

"we're so close!" Dr. Xanthan slams his fist onto the counter.
"Doctor, please" his assistant Dr. Radon says.
"We've tried multiple times and still they all just die!" Dr. Xanthan is in another one of his failure temper tantrums. His previous experiment died after only hours. As advanced as his people are, the sickness that they've cured the technology they have, still he cannot make artificial life. It is his life's work gone down the drain too many times. He knew this was his last chance and he blew it.
"Yana" he says. "I'm sorry..."
"For what?" Dr. Radon asks.
"For letting you down... for failing again. I... I can't continue. The board said that if it failed again..." He threw his work into the wall. "They're cutting my funding! All of it!"
Yana gasps. She never thought that the Board would go that far. Even though Dr. Xanthan’s experiments kept failing, she always stuck with him. All throughout the 368 trials. She watches as Dr. Xanthan sinks down onto the floor and cries. His life work is being taken from him. Not only will he no longer have the lab, but he is getting old. A bit too old to be relied upon... based on the Board's opinion.
Yana sits with him as they watch the Berkelium authorities clean out the lab. All the different trials are drained and disposed of.
"Man his work is creepy" one of the men comment.
"I still can't believe they funded him at all" another adds.
"This one's got a tail" One points to a container. "Creepy"
After the lab is cleaned out, Dr. Xanthan is relocated to a small city of Berkel. He looks up at his new home. (On earth it might be called an Apartment)
"I'm so sorry Yana" he says. "I have failed you" they walk into their room, just below the attic.
"No" Yana says. "You didn't. We can try one more time." she holds out 2 vials. Each containing a living item as big as a grain of rice. "Make them yours"
Dr. Xanthan immediately starts working. The owner of the building allows the doctor to use his attic as storage space if needed. However, Dr. Xanthan uses it for other purposes. Gathering miscellaneous supplies, he begins his experiment one more time.
Each day he watches as his experiment grows. (It was like watching grass grow though.) It takes a year for them to starts moving then responding to electric signals. Whatever is different is working. Dr. Xanthan hurries to keep them alive, so far they are stable. Yana can hardly contain her excitement. When the final moment comes, both people hold their breath. The subject are stable and ready to breathe their first breath of the cold Berkel air.
Xanthan gets ready to awaken them and is seconds away from hitting the drain.

A group directly from the Board busts into the attic and takes out Yana. Xanthan is arrested for illegally continuing his work. He watches with despair as again, the subjects are drained and carried away. He sees them go limp in the arms of the agents, and goes into depression as he is sent to prison.
Mourning the death of his college, Yana and despising the Board for taking away his life's work Dr. Xanthan sits and waits for his next trial. He figures it will be death. What he had done was a 1st rate offence. Nothing can redeem that but death according to the Board. Before he is sentenced, a young man runs though the court doors. "Your Honors!" the man cries "You're not going to believe this! Xanthan did it! The babes are alive!"
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1.Earth___I. Berkel
2. tilt
3. seasons/weather____III. no seasons or much weather
4. 2 years/2 months_______IV. 1 year/1 month
5. Humans V. Ruthen
6. many different climates______VI. only climates are cold
frozen land and hot desert
7. Multiple time zones____VII. Single time zone
8. could fit 10 Berkel's into 1 earth
9. English____VIII. Berkelium
10. single leaders____XI. Board of 10 people ((not
very fair))
11. 1 moon____X. 5 moons