‹ Prequel: Glitch


Deals of Death

"you're late"
"Yeah, I know and I'm sorry. I was just hanging out and lost track of time" Dean raced up to dos and five.
"Speaking of friends, love" Five said.
Dean knew this was coming sooner or later. He'd have do cut all ties to anyone but the group.
"no one can know what we do." Dos said.
"I know, and my sister doesn't..."
"You can't talk to her anymore." Five said.
Dean yelled in surprise and someone picked him up from behind.
"She'll make you soft"
"Put me down Trey. Now"
"Aw" The big bull dropped Dean and stood next to the others.
"Ok, I'll drop all ties. I'll..."
"What's on your arm there huh?" Trey asked.
Dos narrowed his eyes at the youth. "what did you do?"
Dean gulped. "Um, it's just a tattoo." On his arm was the roman number 7. "Besides, my lucky number remember?"
"Having that'll give you away, you bloke!" Five yelled. "you are an idiot!"
Dos held up his hand to quiet her. "I'm disappointed. Maybe you're not ready for tonight"
"No, I am it's just. Well, I can't do anything about it. I'll just stop wearing tank tops. No big deal."
"no," Dos said. "We'll wait another week. You break you ties and grow up. Understand?"
Dean let his head fall. "Yes sir. I understand"
"Go home"
Dean signed and trudged home. "stupid rules. Stupid Dos." He kicked a rock into his father's garage and heard a shuffle. Taking his Tanto in his hand he sneaked in to find the intruder. Someone was ruffling through the papers on the desk. A tall man with white hair was bent over reading when Dean surprised. "Get out of my garage"
"Your garage?" The man asked. "The biker has noticed that the garage has not been in use for 3 years. The biker has no claimed it as his own. Besides, you are just a child"
"Dude, stop talking in third person. It's creepy" Dean said. "And I'm 19. Technically I'm..." He stopped and yelled out as someone hit him over the head.
"Oh, that thoroughly sucked" Dean woke up in a chair in a dark, smelly room. "Let me guess... sewer."
"Usually the first thing people ask is 'where am I?' You're disappointing" A man with brown hair, black clothes and a red headband walked into the light. "Ok then, how bout this. Who are you?"
"I'm James Bond. Who are you?" Dean smarted off.
"Oh, I like your spice!" The man chirped. "I'm a pirate. A captain of sorts"
"A sewer rat." Dean said and the man gave him a dirty look. "Ok so a king rat. And a dirt bag, if you live down here"
"Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?" The man asked.
"and if I did?"
"Then you need a lot of soap"
"you are so cliche with all the insults" Dean rolled his eyes. That was when the man got really mad. He brought a red dagger to Dean's throat. "I am not cliche!"
"touchy, touchy" Dean mocked him. "Look are you gonna give me your name or not? I'm not calling you 'guy'."
"Gatlocke." The man said. "Captain! Gatlocke"
"Ok, Captain." Dean said. "Why'd you use biker boy to get me? What are you after?"
"I need your services." Gatlocke said. "You are for hire are you not?"
"how did you...." Dean started at him in shock.
"I'm a pirate! Duh! We kidnapped your sister and raided your room" He laughed. "good move right"
Dean broke the zip-ties that held him and slammed Gatlocke into the wall. Slime ran down the guys face. "Where. Is. Cassie!"
The pirate laughed nervously. "we didn't do anything to her, just yet" He choked on his words as Dean's grip tightened. "She's in the other room" He said harshly. "she's fine."
Dean didn't let Gatlocke go but loosened his grip and held the guy by the arms instead. "Why were you after her?!"
"we heard your pop was a chop shop king. We thought we could take a few things" Gatlocke shook with fear.
"My father's dead" Dean said. "I own the shop"
"Cool" Gatlocke laughed with fear. "c... can we make a... a deal on something?"
"Why do you need me?" Dean said. "Tell me first and I'll consider the deal"
"You're for hire right?"
"Not officially, but I could be. For the right price"
"like... like... like what?" Gatlocke asked.
"you release my sister. And tell no one that we're related. Or that I was here."
"And if I don't?" Gatlocke asked.
"Then your head goes bye bye" Dean growled.
"ok ok!" Gatlocke cried. "you got a deal!"
Dean let the pirate go and folded his arms. "Who's the target?"
Gatlocke took out a photo that he stole. "This guy. He's the target."
"What about the kid." Dean said, a bit worried after recognizing the face.
"I would avoid him." Gatlocke said with a cringing face. "He's dangerous."
"I take it so is the target?"
"Yes" Gatlocke tried to look smug. "But that's why I have you"
"Lucky me." Dean said and took the photo. "Based on this, I'd say they're pretty close. How do you expect me to separate them?"
"How should I know!" Gatlocke exclaimed. "You're the professional."
"I guess." Dean said.
"So, about that trade?" Gatlocke asked sweetly.
"don't ever talk like that again" Dean said. "Makes you sound like a chick." he sighed. "We'll talk about the deal after my mission"
"Ok, fine." Gatlocke pouted. "I do not sound like a girl!"
"Yeah.... ok" Dean took the photo and made a confused face. "How'd you get this?"
"Kid dropped it. I snatched it. Why?"
"No reason. I'll be taking my sister now." Dean said and walked up to the pirate. "If your mouth opens, I'll cut out your tongue"
Gatlocke gulped and put his hand up to throat. "Don't worry, I'll keep quiet."
Dean narrowed his eyes. "Good" He walked into the other room and happily greeted Cassie.
"I want you to head home ok?" Dean said. "I'll meet up. But then I have to go. My teacher wants me for a whole week"
"He does?" Cassie asked.
Dean nodded. "Sorry sis."
"So does that mean you can't kill the guy until next week?" Gatlocke interrupted.
Dean rolled his eyes. "You can take any 5 things from my garage for the delay. But under my supervision."
Gatlocke grinned and made the deal final.