weight: 127 lbs.
Body Style: Petite, waist line a healthy 18 inches around, hips 26 inches, breasts/chest C-cup
Likes: Hanging out with friends, Rock music, coffee, Skittles and Twizzlers, the colors black, silver, dark blue, dark green and dark purple, cigarettes, Captain Morgan and Smirnoff Black Label
Dislikes: Fake people, homophobes, overly religious people
Tattoo(s): Yes: Two nautical stars (one on each hip bone, colored black and green), a small black tear drop tattooed at the corner of her left eye, Amara Lynn tattooed on the back of her neck, angel wings coming from the sides, stopping on both sides of her neck
Piercing(s): Yes: Right eyebrow pierced, both ears five times (right earlobe pierced three times and an Industrial at tip. Left earlobe pierced three times, cartlidge at tip once and her trache once), her bottom lip off to the left side and her belly button.
Personality: Quiet (unless around her three closest friends), sarcastic, but very protective of friends and if set off, can be very violent (used to have to take anger management courses). Known for being the observer and advice-giver of group
Job/Career: Photographer for Tattoo Magazine/Part time Tattoo artist

Name: Lauren Green
Nickname(s): Ren, Renny, Greeny, Laur, Retard, titch
Age: 23
Hair: Dark brown with purple and electric blue streaks, down to my shoulder blades
Eyes: chocolate brown
Height: 5'3
Weight: 107 lbs
Body Style: Athletically toned but still a bit curvy
Likes: Violet (the colour, and you of course XD, no pun intended hehe) I like all types of music apart from rap and classical - mostly metal and hard rock though, love vodka and doctor pepper but I like vodka straight mostly, obsessed with swimming, the beach, skiing, dancing like a retard and just generally making a fool of myself
Dislikes: Chavs, bitches, fakes, spiders, being in the dark by myself for too long
Tattoo(s): grim reaper down the left side of my ribs, nautical stars on each hip bone, bambi and thumper on the bottom of my back, 'Ashes to ashes, Dust to dust' on the back of my neck, 'Life is a dream before death' around my right wrist, small deathbat on my ankle
Piercing(s): snake bites, left side of nose, 8 in left ear, 5 in right ear, belly button.
Personality: A total crazy goofball. Is extremely loyal to her friends and family. Can fight but doesn't like to. Can have extremely random moments and sometimes sad moments. Laughs at ANYTHING (literally) and hates to shop. Hates getting out of bed in the mornings but when she is up and ready (after having her trustworthy mug of tea - essential) she is willing to do anything. Never turns down dares. Has never been in love
Job/Career: Co-owns a music store and often plays unsigned bands in the store for customers to hear

Name: Katherine Jushchuk
Nickname(s): Katie, Katie-J, Kate
Age: 24
Hair: Thick, shoulder-length chocolate brown hair, streaked lime green
Eyes: Dark chocolate brown
Height: 5'4''
Weight: 132 lbs.
Body Style: Curvy (hips), B-cup breasts
Likes: Hanging out with friends, Rock Music, coffee and tea, Oreos and Hershey Kisses, colors lime green, purple and dark pink, Bacardi Razz and Long Island Ice Tea
Dislikes: Fake people, homophobes, smoking (but doesn't hash at people who do smoke)
Tattoos: Yes: a small heart on left ankle, a Roseary 'wrapped' around her left wrist dangling the cross on the knuckle of her index finger
Piercings: Ears only once each
Personality: Shy around new people, soft-spoken and hardly gets angry. Easy to talk to. Easy to embarrass
Job/Career: Chef/Pastry Chef


Three best friends stay at Katie's cabin in Big Bear for a much needed vacation. After a long schedule of touring and the release of their most recent album, the guys of Avenged Sevenfold decide to stay the summer in the Sander's Family Cabin in Big Bear. What happens when the three girls have run in's with the guys? Friendship? A possible romance?

Pairings: Violet/Matt Sanders(M. Shadows), Lauren/Brian Haner(Synyster Gates), Katie/Zack(Zacky Vengeance)

Disclaimer: I do not own Avenged Sevenfold, but I do own the plot