A Little Curious, a Little Insecure

Chapter Ten

I awoke the next morning feeling a little off than usual. I couldn't place my finger on exactly what it was that made me feel off. Sighing, I reached for my phone. Usually on Sunday mornings, I stayed home and rested. The events of last night had shaken me and I think I was still under the effects.

The worst part was that I hadn't seen Ryan after the run-in with Roxy so I had told no one about the little incident. I dialed his number and listening to the annoying ringing of the phone.

"Sup, Ryan Sterling. Leave a message. Peace"

The beep for his ring tone went off and I glared at the phone angrily. I pressed the end call button. Ryan had not answered his phone. I tried again three more time and got the same response. A sickening though settled at the bottom of my stomach.

No, it could not be. Ryan had been dancing with the girl when I had last seen him. He must have gone home with him.

"Yo Axel, get out here."

My eyebrows rose. It was one of the other clan members, Luke Arty. He was the only other Ventrue in the house that I actually got along with. I pushed myself off my bed and walked across the hall into his room.

It was quite a contrast from mine. He had posters of his favorite bands on every wall space. His floor was littered with clean and unclean laundry. A large stereo was hidden under magazines in the corner. It was just disorderly.

My room had nice blue walls and the floor was visible. I made time to put clothes away and to organize everything. I sometimes laughed at how different Luke and I were. We got along pretty well though.

"What's Luke?" I asked, sitting in his computer chair.

He ran a finger through his black and green hair. I rolled my eyes. He grinned at me but it quickly dismissed.

"What's going on with your life? We don't talk much anymore."

"Yeah, I've been having issues at school."

"Oh yeah? What type?"

Luke is exactly two years older than me, making him nineteen. It's no wonder we relate so easily.

"Friends... Girls..."

He laughed, "I didn't think that youd have girl issues."

I laughed too, "Yeah."

I didn't really want to talk about Roxy right now.

He nodded and became serious, "You feel though, right?"

I blinked, "What?"

"There's something in town. Something big. All the elders are talking about it."

I nodded slowly. So I wasn't off my ship. Something had changed in town.

"Yeah, but I thought it was just me."

"Naw dude. People are talking. They're saying its a bad something. Just be careful."

I nodded yet again. I couldn't help but wonder. Could this feeling have something to do with Roxy?