A Little Curious, a Little Insecure

Chapter Twenty-Two

“Such a pitiful creature you are, Roxy,” sneered my clan leader, Sandra.

I glared up at her from the ground. My brown hair was a mess and my arms bled. She and the other clan members had some secret pleasure, secret obsession, with throwing me around. It had something to do with the fact that I was considered the ‘weakest’ vampire in the clan. I was known to be prone in giving into the thirst. So the beat me up.

Kelsey, one of the clan members, grabbed me, held me down, and let the others bite into my arm. I screamed in pain as one by one they each took a stab at me. I refused to cry. But every night I grew closer and closer to completely losing it. I don’t know why they keep me, but I can’t leave. I’d die if I did. But at the rate at which I’m going, I’m going to be dead anyways.

“I wish that you would just learn, child,” Sandra said as the others stood me up so she could put her face into mine, as if she were searching the space behind my eyes like it was a window wish flashing lights inside.

But there were none. And my eyes showed nothing but pain and loathing. None of the vampires understood. They could never understand. This life, if you could call it that, was one that I could no longer live. It was horrible. I was out of control of it. Controlled by a thirst that returned everyday—every night.

I wanted my control back.

Sandra had the girls throw me out of her office. Again. She didn’t care for me to be present at meetings. Not like I wanted to be at them anyways. Out in the hallway, I sat with my back against the wall and picked up my arms gingerly, inspecting the damage that had been done that night. The holes were deep again. They hurt. They would heal, eventually, but a vampire’s bite isn’t one that’s easy to heal. And they were reopened every night.

I sighed.

“Attention,” Sandra’s voice boomed from the meeting room. “I have some news that might be unsettling to you all.”

News? I thought. Sandra never had news. Usually, she would just brag about her latest meal.

“We have come across information that the Ventrue clan resides in this town.”

Several vampires gasped.

“And,” Sandra continued, “They’re going to start a war.”