A Little Curious, a Little Insecure

Chapter Fifteen

Something in my mind kept me back from skipping school the next day. But I had been thinking a lot lately. A lot of things were causing me to think but there was one thing that kept me coming back to school. I wanted to solve this mysterious Roxy. It was bad for my health to be so fixated on this girl yet I was.

I wasn't going to be a boy I was going to be a man. There was nothing to be scared about. She was only a girl. I just had to confront her. It wouldn't be hard considering she was right in front of me reading that damned book of hers.

A soft rock ballad played somewhere in the back of my mind. A guitar solo kept me on the path that I was set forth on. There was not way I was going to be defeated by a stupid girl like Roxy. I would proved to her who was right. Whatever that meant.

"Hey slut,"

Roxy looked up from her book and narrowed her eyes at me, "Beat it, Axel."

I sucked in a deep breath. Why? Why did I do that? I wasn't scared or intimated by her. It was obvious that she did not want me to ever come near her. But that was clear from the beginning.

"Shouldn't you be out seducing my friends or something?"

She stood up looked at me with narrowed eyes, "Axel what the fuck is it you want from me?"

I sneered at the girl, "I'll tell you what the fuck I want, Roxy. I don't want to ever see your face. I want you to just disappear."

My words were pretty clear yet Roxy didn't falter a bit. She had the same fire in her eyes as I did.

"It's simple enough, Axel," Roxy said, "Why don't you just not ever com around here? Don't be such a macho man. I can see through your visage. I can see you're not as tough as you put yourself off to be."

"Oh, uh huh," I said ignoring her, "Where the fuck were you for the past few days?"

Roxy's face grew red, "I don't know what the fuck you're talking about."

"Oh bull shit, Roxy. You're telling me not to be 'tough' but you can't even do that yourself. What are you hiding anyway? I saw you at the park."

Roxy refused to be defeated. She was trying to show that she wasn't scared of me. Something flashed behind her eyes. It looked as if she was dubious... as if she was trying to hide something from me. She didn't know if I knew or not. What was it that she was hiding? She gritted her teeth together.

"You're just an asshole who thinks he's so tough because he insults girls. I'm better than you," Roxy retorted, stomping away.

"Yeah, because that's all you can do. Run away," I called after her.

I made a move to follow her but kicked something with my foot. I picked up the object and observed it. It was Roxy's book.