A Little Curious, a Little Insecure

Chapter Eight

"Hey guys, I heard about this party happening tomorrow," Ryan said as he licked his fork covered in tomato sauce.

"Really? Where's it at?" someone else asked.

In truth, I was only really listening half to the conversation they were having. Thoughts of Scott and Roxy ran through my head. What exactly had happened? Why was Scott missing? Where was he? What did Roxy know about it? I was dying to know. I laughed to myself. That is, if I could die.

"This girl named Cindy is having it," Ryan replied, "I'm planning on getting my fair share of tail. Are you in Brandon?"

I looked at him with raised eyebrows.

"Of course I'm in," I replied with a smirk.

I needed something to take my mind off of Scott. My smirk immediately dropped to the floor when I saw Roxy enter the cafe reading some book. She sat alone in the corner of the room. Just seeing her made me want to jump on a table in scream... But that was that was too Tom Cruise.

"Damn look at that Roxy chick," Ryan stated as a pasta noodle dropped from his open mouth.

I glared at him, "She really isn't that great."

He ignored me though.

"It's no one Scott went nuts for her," he continued.

I gazed at Roxy again, not seeing what Ryan was seeing and what Scott had seen.

"She's a bitch dude" I snapped.

Ryan looked at me, "Just because she doesn't like you doesn't mean she wont like me."

I rolled my eyes, standing up.

"What are you doing dude?" Ryan asked in surprise.

"I'm going to show you what I mean."

The guys watched as I strolled over to where Roxy was sitting. She refused to take notice of my presence as I stood across from her. I cleared my throat.

"Come back to insult me more Mr. Asshole?" she said without looking up from her book.

What was it with that stupid book? Was it permanently glued to her hands? What was so interesting about it? What was it?

"No, just came here to prove a point to my friends," I sneered.

She placed the book down. Thank goodness.

"What would that be?" She asked.

"Simple. That you're a bitch," I said smirking.

She frowned at me, "Don't you have anything better to do with your time besides start petty fights with me? Maybe like getting laid or something? Your friend Scott had the right idea."

She smiled evilly at me and my face grew hot. So she did know where Scott was.

"Well, it seems my point is proven. You're just a stupid bitch with legs as open as a convenience store. Good to know you're incapable of love. Hey I know a few guys who could use some if you're interested."

Roxy slammed her fist on the table as she stood up. I blinked at her fist, noticing the dent it created in the table. I never knew girls could be that strong. She walked up to me.

"Well, Mr. Axel. I know someone who can fix your face after I do this,"

I watched as she drew back her fist. It connected with my cheek and I could taste blood in my mouth. My side ached. Before I could retaliate Roxy had already disappeared. All I could hear was the howling laughter of my friends.