

Finally. The old lady was being taken away.
"NO! PLEASE! SHE'S A DEMON! A DEMON! SHE'LL KILL YOU!" the lady cried as a cover was put over her mouth, turning her cries into muffled misunderstood sounds. Her eyes widened in fear as she saw the girl across the street. A smirk of pure evil across her face and a dagger in her hand. As the psych ward truck drove off Amy woke up.
It was just a dream. It was weird. Usually Amy had dreams of her past. Not freaky dreams like that. She sat up and petted her dog. A rare white Labrador retriever. A very... chubby white Lab. The dog stored and it made Amy laugh. "Muttley... you're snoring" She said. The dog's tail started to wag at the sound of its name. Amy laughed. It would be another sleepless night... oh well. 12 days with only 10 hours of sleep was normal now. She laid back and wondered about her dream.
"Will it come true?" She asked her dog. The white beast simply wagged its tail across the sheets, only happy to be spoken to. Amy rolled her eyes and cuddled up to Muttley. Maybe tomorrow we'll take a walk. Muttley wagged her tail on the word walk.
That morning when Amy got up at noon, she heard the lady next door yelling about the demon and the haunted house. Amy rolled her eyes. That crazy old lady thought that Amy was a demon the possessed people and thought that Muttley was a hell hound. She belonged in a psychiatric home. She also thought Amy lived in a haunted house. She claimed to see Amy talking to ghosts. It was all thanks to Amy's strange ability. Amy could project her dreams and memories as spirits. They would be blue and ghost-like in appearance and they would take place as normal. But to an outsider, it looked like her house was haunted; in some ways.... it was. To Amy, it was haunted by bad memories, and the cruelness of her father.
As Amy left, she saw two people talking with her neighbor. A tall man with brown hair and dark shades on. Beside him was a woman with scarlet hair, wearing a black dress. Amy stared at them for a bit... or at least until Dr. Coo Coo spotted her.
"It's the Demon!" the old lady cried and hit behind the man.
He simply tilted his head and looked behind him. "It's just a kid" he said.
"Looks like Dr. Coo Coo got someone to listen to her BS" Amy said.
"I'm not crazy, Demon'' the old lady shouted, still hiding. "I know what you are capable of!"
"Tell some who cares" Amy said and put on her head phones. "I'm not a kid... I'm 21" She said putting on a face of total sass and walked away.
When she came back from her walk, the people were gone and the sun began to set. She sighed and put her dog away. Then just as it was getting dark, she went to leave. Her neighbor's light was on and Amy could tell the old lady was watching. Amy glared at her as she left. She never went out at night but she really wanted to for some reason. "Just tonight" she thought. She walked down the busy sidewalks of Manhattan until she came to a neighborhood similar to hers. It was only a mile away so it was easy to get to. As she entered, she began to think about how she always used to go here to visit her friend Max. She had been friends with him since as long as she could remember. He'd always been there for him... Even when her mom was killed. But only a year after her mom's death her dad tried to take over the city. A group of so-called-heroes stopped him but not without some causalities. Manhattan had been 1/2 destroyed and her friend Max and his family had disappeared.
Amy walked straight to his house, now empty, and sad. The once great memories and fun she had with them, was now an empty, abandoned home. She smiled as she reached up into the gutters for the key. She came here so often to hide from her dad, that it was like she lived here. She even called Max's father, "Dad" once. But he didn't care; he just laughed. As she opened the door her dog ran in. Amy had to drop the leash from getting her arm pulled off. "MUTTLEY!" she called and raced after her. The dog led her down the basement stairs and Amy used her flashlight to see where she was going. What she saw made her laugh and cry at the same time. There, lying in a heap was an old red white and blue tarp, connected to a basket that could fit 2 people. Tears streamed down her face as memories flooded her mind. It was the old hot air balloon that her and Max tried to make. It was to small to actually get airborne, but it was the best memory she had. She jumped as Muttley broke her thoughts with a sharp barked.
Amy slowly stalked up the stairs, careful to not make a sound. As she turned the corner, she could hear hushed voices. She saw a couple of shadows moving around and her tears turned to rage. No one belonged in this house except Max's family. Muttley growled and Amy hushed her quickly. She gripped the dagger's handle that she had in her pocket and walked silently over to them. As she pulled out the weapon, she could hear the conversation. It was a man and a woman.
