
Just Another Day?

The next morning I got into work early, with my coffee in hand. I wore my dark blue skinny jeans, black and yellow Panic at the Disco shirt and, my brown and cream striped Panic at the Disco hoodie, all with my black and white checkered vans, that has my neon pink shoelaces. My brown hair was teased up in the back, with my small black hair clips, shaped as bows, sitting on the sides, clipped onto my 2 newly dyed hot pink streaks. I sat down at my desk outside of Dans office and started rummaging through my things. I found a folder that Dan had left for me to go through. I was technically hired to be Dan's assistant, but Ray and I became really good friends and he talked Dan into letting me be his assistant too.

I started reading the paper on new ideas, for the shows. Anytime Dan got some suggestions and he always, let me pick the ideas I thought where best. He knew I liked to be more involved with the company and that I didn't want to just get him his coffee, and lunch orders. I was digging through my top, right drawer, for one of my hot pink highlighters when I heard Ray's voice.

"What are you doing?"

"I can't find my highlighters! Ray help me," I fake pouted.

"They dried out remember."

"Obviously not," I laughed looking up at him, "I'm gonna go buy some more before your show, I'll be right back."

"Take your time," he laughed before walking away to his office. I quickly grabbed a couple dollars out of my wallet and ran to the drug store across the street.

I walked in and went straight to the office supplies. I grabbed a pack of my favorite highlighters, walked over and grabbed my favorite energy drink and went to check out.

"Hey Amber!"

"Hey Chelsea, whats up?"

"Not much, I heard you on The Morning Buzz yesterday, you did good."

"Thanks, I was so worried. I have never done a full length show before that.'

"I know! Alright well I won't keep you any longer, see ya!"

"Bye," I laughed, while waving to my friend. I quickly got back to the office and my desk just in time for Dan to walk up and start talking to me.

"Hey, A.J. did you get the folder I left on your desk."

"Yes I did, I was just about to highlight the ideas I liked too."

"Alright good, well when your done with that I have a few quick errands I need you to run for me."

"Alright," I said. Dan walked back into his office and I went back to work. Dan, was younger than most people expect him to be when you talk about him, he was only 25. He had dark brown hair and brown eyes, and he was about 6' 5, but Ray was still taller. Ray was 6' 9. He had pastel blue eyes with dark sandy blond hair.

When I finished highlighting the paper I stuffed it into the folder and went into Dan's office.
"Hey, Dan I finished highlighting this, what did you need me too do?"

"Well I have a list, it's not long I promise."

"Alright, what is it."

"First I really need coffee, can you make me some?"

"Of course that is part of my job you know."

"Ya, well after you do that I need you to go do whatever Ray needs you to do."

"Thats some list."

"Oh shut up."

"Alright I'll be right back."

After I got Dan his coffee I headed down to the studio. Ray was on air at the moment so I waited outside. when the on-air button was turned off I walked inside.
"Dan said I needed to do stuff for you."

"Well he lied, I did it all already."

"Oh okay."

I walked back out to my desk, put my Ipod headphones into my ears, and started typing up an email.

Brendon's POV

Yesterday morning before our concert, this guy Ray from a local rock station, came and asked us if we would do an interview, of course we agreed, so that is where we where heading. When we got to the studio we all headed inside. We found Ray waiting for us talking to a short black haired guy.
"Hey guys," he said waving us over, "hang on one minute okay?"

"Alright," Jon replied still trying to wipe the sleep out of his eyes.

"Ok, good. Anyway Sam, do you know what the changes that Dan where talking about are?"

"No a clue, A.J. probably knows though"

"Alright I'll ask her, Thanks."

"No problem."

"Follow me guys."

We followed Ray, down the hall toward where ever he was taking us, but he surprise us, well me at least when he stopped in front of someones desk that was out in the hall.
"Hey A.J."
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Hope you guys like it XD

I'm pretty excited, because I'm writing a novel so If I don't update often I'm sorry But I'll try my best...

Wish me luck XD

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