A Little Curious, a Little Insecure

Chapter Nineteen

I could not trace where the human went. In frustration, I went to the school's front steps. What if she got him already? I cursed at myself for being so late in realizing what Roxy truly was. Speaking which... as I gazed down at the school's step I saw Roxy sitting alone, gazing out at the road.

"Roxy," I hissed angrily.

Roxy turned her head slowly, as if she had expected me to be there. She narrowed her eyes at me and grimaced.

"What are you doing here, Axel? If you know what's best, you'll leave right now," she warned me.

I beared my fangs at her in anger, "Where is the human? What did you do to him? Why are you even doing this? Are you trying to make the humans realize who we are?"

Roxy looked at the ground then back at me with a threatening face.

"I have my own reasons," she said looking back at her arm.

I tilted my head, still frowning, and noticed that the marks from last week were not healed. If possible, it seemed as if they had gotten deeper and multiplied. Roxy was a vampire, those marks should have healed already. I shook my head. None of that was my concern.

"Where is he? Where did you put his body?" I snarled.

Roxy just looked at me and laughed fericously.

"Hey, is there a problem here?"

I turned around to see Bryce with his backpack slung across his back. He gave me a questioning look and looked back at Roxy who was smiling sweetly at him.

"Bryce? What are you doing with Roxy?" I asked in shock that again one of my friends had fallen under her spell.

"We're going to skip school to hang out in the park,"' Bryce said with an arch in his eyebrows, "Why dude?"

I inched closer to him and whispered, "Don't go Bryce. It may be the last thing you regret. She's more dangerous than you know."

Bryce looked at me with a disbelieving expression, "Just cause she don't like you doesn't mean I can't chill with her. She's actually pretty cool if you gave her a chance."

I watched in shock as Bryce walked away with Roxy towards the park. Roxy threw her head over her shoulder and gave me a smirk. I snarled to myself and returned back to school.

"Luke!" I screamed as I entered the clan house.

I stormed up the stairs and threw my back pack into my room. Luke was in his room reading a magazing. He peered over the top of it and looked at my upset figure. I was about ready to burst into flames.

"What's up Brando?" he asked, putting his magazine down.

He watched as I paced in his room, pulling the roots of my hair out of my head. I turned to him in a fury.

"You remember that girl problem I told you about?"

Luke looked at me a little unsure, "Uh, yeah? The bitch."

"Yeah. Well if anything could get worse... that bitch is a vampire, responsible for the disappearances."

Luke began to frown at my words.

"Luke, she's a Daeva."

Luke looked at me with wide eyes and mouth agape. I could already see the thought process going through his head. Luke stood up quickly.

"We have to tell the others."