A Little Curious, a Little Insecure

Chapter Eighteen

Lunch was the most unbearable thing for me. My friends around me even noticed my on edge nature. They constantly pegged me with questions but I ignored them. It wasn't long until they just gave up on me completely. But it was so hard to concentrate on such minuscule things like conversation when she was right there. They would never understand.

Roxy was right there throwing it in my face that she was a Daeva.

She was flirting with some poor innocent guy who had no idea what was going to become of him. Roxy would look up every few minutes just so she could smirk at me. Then she would return to the guy. He was completely entranced by here.

"Dude, why are you staring at her?" asked a guy at my table.

I looked at him, "Staring at who?"

"That Roxy chick. You always talk about how you hate her at lunch but now you're not talking and only staring. Kind of freaky dude."

"Hey, shut up Stephen," I said and returned to Roxy.

She was now laughing at something the guy had said. I saw her peek through one of her eyes and smirk at me. This was so disgusting. I couldn't bear to watch it anymore. Roxy stood up from the table and started to walk away. In horror, I watched as the unsuspecting human followed her.

I had to do something to stop this atrocity. Following the direction of where the human went, I got up and left the cafe.
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Sorry for shortness.