A Little Curious, a Little Insecure

Chapter Five

Twice. I had only to run into the dread Roxy twice before concluding that I absolutely despised the girl. She made me want to bite my own head out. If I did not have morals, I'd say I would have bitten her right there in front of everyone.

Despite how much I told myself I absolutely bothered by this newcomer, I found myself thinking of her on several occasions. Like right now, I was imagining Roxy actually being civil to me and us turning out best of friends. That would never happen. She was too much of an anal-retentive bitch. I forced myself to focus on what my chemistry teacher was writing on the board. I glanced over to the seat next to me and realized no one was sitting there.

That was Scott's seat. I hadn't spoken to him after the incident yesterday morning. He didn't seem bothered by it anyway. If anything, it seemed to somehow boost ego. The thing with Scott is that the girl's personality can be shit and he'd still want to have sex with her. With me, it's different. I'm more of I'll get to know you before we do anything. But it's hard to have a relationship when you've got an image to uphold. Plus, being a vampire doesn't really help.

"Mr. Axel?"

I looked up from my desk to see the chemistry teacher speaking to a TA at the door.

"Yes, Mr. Clash?" I answered politely.

"You're wanted in the principal's office."

I nodded and followed the TA out of the classroom.

[better take it easy, i ain't got much for you]

I entered the principal's office quietly. The principal and I have this odd relationship. For some reason, he sees something in me. He believes that I speak for the student body and that I can control them. Hm, he's not too far off. It was more a forced position if anything. It's not like I wanted to lead my fellow peers. I had to lead my fellow peers.

"Please, sit Mr. Axel."

I obeyed and say in the leather arm chair situated in front of his desk. The old man slicked back his hair and folded his hands on his desk as he leaned forward, as if he were going to tell me a secret.

"You're probably wondering why I have called you here. No, you are not in trouble," he said smiling a little.

I nodded as a response.

"You and I are well aware of the power you hold over your fellow classmate."

I remained silent.

"Well, I would like this year to be a more subdued year than the last. I trust I can rely on you to make sure no trouble occurs this year?"

I immediately thought of Roxy. It would prove challenging to keep the peace in school with someone as colorful of Roxy. I really did not want to promise the principal something I could not keep.

"Mr. Axel?"

I snapped my attention back to him. I did it again! I distracted myself with that stupid brunette girl! I mentally kicked myself.

"Yes, Mr. Cassidy. It will be done."

"Good. Please do not make an exceptions for your friends."

I nodded.

"You are dismissed."

[rid yourself of vanity and go with the seasons]

The hallway was clear. It made sense because second period was still in session. I sighed as I turned the corner. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw her. She was at her locker. She was sitting on the floor, scribbling in a book.

I felt something rise in me. It was a seething hate for the girl sitting peacefully on the floor. I had no idea where it came from but it was strong. I had the urge to go over and strangle her. Never before had I ever wanted to hurt someone this badly before.

I calmed down a bit when she still had not noticed me standing a few feet away from her. It was slightly pleasant to watch her read and write. It was nice to view her from a different perspective. Having a girl insult me at both encounters was as unpleasant as getting up early on the weekend. Sitting silently on that floor actually made her seem civil. I walked up quietly to her.

"Shouldn't you be in class?" I asked somewhat civilly.

"What are you? The goddamned principal? For chrissake, go away asshole," she replied without ever leaving the line she reading in her book.

Yeah, this year would prove difficult with Roxy around.

"Don't you think this senseless arguing is rather annoying?" I asked her.

She closed her book and stuffed it inside her messenger bag. Standing up, she faced me with a scowl on her face. What was it that aggravated her so much about me? What was it about her that aggravated me so much?

"Good to see my plan is working," she retorted, pulling a book out of her locker.

I did not respond to her. Roxy looked at me annoyed and rolled her eyes, "Are you still standing there? Honestly, go find some peasants to tend to you or something."

"I've found one right here!" I spat.

She turned to me, "You are not better than me!"

"Keep dreaming darling, you'll see in time. You'll see things my way soon."

"I doubt it, I wouldn't want to walk around thinking everything is shit around me."

"What kind of comeback is that?"

"Asshole," she muttered as she walked away.

"Yeah, because that's the only thing you can throw back at me!" I shouted after her.

The bell rang.