Status: New story

I Don't Believe in Fairies, So How Am I One?


Returning to the camp, it's busy with everyone setting up for something. There is flowers all over the place and Fairies talking a thousand miles an hour.

Rubbing my head, Jake looks at me worried. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just don't feel to good. The trip took a lot out of me."

The head of the Fairies comes to us with a big smile on her face. "Welcome back, we have big news."

"And what news is that?" I ask her.

"Char is coming to see us."

Jake back goes stiff, as if hearing the name commands him to do this. "Why is he coming here?"

She gives a big grin to us. "To see Audrey of course."

He shakes his head. "Anything else?"

She shakes her head, but the gleam in her eye says so much more. But what? "You should go rest Audrey, you look tired."

I was and glad to get away from her, cause something was off, but I couldn't put my finger on it. Jake follows me to my house and we fly up. "So what happened?" he asks me, following me into the house, as I put my bag down.

"They showed me of what happened and they told me who was be hind it."

Anguish crosses his face. "I was going to tell you, but I didn't know how to."

"It's been my experience to just tell people something straight up, no matter how much it hurts." for all that is true, I don't know what hurts me more. Knowing his people were those that killed off my family and maybe all of my kind of Fairies' or that he kept it to himself. "Can you please go, I just want to take a bath and wash away today."

"Okay, but let me know when the next clue comes." then he leaves.

Would I tell him when the next clue came? Or would I keep it to myself? Those are the questions I ask.


Dreams are meant to good and not bad. The nightmares are meant to stay away and the dark truths at bay for a few hours. But not for me. What I seen at the house comes full force at me, waking me from my sleep.

Bolting out of bed, my body shakes badly, as I clutch my blankets in my fist. "Just a bad dream," I whisper to myself. Slowly getting out of bed, my feet hit cold floor, but it doesn't stay that long, it turns hot as fire.

Looking up, I'm in the mansion as it burns and my family is killed off. Swords and arrows fight back and forth. "Get the child out of here!" someone orders out.

"NEMO!" I scream out as my mom picks me up and escapes, but I don't go with my mother and my past self, I stay right where I am.

A man in his forties at the most, picks up the young man by the shirt. "Where did they go?" he says through his teeth.

"You will not find my cousin. She will bring the light back and end all of this."

The man holds the sword up in the air, right over his heart. "I will ask you one last time. Where did they go?"

Nemo puts his hands on the man face. "Let me show you, your future first." a bright light covers the man face and he screams in pain.

The man falls to his knees as he holds his hands over his eyes in pain. "You foul!" the man bellows out and without even looking strikes Nemo in the heart.

"Hide little butterfly and become stronger then these old ways." he says chocking on his own blood and then he falls down.

The vision fades away and I fall down on to my knees, chocking for air. "As your memories come back, you will get stronger." a male voice says.

Looking up, it's Nemo. His gold hair is wavy covering his right eye and dressed in short sleeve gray nice shirt and worn in jeans. "Your my cousin." I chock out.

"Yes, and the next place you have to go is clouded from your mind. You have been made to forget and you need to remember."

"How do I remember?" I ask sitting back on the bed.

"Stop lying to yourself."

"About what?"

"About who you are and what that initials. You're time to step up is here Audrey and you need to face the challenges. The man that held his sword to me is here and you have to flee to live. Do you understand me? Pack up and leave before dawn and face who you are." then he is gone.

Shaking, I get up and get dressed. Pack clothes and my family belongings. Fluttering out of the house, the sun is starting to come up ray by ray. "Audrey you are just in time, Char is here." the woman that I had believed to my friend says.

Looking back at the rising sun a hoard of Fairies come, with a man leading them. The man that had killed my cousin and who knows how many others. "He has been waiting a long time to meeting you," she whispers against my ear.

-I'm so dead.-