A Little Curious, a Little Insecure

Chapter Sixteen

I stared at the velvet red book as I sat in my car. I had contemplated opening it and reading it but it felt wrong to invade a girl's privacy. I frowned and reminded myself that this was Roxy we were talking about. If anything, the book was probably something stupid like an old edition of Catcher and The Rye.

I opened the book and started to read the scratchy hand writing,

"It hurts...

It hurts so much. Mommy and Daddy died and I couldn't save them. Then they took me. They said they would save me but they were the ones who hurt mommy and daddy.

It hurts...

No one is here for me. They all say they will love me but they lie. How can they love me if they can hurt my mommy and daddy.

I'm so alone. No one is here."

I frowned. This wasn't a book. It was Roxy's diary and by the looks of it, she's had it since she was little. There was no date but judging by the grammar she had to be about ten or somewhere around that age when the first entry was written. I flipped a couple pages and as I did so, the Roxy in the pages seemed to mature.


No one here understands my pain! They always blame me for our misfortunes. Why do they even bother keeping me around? It is so obvious that I do not want to be with them. I hate who I have become. Of course I cause the most trouble, it is because they turned me and destroyed anything that remained of my family and memories. I have nothing. I am all alone though surrounded by many other worthless people like me. They will never understand. One day I will have my revenge."

The next page was blank. I continued to flip the pages. They were all blank until I got further to the back. When I got to the back there was a list of names. It went on for pages and I didn't understand any of it. I reached the end of the list and the dates were more recent. I continued to stare at the pages not understanding what they meant.

"Name: Scott Date: 9/5/08 Reason: Vengeance Feeling: Fulfilled

Name: Ryan Date: 9/6/08 Reason: Lust Feeling: Upset

Name: Simon Date: 9/7/08 Reason: Anger Feeling: Upset

Name: Aaron Date: 9/8/08 Reason: Anger Feeling: Upset

Name: Lily and Ann Date: 9/10/08 Reason: They were there Feeling: Upset"

I could not comprehend this list of names. It had the names of the missing people yet I could not put the two together. That was until I turned to the last page. When I saw what was on the last page I dropped the book immediately and hissed at it. The vampire clan, Daeva, seal was printed on it.

Roxy was the enemy.