A Little Curious, a Little Insecure

Chapter Eleven

The talk Luke and I had yesterday had bothered me a little. I mean, the elder Ventrue were very powerful vampires and if something was wrong... then something was really wrong.

I walked down one of the school's hallway, overhearing the same topic repeated in the different social circles. Everyone was talking... and they were all talking about the same thing. I was not only bothered that they were all talking about the same topic but it was the topic itself that bothered me.

There had been four disappearances in the last week. No bodies had turned up and there were no leads. I walked over to a random group of people chattering.

"Did you hear?"

I rolled my eyes.

"What?" whispered another.

"Four disappearances all of them are guys too."

"Tres odd."

"Yeah for sure," said a guy.

It wasn't anything I hadn't before. I turned around and jumped in surprise. Roxy stood behind me with her arms crossed.


"What do you want Roxy?"

"I feel pretty dejected that you rejected me on Saturday."

I rolled my eyes, "You're a regular Shakespeare. I'm sure you found a guy to relieve yourself with."

She smirked at me, "Yes, Ryan and I had a pleasant time when you left."

My eyes widened and jaw tightened, "What do you know about him?"

"We got to know each other preeetttttyyy well."

"Roxy," I warned her.

She laughed triumphantly and walked away. I was absolutely sure Roxy was the source of Scott and Ryan disappearing... but was she somehow connected to the other ones. But how?