A Little Curious, a Little Insecure

Chapter One

My story is strange one to start with and all the happenings that occurred my junior year made it even stranger. You see, here at Obview High school, the students lived in a bubble for four years before exploring the real world. Nothing penetrated this bubble and no one tried to leave it until their graduation year. This is how it has always been and how it would always be, or at least, that's the way it should have been.

I'm not much one for change. I'm actually quite resistant to change. It makes a lot of sense though because for a guy like me, Brandon Axel, it was not every day when people challenged your power. I'll put it in perspective for you. Obview High is a kingdom and for every kingdom to succeed, it needs a king. That would be me, Brandon Axel. I was born a natural leader. People do what I want and respect me. It's a trait that's in my blood.

It is my very nature to be a leader because I'm a part of the Ventrue clan. Yes, you read that right. I said clan. Yes, I am a vampire, one of the noblest too. The Ventrue are a clan of regal vampires; a type of vamipiric nobility, if you please. We are a very prestigious group that are very dominating, demanding, and educated. The clan has connections to very important people in very important positions in the human society. Basically, we have a lot of power behind us. Although, I think our never ending quest for power is the downfall for a lot of Ventrue vampires.

Anyway, where was I? Oh right, Obview High and life. My bubble theory held up for the most part. That is until the start of my junior year. It seems that some things are just inevitable to happen. You get used to it though when you're a vampire. The threat of danger and trouble always seem to be lurking around the corner.

[no one has to know the truth about this]

"Brandon Axel! My man! Where have you been all summer?" greeted my friend Scott.

A group of guys encircled me, leading us towards the main building. I smiled at him and the others in the group. They were so niave. If they actually knew what I had done all summer they would think I had gone crazy. It wasn't every day you went to Europe and...

I stopped that train of thought and shrugged, "I went to Europe."

That was partly the truth.

A few guys let out a few ooh's and aaah's. I laughed along with them.

"Aw man, Brando, tell me, what were the Amsterdam chicks like?" Scott begged with a lusty look in his eyes.

He sometimes reminded me of myself when I did not feed for a few days. I shrugged again.

"You're guess is as good as mine, I was in Italy," I said steering the group towards where my locker was located.

"Ah, lame," Scott said, eying a girl that passed the group.

"Yeah," I breathed as pulled out a book, "You're telling me."

I turned and walked down the hallway, my hallway. I smiled at several girls who swooned. Several people greeted me and asked about my summer. Obview High was mine to rule. No one moved or breathed without my say. No one challenged Brandon Axel.