"Clint, are you sure we're in the right place?" The woman asked
"Look," the man said. "Fury told us that the last time the girl was seen, it was at the house on Mill Road. Well, all that was there was a crazy old lady who said she lived by a demon"
Amy tensed. They were looking for her. Had her dad sent them? Where they with him? Her hatred grew. She knew her dad was relentless but this was nuts. Sending assassins out for her? Really?
"A crazy old lady and that kid next door" The woman said.
"I'm not a kid" Amy thought. She was 1 year too old to be called a kid in her mind.
"You think that smart ass is who we're looking for?" the man asked.
"Perhaps" the woman said. "We looked in that house that she said was haunted but there was nothing there but this address"
Amy narrowed her eyes as she listened. "They raided the house?" she thought. "I hope they didn't go into..." She shook her head. "Why am I thinking about that?" she asked herself. She never thought about THAT room. The room her mom was killed in.
"I don't think she's here Nat" The man said. "But let's keep looking around"
They continued their search and Amy hid upstairs in Max's room. She knew every nook and cranny in this house and every good hiding spot. One of the best was under the stairs in Max's room. Only a small person could get in the door that led to the large space. Max's dad had made it special. Since they had no trees and Max wanted a club house, his dad made the space under the stairs the "club house". Max grew out of it eventually. The fact that he grew too tall to fit could have been part of it.
Amy squeezed under there and Muttley came with. The dang dog laid right on Amy's legs so now the girl couldn't move. Muttley had laid on her IPod and it turned on and started randomizing songs. It was so quiet that Amy didn't really hear, that and she couldn't reach it. As she shut the door, she prayed that they didn't find her. Before she knew it, she had fallen asleep.
Clint and Natasha had been searching for months for the girl that Director Fury had an interest in. He wanted to find her for some reason but as usual, he never told the whole story. Clint was getting impatient and was about to call a strike until the pair came across an old woman that claimed she lived by a demon. They took a chance and asked her about it and the response they got was a little well.... crazy.
"Yes!" the lady exclaimed. "The girl is a demon! She is the daughter of the devil! She possess people if they go into that house! She's done it to me! I've seen her memories from it! There is a room meant for sacrifices I'm sure! It had blood on the floors and walls. Every day that girl goes out and until recently she and her hell hound have come back with blood on there lips and bloody things in a bag! Other than that, she never goes out of that house. I've seen her talking to one of the spirits that haunt that house! It is a young man. She becomes a spirit herself in order to speak with him. I've seen her change!"
The lady hid behind Clint as a young girl came out of the house next door. The woman called the girl a demon and got a smart ass response in return. As the girl left, Clint got an eerie feeling. Natasha whispered to him a very interesting point. "From behind, that girl looks very familiar"
It struck Clint the same way. So they went into the house she exited from, ignoring the lady's cries of warning. Once in, Clint couldn't help but laugh. "That lady has a few screws loose" He said.
Natasha agreed with a smile and a nod and they began to look around. They came across a strange door that was barred up and appeared burned. They exchanged a look and readied their weapons. Natasha shot off the hinges and they rushed in. The creepiest thing was that it was empty, and the old lady was right. The room was in shambles and there was a spot on the wall that looked like a kill zone. There was old blood on the wall and the floor. It looked years old and as if no one bothered to even try to clean it up. They became even more serious and continued onward. There was nothing else about the house that stood out. It looked normal, except that room... and the fact that in some areas of the house, it looked as if no one had been there for a decade. In fact, the only clean areas in the house was a small bedroom, and a bathroom next to it. The rest of the house looked abandoned. It was... creepy. They entered the bed room and Natasha immediately saw a small note on the wall. It was an address. they nodded and took the paper with them. That was their next target.
It was night all by the time they found the house. The note had to be 7 or 8 years old. it was difficult to read and they had to try a few time before the got it right. As they entered, Clint tried the lights, he got no response. By the look of the place, everything had probably been turned off by the government. The plumbing, electricity, etc. This house was less creepy, but still...
They armed themselves just in case an began their search. Neither was completely sure what they were looking for and got into a small discussion about it when they heard a noise above them. They nodded and headed that way, only to find it deserted, as well as the rest of the house. The weirdest thing about it was that it appeared, deserted. Like who ever lived here was evacuated and never came back, there was still food on the tables and games on the floor. That was the eeriest part.
