Angels and Demons

A young Southern mother cries over the loss of her new little girl. The doctor and nurses can do nothing to bring the babe back and start to take her away.
“Let me see her!” The child’s Cajun father bursts into the room and grabs his little girl. “Come on sweetheart” he says as he kisses the babe.
Her little legs start to move, she opens her eyes and cries.
“What good lungs she has!” The father says as he holds her up. The doctors are bewildered but take the girl and wrap her in a blanket, giving her back to the mother.
“We need a name” The mother says.
“Jo” The father says. “It’s strong”
“Ruby is soft. I like it better” The mother says.
“Why not combine them” The father says. “Ruby Jo”
“Yes” The mother says. “Ruby Jo Jackson”
“Shane!” The father calls. “Come meet your little sister!”
A young 6 year old boy into the room.
The father looks at the mother and she nods so the father hands the babe to the boy.
The boy smiles down at the girl and holds her carefully. “I will always protect you”