
The Interveiw

I walked out the studio door, and went into the sound proof control room. The control room had a giant window on the left wall facing the studio, and control panels every way.

"Hey Sam,"

"Hey A.J, whats up?"

"I'm bored and have nothing to do. Can I stay here for awhile?"

"Ya, you can control the songs."

"Yay!" I laughed. Sam gave Ray the 30 second signal and started counting down the seconds under his breath. I looked at Sam as he was counting and couldn't help but laugh.

"Whats so funny?" he asked when he finished counting and switch to on-air button on.

"You actually count down?"

"Yes I do," he said.

"Why? It says it right there?" I said pointing to the timer.

"Because, I don't know, leave me alone," he said pushing his black hair out of his eyes.

"Okay," I giggled.

"Meanie," Sam laughed. I burst out into laughter again, before my cell went off, playing the song, 'But It's Better If You Do'.

"Hello?" I said trying not to laugh.

"Amber, it's Dan."

"Hey Dan whats up?"

"Tell Ray that I need to talk to him when he gets off air."


"Thanks and also did you finish highlighting the papers I left for you?"

"Yes I did."

"Good, thank you,"

"No problem, Ray's about to come off air, I'll have him call you."

"Alright thanks bye."

"Bye Dan," I said before hanging up the phone, "I'll be right back Sammy."

"Don't call me that, It reminds me of your dog."

"Well sorry," I laughed before leaving the control room. I walked into the studio and looked at Ray.

"What do you want?"

"Dan wants you to call him," I said sticking my tongue out at him.

"Ugh Fine," he said standing up, "Stay here," he said pointing to his chair.

"Kay," I said sitting down, after he left the room. Brendon, Jon, Ryan and Spencer were all looking at me so I blushed, "Don't look at me," I laughed covering my face.

"So," Jon laughed, "thats a pretty awesome hoodie your wearing."

"I agree," Spencer laughed.

"Just for the record you have already said that." I laughed.

"I know," Jon said. After a few minutes of silance, my cell phone rang again, to the tune of 'The Piano Knows Something I Don't Know', which met it was Ray, and since my ring tone was a Panic song they all looked a me again.

"Hi Ray," I said trying to hide my blush.

"Hey, I have to meet Dan somewhere for a few minutes, so you have to take over. There are a list of questions on the desk that I want you to continue asking Panic, I'll be back soon."

"Are you serious."

"Yes, and I'm taking the folder to Dan, he asked me too."

"Alright, but you owe me this is the second day in a row I have had to cover for you."

"I know I know, I'll bring you back a Monster, hows that."

"2 and we have a deal."

"Fine 2."

"Alright, well I have to go now."

"Alright thanks again bye."

"Bye," I said hanging up. I looked over at Sam who tilted his head and held up 3 fingers, meaning what was going on and we only have 3 minutes till we go on-air. I groaned and pointed to myself, Sam nodded.

"What was that?" Brendon asked laughing.

"Well, Ray decided to be a meanie so now I'm filling in for him, again."


"Yeah, an we only have 2 minutes left," I groaned, picking up the list of questions Ray was referring to. I started looking over the questions and laughed.

"What?" Ryan asked.

"These are the stupidest questions I have ever seen."


"They're very repetitive, for example, what bands inspired you to play, and what inspired you to play. I refuse to ask these questions."

"Then what are you going to do?" Ryan asked.

"Make some up, off the top of my head," I looked over at Sam and he gave me to 30 second warning. I noticed he started counting and I laughed, he glared at me, then went back to working the controls.

"Are we going on soon?" Spencer asked, I nodded and looked as, Sam gave me the 10 second warning and I got ready to go on the air.

"That was 'Teenagers' by My Chemical Romance, and this is Amber filling in for Ray once again. I am here with Panic at the Disco, and they are going to be answering some questions for us. Hows it going?"

"Good," Ryan laughed.

"Amazing, so I really do not feel like asking you questions about your career, do you mind if we just ask random questions?"

"Not at all," Brendon laughed.

"Great, alright so What are you favorite colors?"

"Seriously?" Jon laughed.

"Sure," I said.

"Well I like blue," Ryan said.

"Red," Brendon laughed.

"Currently my favorite color would have to be, uh orange."

"Why orange? Spencer asked Jon.

"I don't know."

"Okay whatever. I like Yellow."

"Very interesting," I said trying to sound serious, "What is your current favorite song?" I asked randomly. They answered the question, and the one after, then Sam turned us off-air.

"I really hate you," Ray said bursting through the door, holding my energy drinks.

"No you don't you love me," I laughed holding my hand out.

"Your ruining my show!" he whined.

"Am not, who wants to hear questions that have already been asked over and over again?"

"Good point," he said kicking me out of the chair.

"I know I'm brilliant," I laughed.
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Enjoy and Comment!

I'll love love love you forever lol

Next chapter gets way more interesting Its already writen