A Little Curious, a Little Insecure

Chapter Nine

I had spent the whole Friday being angry at Roxy for embarrassing me in the cafe. Punching me was a little too far. My friends did not help the situation either. They would constantly poke fun at the bruise that adorned the side of my face. Granted, it was a slight pink tone now. Thank goodness I healed quickly.

But tonight, this Saturday night, all I would do is relax. I smiled as a girl waved at me from the dance floor. My friends nudged me to follow her and dance but I shook my head no.

"Aw come on Brandon. She's totally asking for it!" Ryan exclaimed, almost falling off the couch's arm that we were sitting on.

"Nah, I don't know dude," I said taking another sip from my beer.

"I'd totally tap that..." Ryan slurs as he gazes as the provocative girl.

"Go for it dude," I insisted.

"For real? You need it more than I do," Ryan says still not looking at me but at the girl who was now touching herself in areas that should not be touched in public.

Before I could answer, Ryan got up and followed the girl deeper into the crowd of dancing people. I laughed. Ryan was a good guy.

"Oh my gosh, she's such a slut," a girl complained behind me.

I glanced over my shoulder to see a group of girls gossiping behind the couch.

"I know! I can't believe she's doing that. She's like a stupid stripper," another girl complained.

"What was the bitch's name?"

"Roxy something."

My ears perked up at the name. Roxy was at this party? It was like I could not avoid her. She was everywhere I turned. The group was talking about her ding something. I downed my beer and stood up unsteadily. Curiosity got the best of me. I explored the house looking for the dreaded girl.

Several minutes later I was on the back porch. A group of people were laughing and watching someone on the patio table; that someone was dancing not so modestly on the table; that someone was Roxy. I could smell the lust that came off of the guys next to me. It made their blood smell tainted; ruined. It was sickening.

Roxy jumped off the table and walked up to me. There was something different about her. She had this look on her face but I couldn't make out what it was. I stepped back a little when she got to close. Was she... drunk?

Roxy leaned into me, drawing circles on my chest with her finger.

"Hey Brandon," she said in a sultry tone, "Do you know how much of a bad boy you've been to me in the past week?"

I blinked at her. W-what... what was she doing? Was she trying to... seduce me? My mouth was left agape. She laughed sweetly at my silence.

"Do you want to get out of here?" she asked with a mischievous look on her face.

I'll admit Roxy wasn't that bad looking. She was pretty decent. Oh who am I kidding? She was gorgeous. I'd probably give anything to sleep with her. Wait, what?

Then it hit me. I shoved her away.

"Get off of me, stupid slut!" I shouted.

I was still shocked that I had almost taken her up. What had gotten into me?

"I'd never get with a diseased person like you! Who'd want you anyhow?'


I watched as Roxy stalked back into the party. It took several minutes before the pain registered. I griped the side of my face in agony. She had punched me. AGAIN.