They were about to leave with an empty trail when Natasha quickly tapped Clint's shoulder. He turned to give an annoyed look but instead gave a look of shock. Standing before them was a young boy staring at them. But he wasn't an actual person. He looked like a spirit. His color was blue and smoky. He was also somewhat transparent. His worried look turned into a look of joy as a name came from his mouth. "Amy! You’re ok"
Clint and Natasha turned around to see the same kind of ghostly figure, but it was the girl they saw earlier. The on the lady called a demon. Perhaps the lady wasn't crazy. The girl laughed and phased right through Clint -which gave him the chills- and hugged the boy. "Please help me" the girl said. "I saw it happen" The girl was crying. "I saw him kill her. I ran from his as fast as I could but he's following me. I'm sorry Max but I didn't know where else to go"
The boy hugged her back, on is face was the expression of shock. "I can't believe it" he said. "But... she can't be gone.... she's.... she's your mom. Oh Amy... I'm sorry" The image faded.
Clint and Natasha exchanged a WTF look. Seriously.... what just happened?
Amy woke with a start. She was in a cold sweat and could hear the Exorcist theme song. Her dog had pushed open the door and left her so she could reach the stupid thing. That's just what she did too. She took it, and threw it against the wall, completely forgetting that there was people down stairs. She got up and ran for Max's room.
Clint and Natasha ran for the noise, weapon in arm. All they found was an IPod and a broken pair of head phones. Clint found scary that the IPod was playing the Exorcist theme song. He unplugged from the head phones and was kinda creeped out. "First the...." he shook his head out of unbelief but he said it anyway. “The ghost? Then..... This"
"Some one's here. They trying to scare us Clint" Natasha said.
"Well it's not working" Clint said. In truth it was working a little........
Amy flopped onto Max's bed and curled up in the sheets. "Damn IPod" she thought. She only had the song on there for a Halloween party Max's parent wanted to do. They needed a song for the haunted house game and Amy was assigned to pick it. She had forgotten to remove the song after they had done the party. Muttley whined and nosed Amy's arm.
Amy groaned. Oh how tired she was. This would make 11 hours of sleep for 13 days. "All I want is a drug that kill my dreams!" she whined. Muttley sighed and trotted out of the room.
Clint's eyes narrowed as he saw a figure towards him. He put an arrow on the wire and eyed the figure. Out of the dark cam a pure white dog. A fat.... white dog. "What the hell?"
The dog went over and started sniffing them. It barked and ran back to where it came from, stopping short and looking back to bark again.
Amy looked over and saw the drawing of her and Max on the wall. She smiled. It was a drawing that Max's littler sister did. On it was Amy in a black dress with blue skin and Max as himself. Written below was Polar Guest. Amy chuckled. It was supposed to be poltergeist but Max's little sister was 6 at the time. Below the picture was the black cape depicted in the drawing. Amy got up at put it on. "Ya know. I really would make a good poltergeist." She said and laughed maliciously. As she went to go get her dog she came face to face with a small white blur.
"Ahhh!" Amy cried as Muttley nearly trampled her. Luckily Amy stayed on her feet because as she looked up, the 2 people that were probably the ones down stairs had just entered the room. Amy pulled out her knife but hid it in the cape thinking if a clever way to get these 2 to leave.
Drawing the cape across herself, Amy put on the straightest face she could. In side she was thinking "Holy crap, she has guns, he has a fricken bow & arrow! I'm so dead!" but outside she simply looked perfectly calm and said "I am the Poltergeist who's spirit wanders. Why are you here? I ask that you leave this place"
Clint and Natasha stopped as they saw a person in a black cape standing in the middle of the room. As it spoke they could tell it was a girl.
"Who are you?" Natasha asked and stepped forward.
The girl stayed motionless and answered. "I am a name-less spirit that wanderers this world"
"Really" Clint said. He could tell by the voice that was the same girl from earlier. "If you give 3 tries to guess your name we'll leave" he knew she was messing with them so he messed back.
The girl huffed. "What am I? Rumplestiltskin? I won't ask again. Leave now"
"And if we say no?" Clint asked
Amy was about to explode. This guy was a total jerk. He was like a fly! He wouldn't go away! she tried to stay calm and think of something to say. "Have you never heard of a poltergeist? We are said to be mischievous spirits that can possess at will"
"Prove it" the man said. That woman looked at him like he was crazy.
Amy was getting mad. "I'd have to perform a sacrifice. You wouldn't want you pretty lady to be gutted would you?" Amy was surprised by her own words. "Were is this coming from! I'm so creepy!" she thought. "Besides. I can tell you have already had your mind taken before" Amy was really freaking out on the inside. "How the hell do I know that!" she thought.
