Animal Magnetism

Chapter 5

The three mutants healed over the next few days with Logan constantly on guard. I swear that man became very paranoid over those few days but Charles, Rogue and I reassured him everything would be ok. I on the other hand tried to figure out what was bothering them, especially Magneto something had surprised him greatly.

I now sat in my room relaxing after an eventful class with Logan and was glad he did not need my services for the next class. It was as I was relaxing I felt a prickling sensation in my mind followed by a message. 'Sam come to my office for a meeting.' I quickly got up and walked to his office Logan and Kurt not far behind me.

When we entered the room Magneto, Mystique and Pyro were in there along with a few other X men. I stood near a chair that Storm was sitting on; Logan stood right behind me while Kurt stood at my side. I noticed Kayla had grabbed a nice spot on the couch next to Gambit, Kitty and Colossus. In the back of my mind I wondered why this would concern Kayla and I but I would just wait for the explanation.

"My fellow X Men you are probably wondered why I called you to this meeting." Spoke Charles, "it has come to my urgent attention that Eric here has something important to tell that might be a great danger to the mutant and human communities."

"Something worse than Magneto." Blurted out Logan, caused me to elbow him in the stomach.

A smile played on Xavier's lips then he spoke again, "yes if I must say Logan, something far worse then Eric here."

"You see Wolverine if you wouldn't have opened that mouth of your I would have gotten to my speech." Said Eric slightly angry, "this danger involves a mutant that wants to control both, that's who attacked us. Now there's only one problem he needs a special mutant to help him, and since he thought she was with us he attacked us and started to mind-control Sabretooth."

I could feel the anger inside of Logan rise with the mention of that name, my anger also started to rise but it passed. Magneto continued on with his speech.

"We managed to escape and get here, at first we didn't believe she existed but now that I stand in this room she stands here with us."

Everyone except Eric, Charles and I looked around, I Knew he meant me and I also knew this day would come. Xavier had prepared me for it a long time ago.

"Who is she?" Spoke Storm.

Magneto smiled, "she's standing right beside you dear."

I felt all their eyes on me and backed up forgetting about Logan being behind me. He put his hands around my waste to stop me from going any further. When he did that I felt an emotion run through my body but it wasn't from me it was from him. He felt it too since he quickly pulled away his hands, the professor smiled.

For a moment it was awkward but then Charles had dismissed us so he and Eric could talk a little more. I started to walk with Kayla and Rogue when a hand grabbed my wrist. With my quick reflexes I turned around quickly to face Logan.

"Can we talk?"

This caused the two girls to giggle and caused me to glare at them. I nodded my head yes to Logan; we then walked the other way down the hall and took a left out on a balcony. He let out a sigh and looked at me. I looked at him and gave him a smirk.

"You know Log right now isn't a time to go soft."

He let out a grunt, "who said the famous Wolverine will go soft?"

"Are you forgetting I know about Jean."

He looked towards the lake and then back at me.

"I guess you got me there."

He stopped then sniffed the air and gave me a look; I saw the animal in his eyes and realized why he looked like that.

"Damn I forgot that was going to start today." I then teleported to my room and locked the door.

I ran to the bathroom quickly and hurried a bit and got out of there, I knew Logan wouldn't mean to try and jump me but his animal instinct would. I seen him walk down the hall and when he made eye contact he pushed me against the wall and tried to kiss me but I flung him against the other wall. The noise drew a crowd including the professor and Magneto.

"What's going on here?" Said Storm; I just looked down while keeping my concentration on keeping Logan pinned to the wall.

"Well Storm I would say that Sam being a girl and part animal would be going through what animals go through and that's their heat which I'm guessing happens once every month."

Spoke Beast who being part animal himself was containing himself nicely.