A Little Curious, a Little Insecure

Chapter Fourteen

Please let this day end, I begged to no one in particular. I scratched the back of my head. Some of my black hair fell in front of my face. Aggravated, I swiped some of the interfering hair away. It seemed as if yesterday had simply merged into today with nothing significant to take its place.

It seemed to me that the last two days had been significantly insignificant. And although I hated to admit it, some what relaxing. There had been no trouble in the past two days. An edge that had been plaguing me no longer existed and he knew why.

Roxy was still missing.

Or at least it seemed to me that she had gone missing. There had been no contact or sign of Roxy in the past two days. I wasn't complaining though. It finally seemed as if Obview was returning back to normal. Perhaps Roxy had finally realized to see things my way.

Another issued that turned up was another disappearance. They seemed to be plaguing Obview. The authorities also failed to provide a reasonable explanation to the general public. Some how I smelled foul play at hand. It was too coincidental that all the persons were male students at Obview and were somehow associated with me.

I looked at the clock just as it hit three. In five seconds, I was gone.

[savor every moment of this]

The silent lone boy sat in his tree, watching over the entire park. Various people were walking their dogs, chatting with friends, or simply watching their child play on the playground. This was my favorite place in town. It was so untouched –so serene and peaceful. Nothing could corrupt this park.

I often times found myself jealous of the different people that I spied at the park. All capable of human interaction, well, I was capable of human interaction... its just that I would never find someone to love me. I growled to myself in adherence to what I was.

Then I froze.

I felt her before I even saw her. My eyes fell upon a mother and child. The child was running away from the swing set as the mother followed casually after her. Then there she was. Roxy crouched down in her blood red silk dress and opened her arms wide for the child whom she enveloped in a loving embrace. The mother came over and gave Roxy a kiss on the cheek.

A deep sense of envy swell inside of me. Why did Roxy get to experience something I never had or would have? How come she had a family that loved her and I would never have that?

I watched angrily as the happy family walked away.

I only had another thing to hold against Roxy.