Status: slow process

CM Punk's Daughter


I had my appointment with my therapist and it went well.
When we got home, my dad had made food. My dad served me food and when he handed the plate to me it slipped from my hands and broke into pieces.
"Dammit Ariel!" My dad yelled
I panicked
"S-s-sorry." I whispered
My eyes got watery and I felt my cheeks get red.
My dad looked at me and his face softened
"Ariel, just go sit down at the table. I'll take you a new plate."
"Umm...okay." i quickly left the kitchen and sat down at the table
After awhile my dad came to table with two plates. He put one in front of me
"T-thank you." I whispered
About five minutes have passed and I kept getting more and more anxious.
"Yeah?" My dad asked
"Are y-you...umm...mad-d at me?"
"No, ofcourse not it was an accident and Im sorry for yelling at you."
"I-its okay." I said
"But since this is the third plate you have broken I think we might need to buy some plastic plates just for you." He said with a chuckle
"S-s-orry-y I'm so c-c-clumsy."
"Its fine Ariel. Stop Apologizing."

"Umm dad c-can ...I ugh ask-k you something?"
"Yeah, of course you can Ariel."
"Well umm I umm want-t t-to know if y-you quit y-your job? Like for good?"
"Actually I've been wanting to talk you about that. Yeah I no longer work for WWE. I know I told you it was a break but I wanted to make sure before I told that this was a for sure."
"Why d-did y-you quit-t?"
"Because I'm tired of how people are being treated and other reasons, that you shouldnt worry about. I just want you to know that everything is fine nothing for you to worry abouy, okay?"
"Okay, dad."
He got up and gave a hug and a kiss on my forehead
"I love you, sweetie."
"Love you too, dad."
"Now go on to your room, its past your bedtime."