Alien's Discovery

Alien's Discovery

I tilt my head and stare at it. Natives walk past and stare at me but I am too intrigued by this object. I radio to my officer back on my world. “I have found something very interesting, sir”
“What is it?” He radios back.
“Well” I say. “It’s the color of the ground, brownish in color, but it shines like our armor and reflects this world sun.” I lean down to touch it and it grabs onto my finger. “It seems to be attracted to me sir. It won’t let go” I shake my hand but it still won’t come off. “It’s doesn’t appear to be harmful” I say. “I feels like blood. Thick and goopy.” I smell it and wrinkle my nose. “It has a strong sweet odor.”
“Is it a weapon?” he asks.
“I don’t believe so” I say. ‘If it was, then the people here would have more of it… correct?”
“Indeed” He says. “What does it do?”
“It sticks to things” I reply. “It doesn’t seem to have any life. The main body of it is round and appears smooth. Sort of like the exterior shape of our ships. It doesn’t move but it just says there on this hard terrain. It almost looks like…” I pause to think of a comparison. “Like… the droppings of our pets”
“Well then perhaps that is all it is” he replies. “Maybe the animals living here have a sweetened diet”
“Maybe” I say. “It is very strange”
“Thanks for the repot” He says. “Keep exploring”
“Yes sir” I say and stand to continue my exploration.