Clint was taken aback. How did this girl know about that? Was she psychic? "Alright fine. Don’t prove it..... Amy" He knew she surprised her by the way she took a step back. "That is your name.... right?"
"I have told you" The girl said. "I have no name. When some is killed they're memories are erased and a new chain starts. I have recollection of my life. So I have no name. However.... I know a girl named Amy"
"I knew it" Amy thought. "They must be with my father" She griped the handle on the dagger even tighter. One well aimed blow could take them out. But would she have the rage to do something that..... Something that her father would do? "No" she thought. "I am not like you" She used the facts on TV to say that when someone died, they forgot everything. She said she knew a girl named Amy though.
The man actually looked interested. "Really?" He asked. "How is that?"
"I am the spirit that haunts her house and this one. Since I am spirit, I have to wander. I have the curse of never being able to stay in one place for very long. I know her story well."
"Her house being the one next to the old lady?" The man asked.
"Whaaaaaaaat?" Amy thought. "They're..... Them?" She gripped the handle tighter. "yes" She said.
Clint smiled. He was getting closer to winning this stupid game the girl was playing. Natasha knew what he was doing so she stayed quiet but was ready to fire just in case. "Then tell me this" Clint said. "You must have been dead for years"
The girl nodded. "Yes I have been wandering for decades"
"Then you must know happened to the girl" Clint said
"I do not." The girl said. "She vanished from the world one night"
"That's too bad" Clint said. "If you did then I would have asked you about the voodoo room in that house"
Amy eyes shot open. She heard the old lady call it that.... the room she never went in. The one she tried to burn. Amy dropped her dagger and stumbled back. "No"
The man smirked. "I win.... Amy"
Amy wanted to kill him. "Fine! You win...so what?!" She took off the hood and shot him the best 'I'm going to kill you' look she could but it didn't faze him. "How do you know my name? And did get into that room? I did everything I could get rid of it. I tried to burn it? How?"
"Question 2," the man said. "Easy, we shot off the hinges, and question 1, your pathetic attempt to scare us told your name"
"What?" Amy said. "My dream!" She thought. "They saw my dream!"
Clint was getting tired of this. He wanted answers. What did they really see downstairs? Why the act? Why the chase? He gripped his arrow as he set it on the string. That girl had a dagger, and might try to use it. He expected anything, except for what happened.
"Look kid," He said. "Enough games"
His stomach jumped as the girl smiled; it was an evil smile. He'd seen it before; it was a Loki smile. "Leave or I'll take you're mind. I'll take your girl's mind" The girl's attitude had changed. She seemed like different person. Even Natasha noticed and cocked her guns in preparation.
"Empty threats kid" Clint said
The girl laughed and both agents were exchanged a glace. It was Loki's laugh. Was he in control of the girl? "I am losing my patience. You will leave!"
"Alright that's it" Clint said he stepped forward and aimed.
Amy didn't know where this violence was coming from. As the man came for her with bow cocked she lifted her hand and pushed. "Leave!" she yelled. The man went across the room and hit the hallway wall. Amy dropped her hand and looked at it. Where did that come from? How did she do that? Was that really her? She looked up as the woman called the man's name but she couldn't hear anything anymore. The room was a blur and it was changing. She blinked and was in her own house. She could hear her mom's voice... and her dad's, they were arguing as always. She saw their door open and realized that it wasn't burned. This was in the past. "Mom?" she asked. "Mom what's going on?" She couldn't hear her mother's voice any more so she open the door. Fear flooded her body as fast as speeding bullet. Her father was standing over her mom with a golden staff buried into her chest. With an evil smirk he looked at Amy. "You're next" he said.
Natasha saw Clint fly back as the girl lifter her hand. It all happened in a second. How did the girl do that? Was this her power? It didn't matter. Natasha lifted her guns and aimed them at the girl. It was weird.... the girl stared at her hand and her head bobbed. She groaned and put a hand to the side of her head. After a few seconds she looked back at Natasha and behind her was the obvious form of Loki himself. Natasha reacted in instinct and fire at Loki. He disappeared as the girl collapsed. Thinking that she killed the girl, Natasha ran for her partner. "Clint!" she cried. "Are you ok?"
"Yeah" Clint groaned. "What was that?"
"I don't know and you're not going to believe who I saw standing by the girl"