A Little Curious, a Little Insecure

Chapter Two

I gave a huff as I stared at the glorious brick building before me. It was covered with ivy and seethed with an odor that I despised so much. It was my first day at the school and I wanted to go as much as I wanted to eat garlic. I hissed at the stupid building from behind the tinted glass.

"Roxanne," snapped the female in the driver's seat, "You only brought this upon yourself."

I rolled my eyes. She was right. The only reason why the whole clan had been forced to move was due to the fact I was unable to keep my thirst under control. Yes, my thirst. No, I am no an alcoholic. I have a different type of addiction. I'm addicted to human blood. No, I am not a cannibal. I'm simply a misunderstood teenage vampire. I've caused the clan to relocate three different times in the past four years. It's quite humiliating. I know toddler vampires who handle the thirst better than I do.

I'm not stupid. I know that my actions are creating tension the house and making more enemies than friends for me. But it's in our clan's nature to lust. I'm a Daeva vampire and I'm terribly proud of it. The Daeva are known for their sensuality and seductiveness. It makes hunting easier for us. But not only do we lust for sexual pleasure but we also have a terrible blood lust. It's must more insatiable than the thirsts that other vampire clans feel.

Another reason I'm glad to call myself a Daeva vampire is even though I'm shit ugly compared to the other Daeva vampires, I'll always be beautiful in comparison to a human. I know that sounds vain, but it's true. Our clan has this stupid need to be physically perfect, not that I mind or anything.

But I think at this point of my life, I'm incredibly tired of the stupid Daeva traits. They've made me become something I never dreamed I could. I wasn't born a vampire. I was turned when I was eleven. That's a time of my life I like to ignore.

"Come on, Roxanne," she snapped again.

I hissed at her and threw the door open, slamming it hard as I exited. I could smell the blood of every single student in the school. It made me sick how much I wanted it all. I could slaughter the whole school right now. I glared at the prison, not knowing how I would survive.