A Little Curious, a Little Insecure

Chapter Twenty-Three

It is not as if I chose this life for myself. Who would choose a life like mine if you could even call it a life? I was riddled with hunger and thirst day and night. What I did to control it only last so long. It was never enough.

I could never save myself from myself. And since I could not protect myself from my own worst enemy, I was defenseless against my own clan. My own clan, my supposed “family”, even hated me. Abused me.

This morning, they had decided to awaken me with another beating. I was thrown off of my bed and left to the mercy of my crazed clan members.

“Don’t ruin this for us!” They screamed over and over again.

This morning, I had had enough. “Maybe I’d be more loyal if you weren’t always hurting me!” I screamed.

Power. It was always about power. They wanted to remind themselves of who was in power lest one of us should forget. Let me tell you, I will never forget.

“I,” hissed one of the angry members as she griped my hair and pulled me up so we were face to face, inches from each other. “will. kill. you. myself. if you ruin this for us.” She let me go and I got ready for school. For another pointless day. Another day for me to fail.

When I got there, Brandon was set and ready to come at me. My tiredness made me angry and just seeing his face made me want to explode. But I wouldn’t. I couldn’t. I would ruin it for the clan if I let myself go.

“Roxy,” Brandon hissed as he walked up to me before I had even made the front steps. “You don’t belong here.”

I stared angrily at Brandon in silence.

“Say something,” he commanded.

“What makes you think I want to be here?” I hissed back.

Brandon narrowed his eyes at me, “Stay away from Bryce.”

“Stay away from me.” I retorted.