A Little Curious, a Little Insecure

Chapter Twenty

Today was Saturday. That was good. Saturday was a good day. It meant a Roxy free day. Yesterday after talking to Luke, we confronted the elders. Surprisingly, it seemed like they sort of expected the news we told them. They were thankful for our confirmation, that's what they had said. Apparently, they had suspected the arrival of another clan.

But that was behind me now. The matter would be sorted out now that it was being handled by the proper people. Roxy and the rest of the Daeva would be gone soon. Right now, I was just occupied with hanging out with the guys.

It was about one in the afternoon and we were all tired from the basketball game that we had just played. My team won, obviously.

"I can't believe we lost," Stephen said as he took a seat on the concrete table I was sitting on top of.

A few other guys nodded in agreement. I laughed.

"Oh come on, you guys know that I'm the best," I said snottily.

Someone who had been on my team shouted in agreement and gave me a high five. This was something I was used to. This was how things were supposed to be. This was how things were before... Roxy.

My body tensed up at the thought of her. She was a despicable creature and I hated every living part of her. I shook my head. There I go again, thinking about her. I growled angrily at myself only to have my thoughts interrupted by someone's voice.

"Hey guys," said the voice.

My head snapped up to see Bryce making his way towards us. My mouth twitched in rage as I noticed he was adorning a pitiful bug on his arm. A bug that I had grown so fond on hating. That irritable bug was Roxy.

Who did she think she was? Barging in on my turf; thinking she had right to it because she was acquainting herself with one of my once loyal followers. There was no room for her here. No matter what she was not welcome.

Her white flowy summer dress certainly did not give her passage, although the other male humans would have disagreed. A chorus of 'hey's' greeted Bryce and the insect he was sporting. He began to introduce Roxy to the group. The whole time Roxy and I glared at each other as if looking away meant the other had won the battle.

I interrupted poor Bryce, "Well Roxy, seems you found someone else to leech onto."

The others looked at my shocked at my evident displeasure and hostility. The only two not taken surprised by my coldness were Roxy and myself. The slug merely laughed shrilly at me. These humans were unbelievably stupid.

"Axel, you seriously need to find a better past time than insulting girls," Roxy said half jokingly half insultingly.

"You're no girl, Roxy," I said blinded by anger, "No girl would go around sleeping with any guy then kill them the next day."

To the humans listening, they probably thought he was referring how she broke hearts after she slept with a guy. Roxy and I knew better though.

"Dude, not cool to insult a lady," someone said.

I glared angrily at them and instantly rendered them mute. My gaze returned to Roxy who was now looking at me with a disgusted look on her face.

"You have no idea what you're talking about," She said darkly.

"Oh cut the shit Roxy. We all know you're a lying slut."

By now, Bryce had gathered enough courage to speak on Roxy's behalf, "Yo, Brando. Chill, alright? What's wrong with you? Roxy's with me, alright?"

"Yeah dude, no way to talk to a lady," Stephen backed up.

Someone else in the group chorused a 'Yeah' in the background.

I gritted my in disbelief. These guys were only ganging up on me because they didn't see or know Roxy for what she truly was. She would win this time, for now. I gazed up to see her smiling mischievously at me.

God, she was aggravating.