
81.3 The Corner

"Good morning Detroit! Your listening to The Morning Buzz, on your favorite rock station 81.3 The Corner. I'm Ray and the time 6:30 am, on this lovely Tuesday, May 20th. Now lets have a look at the Traffic and weather with Daisy," the first voice said, far to cheery for this early in the morning.

"Thanks Ray, well Lets take a look at the traffic, watch out for 95, there was a head on collision, luckily no one was too severely hurt. Now lets look at the weather, Grab your umbrellas because its gonna rain. Tomorrow will be slightly cooler, and it should rain later in the night, enjoy the nice weather while you can. Now back to Ray."

"Thanks Daisy, and now it time for a little music, this is Panic at the Disco's Nine in The Afternoon," The on-air button clicked off and I walked into the studio.

"Hey Ray!" I smiled.

"Hey girlie whats up?" he said pulling his headset off and looking over at me.

"Dan told me to come tell you, what the give away prize is," I smiled, looking at him. He was attractive for sure, but nothing I would ever go for.

"Ooo well aren't you lucky what is it?"

"Hm, why?" I teased.

"Because, I need to know for my job, come on Amber tell me," he begged, causing me to laugh. I finally just caved and told him.

"2 Tickets for Panic at the Disco, tomorrow night."

"Sweet, what else you got for me?"

"Nothing, but Dan said he needed to talk to you."

"Ugh, alright, we go on-air soon will you take over?"


"Okay, just introduce the next song and tell the prize and to call when duck quacks."

"I still think you need a new noise."

"Shut up," he laughed before walking out of the studio. I slid the headphones over my ears and waited for Sam to cue me on. I had only filled in for Ray twice so it was still a little awkward being on air.

"That was Nine in the Afternoon, by Panic at the Disco. This is Amber filling in for Ray, and speaking of Panic at the Disco, its time to announce today's give away. I have two tickets to see tonight's sold out show. Call when Ray's infamous duck quacks and you could have the chance to win them, but know its time for another song, here is Call Me When Your Sober, By Evanescence," Sam clicked the button off, and we were off-air. Ray walked back into the room and sat down in the chair next to me.

"Hey, your getting better at being on-air."

"Thanks, so what did Dan want?"

"Something I'm not aloud to tell my assistant slash fill in DJ," he teased. Now he was just going to be cruel.

"Oh come on!"

"Nope, but I do need to head out for a bit so do you think you could do the rest of the show for me?'

"The rest of the show?"

"Yes, please? Dakota and Jack will be in in a few hours, and I already wrote down everything you need to cover for the day, please?"

"Fine," I sighed, "but I get to find you a new prize sound."

"Fine! Thank you so much," he said. He took out a piece of notebook paper, out of his jean jacket pocket and unfolded it.

"Is this what I need to do?"

"Yep, thank you so much A.J."

"No problem," I said. Sam gave me the 1 minute warning, I nodded.

"Alright, I better go, thanks again."

"Bye Ray," I said I waved to him and he walked out. I waited for Sam to cue me on.

"That was Call Me When Your Sober. Ray had to step out, for some unknown reason, so I will be filling in for him for the rest of the show. Now its time for Ray's morning play list," I motioned Sam to start the play list and turn off the on-air button.
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I finally got it out