
Longest Trip..... EVER!

Gem sighs as she reads one of Anthony's books. Next to her sits Ni looking at what she's reading instead of the book he has in his hands. She seems interested in what ever the subject was.
"Would you quit reading over my shoulder" Gem says.
"Oh sorry" Ni leans back.
"If you want to read it... i'm almost done." Gem says. "It's very interesting. It's about a team of advanced people. I think Anthony called the heroes. He said it would be a good read. Anthony calls it fiction. I wonder if there are more fictions out there"
Ni shrugs. "I guess we'll find out. If we ever get there!" He gives and exaggerated sigh. "THIS IS SO BORING!"
Gem laughs. "Anthony said it was far away. It took him an earth year to get to Berkel. It's only been a few months"
"uhhhhhhhhhhhhh. All there is, is books!" Ni calls out. "I'm tired of books!"
"Patience brother" Gem says. "Patience"
Ni sighs and goes to get food.
A bunch of months pass as they ship flies to Earth. Gem is still reading the books and Ni has given up. He leans back in his chair and falls asleep with the book covering his face. He falls over as the ship lurches. Gem races to the landing seats and straps herself in. Ni soon follows. The grip each others hands tightly as they fall to earth. They feel the heat of the re-entry and the g-forces pushing them farther into there seats. They feel another violent lurch as the ship hits the ground and slides for a good minute until it finally stops.
Gem is shaking a bit out of pure adrenaline. Ni slowly unbuckles his straps and stands. He helps Gem stand and they walk out into the large room. The door was right there. The door into a new world. The see water seeping from the edge of it and step back cautiously. Ni takes his sister's hand and nods. "We can do this"
They walk to the door and Ni tries to push it. "It's melted" he says.
He is correct. The door had been melted by the re-entry. It is now welded to the outer wall.
"how are we going to get out?" Gem asks.
"Look" Ni says pointing to the water that swirls around their feet. It keeps coming it, but very slowly. It seems to recede and come back like a living thing. "The bottom melted a hole in it"
"Maybe we can use that" Gem says.
Ni nods and starts to think. Gem plays with the water. "It has sand in it. Like the desert sand on Berkel. I wonder why there's water in a desert"
"Maybe it's an oasis like what they write about in the books" Ni says. "Let me think"
"Sorry" Gem says and goes back to messing with the water. She looks up in curiosity and walks up to the door. As she touches it, she reals back as she is burned.
"What was that for?!" Ni cries, the same burn appearing on his hand.
"I hear voices outside" Gem says.