Status: Comments welcome

Crossing Awornus

Triple A Kingdoms

Ellie knew there was really no time to fret, so she set about her way. Princess Ellie traveled to nearby kingdoms and met prince after prince in an attempt to meet her true love and find her 'happily ever after'. She was sorely disheartened when prince after prince turned out to be a disappointment. The prince from neighboring Aldsland was middle aged with a big shiny bald spot. He also tended to think he was the sexiest man on the planet with his chubby beer belly and greasy, grey mustache and had no respect for Ellie. That wouldn’t do. The prince from The Kingdom of Altruis apparently believed he was no better than his subjects. He even filled his castle so full of less fortunate subjects that he himself had nowhere to sleep. What life would that be for a princess? The prince from Algibria couldn't even get his head out of the tax calculations he was doing long enough to hold up a simple conversation. Ellie found him to be quite tedious.
When Ellie didn't find her true love in the Triple A kingdoms, became even more disheartened. Why couldn’t she find a normal prince like everyone else and have a “happily ever after”? She traveled south, seeking more princes in farther, and farther away places. Although she wanted to please her father and find a prince, the princes from the other lands were so unsuitable for Ellie, they aren't even worth mentioning. Finally when she thought there couldn't possibly be any more princes left, she realized there was one last kingdom to visit: the Land of Desirion. No one she knew had ever actually been to Desirion - it was forbidden. The king didn’t particularly care about the land itself, but to get there, you had to sail across the wide sea of Awornus.