So Many Kids but I Only See You

The end

In the car I quickly put the seatbelt on, I was afraid of the speed that we were reaching. I closed my eyes and breathed heavily. This caused me to have my head knocked into the window beside me. I looked over at Alan and glared at him, I managed to say bastard before blacking out. The next thing that happened was the wailing of sirens and screeching of tires on the pavement followed by a loud crash. I opened my eyes only to close them quickly since the lights above me hurt them. I looked to my right side to see Andy sleeping in the chair next to my bed.

I also noticed it was daylight, and that Andy looked horrible but probably not as bad as I looked right now. I started to sit up when a headache surged through my head and I flopped back down on my pillow. This sudden movement had awoken Andy who looked at me and smiled. And in those few seconds of smiling he jumped up and hugged me. I did my best to hug back.

"Thank god Jade you're awake I thought you'd never wake up."

"Andy you're hurting me."

"Sorry it's just I thought I lost you that night."

I glanced at him and gave him a confused look., "that night how long have I been out?"

"Three days we had to move some of our tour dates a couple of days ahead. Well of course we did I mean one of our friends, my girlfriend was in a car accident."

I smiled and looked down at myself I knew I had a couple of broken ribs and a broken collar bone but I wanted to know what else.

"So besides the ribs and the collar bone what else is there on me?"

"A few scrapes and bruises, and, well," he looked down at his feet and looked like he was going to cry. I grabbed his hand and held on to it firmly, he looked back up.

"Well you somehow managed to snap a nerve in your spine and you won't be able to walk anymore."

The look on my face must have said it all since at that moment he gently wrapped his arms around me and gave me the sweetest kiss.

"Don't worry my darling I'll look after you, you can count on me."

"I know you will Andy. Well at least I have feeling and movement in the rest of my body so I won't have to become that dependant on you."

"I wouldn't care anyways I'd still help you. The guys don't care that you're paralyzed they still care about you as a person. None of them will give you the attention you don't want."

"What about Alan?"

"Well at impact he died."

"Good, I know that's a rude thing to say but now he won't be able to hurt anyone else."

He gave me another kiss then the doctor came in. He smiled down at me seeing as I was awake now but as he looked at my legs he frowned.

"Doctor when can I leave?"

"Well as soon as I give you a once over and see that everything's ok. If that's fine by you?"

"Yes of course that's fine by me."

Andy let go of my hand and walked out the door. A part of me wanted him to stay in the room with me.

"You know you're lucky to have friends like those guys. If it weren't for them calling the police when you were taken in that car the damage could have been worse."

He then checked my vital signs and left the room, about ten minutes later Andy came in with a wheelchair and helped me in.

"Hurry up and take me somewhere that I can have a shower I probably smell bad."

"Yes Jade of course you smell bad."

This of course came from Alexis; I laughed as she gave me a hug. Andy let out a sigh of relief when he had seen his friends here. Pete walked over and patted him on the shoulder.

"That'll teach you to think we wouldn't arrive on time. Now you'll know to never doubt us," I let out a laugh.

"Oh wait he wasn't joking. Well I wouldn't doubt the other two Pete but I would you since that little picture incident."

He glared at me and then pouted.

"Jade doesn't love me anymore."

"Well at least you have Hemingway."

"Patrick you're siding with her."

"Why not?"

This came from Joe who was walking down the hall beside Andy. I grabbed Pete's hand, which was hanging beside me.

"I didn't say anything about not loving you. Anyways I never said I loved you to begin with. But if I have to I do."

He smiled then an over-dramatic Alexis spoke up.

"I'm tired of walking!"

"Well if you weren't pacing your feet off for hours on end you wouldn't be would you."

I smiled at Alexis who gave me a weird look back. I then pointed to me lap and she sat down.

"There I am so much better now."

"So am I now that I don't ever have to feel your bony ass on my legs."

"Hey that's not nice."

Once in the car I was situated between Pete and Andy who held my hand all the way to the apartment building. Pete decided to spark up a conversation.

"So Jade it must suck not being able to feel anything down there."

I understood what he meant and glared, "hey for your information I have full feeling of both that and my butt."

At that he shut up. In the apartment we had gotten on the topic of Andy and me.

"Well," said Andy, "I say you should move into my house in Chicago that way we won't be separated from each other."

"Yeah even if she's in tour with us for the next few months we'll carry everything she owns on there."

"Fine Pete you smart ass after the tour we'll come get your stuff how's that sound?"

"Sounds great Andy I'd love to."

He hugged me and decided to have a seat on me.

"Ok just because I can't feel anything doesn't mean I get to be Santa."

Patrick looked saddened, "darn."

I smiled and looked at Joe.

"Thank god you don't celebrate Christmas. I'd bow to you but seeing as I can't, I salute you. Expect Christmahanakwanzaka presents from me."

They all looked at me confused and I let out a small laugh.

"Well you see I incorporated Christmas, Hanukah and others in there. Look at what they call Christmas trees now they're holiday trees. So I made everyone feel important in there, some people are slow."

At that moment they got it and laughed as I shook my head. And I knew at that moment I couldn't wait to spend the rest of my life with these people. Even if I couldn't walk I knew I had lived enough. With them that well I could finally take rest and settle down and Andy would be the one I would settle down with.