Status: New story

I Don't Believe in Fairies, So How Am I One?

Run Away

Running down the hallway, I pass a lot of kids in every costume there can be. But as I turn the corner to go to the backyard, I pass a few little girls in fairy costumes. They owe and ah at the wings on my back, thinking that they are fake, but they aren't, as hard as I try, the damn things wont go away.

Jumping over the fence, I'm about to crawl up the flower wall, when I hear voices coming from the front yard. "Don't worry, we will keep an eye out for her," a police officer tells my dad.

"Please, bring our baby girl home," my step mom tells the officers, as if she on the brink of tears.

-I'm not a baby and I'm defiantly not your freaking baby.- The police officers don't even seam convinced by her words.

The officers get back in their car and leave the driveway. "Oh Charles, what will we do if they can't find her?" she fake cries.

-Ugh.- Going back to the wall of flowers, I go up it and crawl into my room. Putting on my jacket and then putting on my bathrobe, I walk out of my room as if I had been here the hole time. "How's it going?" I ask them, as they walk back into the house.

Dad looks happy, but my step mom is the stun one. "Where were you?" dad asks, as I go down stairs.

"Bathroom in my room,"

My step mom crosses her arms, scrunches up her nose. "Oh really, why didn't you hear us yelling for you?"

"They are called headphones," I tell her.

Dad steps in the middle of us, as if to stop a slap fight that I would no doughtily win, cause I would. "We are just glad you are safe and sound," dad tells me.

In all truth this might be the longest dad has ever talked to me, sure we have dinner and he comes to school stuff, but we hardly talk. Not since mom died when I was little. "I'm fine," I tell him, as he lets go of me. The little kid in me screams for the hug to last longer, but the teen me tells me that it's for the best, because dad hardly understands me. No one understands me. Hell I don't even understand myself, freaking butterfly wings came out of my back and hour ago. "I'm going to go to bed, night." without a look back, I take the steps two by two up to my room.

Closing my door, I can hear them talking, but the door is to thick for me to hear their words. Leaning away from the door, I take off the robe and change into shorts and a tank top. As I'm finishing up dressing, my wings still won't go away. Throwing on my robe, I'm glad that the wings didn't rewind my tank top or my other shirt. "Come in," I tell who ever is at the door.

My step mom walks in with a plate of cookies, as if the cookies will make up the years that she wreaked. "Brought you cookies," she gives me the most big plastered smile, I'm surprised her face doesn't crack.

"Leave them on the nightstand," I tell her, as I grab my lab top and start it up.

"Listen Audrey," she sits on my bed.

-Great, now I'm going to have to burn my blankets.-

"I wanted to say that I'm sorry for the way that I've treated you over the years," she moves to put her hand on my foot, but I move it out of her way. "Can we start over again?" she gives me a puppy dog face.


She turns back into the woman I've had to deal with for so many years. "Listen to me, you little bi-"

She goes for grabbing my hair, but I stop her by grabbing her wrist. When my skin grabs her skin, it glows a bright red, she starts to act as if it burns her. "No you listen to me, you one sided witch," the brightness grows. "I've had to deal with your crap for to many years, do us both a favor get out of my room, get out of my face and stay out of my life or you will be sorry." letting go of her, my hand print is still left on her wrist, if for only a few seconds.

She rubs her wrist and gets off my bed, slides the plate of cookies off my night stand, smashing the plate and cookies onto my floor. "Oh Audrey now look what you did, your grounded!" she makes her voice crazy loud so my dad can hear it.

Moving, she back steps with wide eyes. "Get out," she can't move fast enough for my taste, she slams the door shut behind her.

I can hear her run down the stairs and for some odd reason, I can hear her talk to my dad. "Look what she did to my wrist," she complains.

"I don't see anything," dad says and then I hear paper move, as if he just flipped the page of the news paper.

-Ha!- taking off the robe, the wings move up and flutter a little bit. "Now, how do I make you things go away?" I ask them, as they catch the light and make small rainbows all over my room.

"Why would you want them to go away?" a voice asks me.

Turning around, it's the boy with the wings "Who are you?"

He gives me a smile, that says that he knows all the answers in the world. "The name is Jake and how I found you, well," he slips into my room now having no wings. "Let's just say, that your a hard person to find, you don't use your powers nearly as much as you did as a child,"

"What are you talking about? I have never had powers before."

He moves with grace and walks over to me. "You did and do, but your so hard headed that after an event from your childhood, you denied your gifts," he moves the back of his hand, his knuckles barely graze my face. "My lovely Audrey you have so much to learn, in such a short time, many people are counting on you." his baby blue eyes sparkle, with gold flecks in them moving here and there.

"Who counting on me?" taking a few steps away from him, my heart pounds in my ears and my back starts to hurt. In my body lengthy mirror the wings grow a little bit, there read framing inside the black, purple markings turn into eyes and the pink turn into slits in the eyes. "What's happening to me?" I gap out, as I try not to scream.

Jake runs his fingers through his dirty blond hair, making it stick up between his fingers. "Your growing faster then I thought," he looks around the room, claps his hands and everything I own soon is gone. "You can't stay here," he tells me.

My door starts to rattle. "Audrey who is in there with you?!" my step mom bellows out.

"No one!" I yell back, wanting her to go away and leave me alone forever.

"If you don't open this door right now, I'm having your father bust it down," she tells me, as she tries to push her way in here.

Jake looks at me, with pleading eyes and holds out his hand. "Please Audrey come with me and I promise you, you will never be an outsider again. Everyone will love you, no one will ever look down on you again,"

"My dad," sorrow fills my heart, who was I kidding, he would never miss me. He has his wife and that baby on the way, he would have no time to love me or even think about me. He didn't even have time to love my mom, even if she had passed away, I had thought there might had been small part of his heart that would always been meant for mom, but there was no such thing.

"Audrey, what's going on in there?" dad voice comes through the door, braking my heart just a little bit, but he would be happy again. He was good at shutting out feelings and not caring.

Grabbing Jake hand, I lead him out the window and jump out. His wings grow right away, he catches me in his arms, then we fly off. I can hear my dad screaming my name as he gets into my room, I can even hear him tell my stepmom to call the cops. I have a feeling they would never find me. -Hope there some small peace of your heart dad, that you still love me.-