A Little Curious, a Little Insecure

Chapter Four

The whole day went and I never ran into the mysterious Roxy again. I did not see her in the cafe at lunch and she was not in any of my classes. I was not the only one to find her appearance at school alarming. I had overheard several people talking about her.

"Did you see the new girl?"
"Yeah, she's such a freak."

"Dude, you see the new chick?"
"No, why?"
"That is the hottest piece of shit I've seen at Obview."

That's where it began. The girls despised this Roxy girl and the guys wanted her. It was natural and I expected these responses from the students at school. Little did I know that the trouble would ensue and my small bubble kingdom would soon fill with poison.

I arrived at school the next day and as I exited my car I noticed some type of commotion erupting on the front steps. In a few long strides, I found myself at the school's steps where a large crowd was circled around two people. The crowd parted as I walked toward the opening.

"Aw, you're such a tease, Roxanne," said a familiar voice.

"Tease? What part of,'You're head is too far up your ass' is considered teasing?" snapped the angry girl.

The crowd ooh'd and aah'd. I was not amused a bit. I entered the circle where the two were arguing. The crowd made a bigger circle, in case I decided to lash out at them. Scott hurried to my side and gave me a high five.

"Brando, my man. Check out this chick," Scott said not so discreetly.

"Oh yippee, king Brandon Asshole is here to save me," she sneered, clutching the book she was holding to her chest.

I ignored her comment and frowned, "What is going on here?"

Scott laughed, "I merely commented on how nice she looked tod-"

"He said, 'Nice tits,' to me," Roxy corrected.

"Well, they are nice," Scott shrugged.

That's when she exploded, or more so, imploded. I could see the steam coming from her small figure as she advanced onto Scott. He made no move to avoid her, obviously enthralled. I, on the other hand, did not see it as a good thing. It seemed as though Roxy has some type of repressed anger.

"Scott Wolf," she sneered in a harsh whisper. I took into note that she was merely inches away from touching his face. I stuck an arm in between them to keep the distance safe. She snapped her head and... hissed at me? Roxy turned back to Scott, "So you want trouble? Well I'll give you trouble."

She snapped her head away from Scott and turned to me. There was something about her that seemed off. The way she moved, talked, and looked screamed something so wrong to me.

"I don't need saving," she said angrily.

"I didn't think so. Good thing I came to see if Scott needed help," I replied coldly.

"Dude, I didn't need help," Scott whispered.

I glared at him over my shoulder to shut up and he withdrew.

"Well. I beg to differ," Roxy retorted, giving a fake laugh. She began to walk away.

Scott glared at her retreating back. Before I could stop him, he reached out and slapped her butt. I smacked my head with the palm of my hand. Scott never knew when he was walking a thin line or if he had just jumped over it.

I watched in terrible slow motion as Roxy turned around and decked Scott in the face. The crowd cheered as Scott touched his face gingerly, still unsure of what had happened. I watched as Roxy prepared herself for another punch as Scott started turning towards her. I quickly stepped in between them, shielding Scott from Roxy.

"Quit it Roxy," I spat angrily.

She glared at me with narrowed eyes, "Some king you are! What are you going to slap my ass too?"

"I wouldn't dream of it. Plus there isn't much to slap," I replied.

She narrowed her eyes at me, "You just want to provoke me, don't you?"

"Just quit starting trouble. This is my school and I have a low tolerance for people like you."

She laughed at me, "Some threat."

"It's a warning."

"Or what? You'll have me burned at the stake?"

"Fits for a witch like you."

Roxy gave a laugh and walked off into the crowd, disappearing among the students inside. Scott laughed as the crowd slowly departed.

"Dude, she totally wants me," he said in a nasally tone.

Frowning, I turned to see why he was speaking oddly. I almost died when I saw the blood running down his nose. Roxy had broken Scott's nose.

"How can you say that? She just insulted you in front of many students and gave you a broken nose."

"Exactly, Brando, She. Wants. Me."

Scott grinned his white teeth at me. I simply shook my head in disbelief as we walked towards the bathroom to clean him up.