

I went back to my desk while Ray finished his radio show. When his show ended, Dakota and Jack were already waiting outside the studio to take his place for their show, The Morning Play-list. Ray came out of the studio followed by the Panic boys.
"We're going out to breakfast, do you want to come?" Ray asked.

"Sure, where are we going?" I said standing up, and grabbing my bag.

"The diner that David works at," Ray laughed.

"Are we taking your crap car?" I asked, causing Ryan to chuckle.

"Hey my car is not crap!"

"Ray your car is 18 years old, its been in 4 crashes and, its ugly."

"It's not ugly," he tried to defend.

"Whatever you say," I said opening the door and walking out into the cool, crisp air. We all walked over to Ray's car and Ray started thinking of ways to make us all fit.

"Well since A.J. is the smallest she can sit on someones lap, and..." he started rambling before I cut him off.

"You know we can take my car too."

"Alright that work like ten times better then any idea I could have thought of."

"I know," I smiled, "Who's going with me?"

"Jon and I will," Brendon spoke up. Ray to roll his eyes, he knew what I was thinking.

"Alright follow me, away from this piece of crap car," I laughed leading them away from Ray's car and to the other side of the parking lot where mine was parked. My car was way nicer than Ray's, It was probably the only nice thing I owned. It was a 4-door, yellow Chevy Malibu, that my dad bought for me before I started my job at the station.

"Wow, yellow car," Jon laughed.

"Yeah," I said opening the driver side door.

"Shotgun!" Brendon yelled.

"I hate you," Jon said glaring at Brendon. They both got into my car and, I changed the CD that was in the player, from The Killers to Our Lady Peace, then pulled out of the parking space and started driving toward the diner.

"So," Brendon said trying to break the silence.

"So," I laughed. I'm the type of person who doesn't do good in silence, I usually end up laughing, from the thoughts that are running through my head.

"Whats up?"

"That was a gay question," Jon laughed from the back.

"Oh ya then you think of a topic to talk about," Brendon fought back.

"Ok," Jon said, "So Amber do you like animals?"

"Yeah," I laughed.

"My topic was better," Brendon said.

"Shut up," Jon fought, "Do you have any pets?"

"Yes I do."

"Really tell us about them," Jon said.

"Uh I have a puppy named Sammy, and I have a pet turtle, named Nomar."

"A turtle?"


"Why Nomar?" Brendon asked.

"Because its one of the shortest names in his name," I stated.

"Whats his name?" Brendon asked

"Are you sure you want to know?"

"Yeah," he said raising an eyebrow.

"Okay well his full name is, Splash Nomar Garcia Para Sticky Gimli Legolas Frank Iero Gerard Way Jodway."

"Holy crap poor turtle."

"Eh, there is more I just don't remember it."

"Seriously?" Jon laughed.


"That is a long ass name," Jon laughed.

"I know," I laughed. We pulled into the parking lot of the diner and got out of the car, and we went inside were Ray, Spencer, and Ryan were waiting. We found a seat and started looking through the menus.

I looked over toward the counter where David was standing serving someone from behind it. I slid out of my seat and walked over to him.
"David!" I yelled. He turned and looked at me. David has a mohawk that he wore down when he was working, and snake bite piercing. David was one of my best friends, even if he was freakishly tall.


"Hey buddy whats up?"

"Not much just working you?"

"Eating," I laughed.

"Cool, well I gotta get back to work call you later kay?"

"Okay, Bye Davey."

"Bye," he laughed. I walked back over to the table and sat down.

"Saying hi to David?" Ray asked.

"Of course!" I laughed.

"Who is David?" Ryan asked.

"You see that guy over there who is like freakishly tall?" I asked.

"Ya," Ryan said.

"Thats David."


"Yep," I said turning back to the menu.

We ordered our food and then started having a conversation about music, while we waited for the food.
"Do either of you play any instruments?" Spencer asked.

"No," Ray said shaking his head.

"I play a little guitar but I suck at it," I laughed.

"Well at least you can play."

"True," I said. The food came and we all dug in.
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Here it is Enjoy and Comment

My turtle and puppy's actual names lol